A weird fact about you.



  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Pedicured Feet An absolute must. Manitumblr_lymwdtciUl1ro1gr4o1_500.jpg nails. Obsessed with Lotions, Oils and Salts.

    Nice toes!
  • Jeckersaw
    Jeckersaw Posts: 10 Member
    I have three kidneys.

    Wow, that could really come in handy; do they all function?
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    When I drink anything I always look into the bottom of the glass.
    I get laughed at for it, people say it makes my eyes cross.
  • Jeckersaw
    Jeckersaw Posts: 10 Member
    I loooooove BIRDS! Ok it's a bit of an obsession, I talk to wild birds in one of those silly girl voices, "hi birdie, you are so cute," for instance. I own a Lovebird and ADORE him!!! People think I am crazy and call me the bird lady.

    I do the same, and am definitely obsessed with the two birds who I live with. I can't seem to get enough of them.
  • PaulScottHardwick
    disappearing moles on skin
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    I won Wipeout... 50 G's yee all!

    Awesome! Love that show! Especially the Japanese version.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I towel off after a shower exactly the same way all the time. I know I do it and tried to change, but that mad me feel weirder.
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    If i get the hiccups i turn in to the Incredible Hulk. I become absolutely enraged.
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    My skin is very stretchy. I can pull my elbow skin down two inches, grosses my kids out but it's fun.

    I went to school with a kid who could pull the skin at the base of his neck all the way up around his mouth. It was awesome.
  • taekwonkenpo
    My guardian is a mutated rat.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    I like to massage womens feet

    Are you any where near me?

    If it's any help I used to roll my boyfriend's ciggs for him as we were going along on his motorbike. Useful, I know.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    And I have always had a thing for elves. Even before the LOTR films. Possibly more since though :love:
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    I always go to bed head to foot but wake up feet to head

    That's interesting. I start in the "usual" place but most mornings me and my pillow are curled up at the very bottom end..
    Never thought about it till I read what you said.
  • IslandDreamer64
    IslandDreamer64 Posts: 258 Member
    1) High-frequency hearing:
    Normal kid hearing tops off at 20kHz. As a kid, an impromptu test with an oscilloscope proved I could hear up to 30-35kHz. I actually parlayed that talent into a (non-paying) gig. At 6 years old, I was in a summer program to learn computer programming. It was a hour-long city bus ride across town, so I used to get there 45m earlier and have to wait outside in the summer heat. After class one day, I told the teacher that some monitors were still on. From 20+ feet away I could tell how many and which ones. From then on, he made arrangements for the custodian to let me in early and unlock the class and computer storage room. I would then setup all 25 Apple II computers before class and put them all away after school, all completely unsupervised!
    I don't know whether I can still hear that high a frequency, but I can still tell if a TV (tube or LCD) or computer has been left on while I'm passing by a room.

    Thought I was the only one! Going into Best Buy is painful for me because of the sound of all the TVs on, with the volume off. It's like a dagger through my ear drum, that high frequency noise they make.

    I also count stairs and need to land on my left foot. I remember how many stairs there are after going up or down them one time, so the next time I can start on the correct foot so I can end up on my left foot.
  • Gracerrr
    Gracerrr Posts: 141
    When I put gas in my car, the $ amount HAS to land on the nearest quarter. ex: $25.00, $25.25, $25.50, and so on.
  • wendy378
    I can't stand for anyone to touch my feet! I cringe thinking about it.
  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member
    I have Palmar Hyperhidrosis and I cure it monthly using a process called Iontophoresis.

    Hey! I actually know what you are talking about!
  • sunman00
    sunman00 Posts: 872 Member
    I can say the alphabet backwards
  • crazihel
    crazihel Posts: 72 Member
    Mr Bean gave me nightmares when I was 12 and ever since whenever I watch a scary film I can' t sleep facing the sink in my bedroom corner as it reminds me of the painting he ruins in Bean the Movie :S
  • 2BIG2B4U
    Ever since I can remember, I won't use the sink water while the toilet is flushing. lol