MFP Flunkie!

I have been doing horribly as of late. Just not caring to keep track of what I'm eating and eating far more then I know I should. I did exercise twice last week, but it doesn't seem to matter. I can't seem to be consistent enough in both exercise and diet to anything more then maintain. So how do the rest of you find success? How do you stay motivated instead of slipping back into bad habits? I don't have the money for a diet program (Jenny Craig, WW) or a gym membership, so I'm having to do this on my own. Any advice is appreciated? Thanks!


  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    A good support base is #1 for me. My hubby is right there to be my "cheerleader" when I need him. My children are a great support too. I workout from home because like you I can't afford a gym membership. I have bought workout videos and do it from home. I have thought about even using the stairs in my home as a way to workout. I go for bike rides with my family. If the exercise is boring to me the less likely I am to do it. So I try to make the things fun for me. As for the eating I have found healthy alternatives to the things that I like to eat. I hope that is a help for you.
  • missygal
    missygal Posts: 60
    I have also been struggling! I am starting the 5 Day Slim by Leslie Sansone tomorrow morning. Maybe give one of her DVDs a try, they aren't too expensive. Sorry I can't be of more help, but you can do it!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Before this last month I did it all from home and lost 55lbs so I know you guys can do it. I bought several workout DVDs because that way I wouldn't get bored with just one. You can get them at wal-mart for $9 most of them. I also use the stairs in my house and I bought a treadmill. It takes a while to get into the new lifestyle change so don't get to hard on yourself. You will get it. One day at a time. One step at a time. Start out with even 1/2hr of working out and then work your way up. You guys can do it.

    Also, just to let you know I didn't think we could afford a gym membership either and found out that my husbands health insurance covered 75% of it or more actually. We only pay $10/month for the both of us to go. Just an idea i don't know if that is an option for you. Like I said I did it before from home so you guys can too.
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    I found reading and learning about health and nutrition the best way to increase my interest being healthy. Some of the locked threads on these forums are a good place to start. Wikipedia is pretty decent. The Australian Institute of Sport has some decent articles on nutrition (they apply generally, not just to athletes). Sure there's heaps more, but I'm in the middle of cooking and I don't want to leave it while I type ;)
  • lorivent1
    lorivent1 Posts: 16
    Post your inspirations on a wall! Keep a smaller pair of jeans in a place where you can see it and focus on your goal. Remind yourself how much fun it will be playing with your kids when you lose your weight. Start with a small goal (5 or 10 pounds) and reward yourself! You can do it!
  • sweetcaroline1972
    I think everyone runs into these challenges. What I've found helps me is to remember that everyday is a NEW day. It's easy to say "oh, I ate like crap for a week, didn't log my food, and haven't exercised" and then give up. But giving up isn't necessary - just start over! I've found that it also helps me to log my food even when I know I went way over! It always seems to snap me back into reality when I see that I could gain back the weight that I've lost over the past 8 weeks, in a mere 5 weeks - YUCK. Anyway, bottom line...don't quit! Just start again. Tomorrow is a brand, spankin' new day! Good luck & hang in there.
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Fiskmama, I just read all these responses and you have such a wonderful group of people on this site. I have been on this site just over 60 days and am always impressed with how helpful everyone is. I love the suggestions I just read. All of them sound really good.
    Also, I know that food is what I reach for when I am depressed. And, when I have been depressed, I found that nothing brought me out of it faster than taking a walk outside the house.
    Is that a picture of you and a new baby? New babies are so sweet and wonderful and can totally wear a mommy out. Put that beautiful baby in a stroller and go for a nice walk each day with your cherished infant. All walking is good. Sunshine is good. Exercise brings on endorphins, which are good.
    We all like you and have never met you. We believe in you. Can you believe in yourself? I think you can--like one lady above my post said--take it one day at a time.
    Go for it!