Hi Everybody!

ValerieZ84 Posts: 98 Member
edited January 11 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everybody, I'm a 28 year old mother of two boys, a 28 month old and a 9 month old. Add in the always working hubby, 2 dogs and 4 cats, and you have one crazy household! Ive been overweight my entire life. Chubby as a toddler and never looked back. I averaged around 180-190 through high school. Im 5'4. Around 2007 I went on a strict diet and combined with the constant walking for my job, dropped to 141, and a lovely size 7. (I still hoarde those jeans in my closet as motivation). Then I moved in with my fast food addicted, veggie hating fiance who is now my hubby. The pounds just piled back on as I cooked to suite his needs. I went back on a diet then found out I was pregnant. No excuses after that... I just got lazier than ever. Moved away from friends & family and just started to comfort eat. Had baby #2 and well, the day I gave birth to him the scale said 238lbs, my heaviest ever. It was a sobering moment for me. Its been a rocky road, I dropped 40lbs and was at 197 thanks impart to a bad gallbladder where I threw up almost everything I ate. After healing from its removal, and having nothing but jello and chicken broth for ages i went crazy again. Along came the holidays and BOOM... right back to 214.4. Im putting my foot down. Enough is enough. I need to be healthy for myself and my kids. I hate excercise but I get out and walk at least an hour a day, trying for 1 hour Am and 1 Pm if the cooperates, work my body strength up to doing more. I did it once, and Im going to do it again, but better... 117lbs is my goal. 6 pounds down in a week... Im on my way!


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