Could really do with some encouragement....

Hi, I lost 2 1/2 stone with mfp a couple of years ago, then happily got pregnant, gained 4 stone and still have 3 stone to lose (baby is now 9 months old). I just feel so completely overwhelmed with the amount of weight I have to lose..... Just can't get myself in the right frame of mind. I feel so down about the way I look now. I've just been sitting here looking at pictures of myself just before I fell pregnant and I look like a completely different person....., so slim, confident and happy. Now I feel so insecure and absolutely hate the way I look.

Can anyone just give me some words of encouragement...... I need to do this but my brain just won't get into the right gear. Im good for a couple of days and then reach for the chocolate/biscuits. don't know what's wrong with me! I can't carry on feeling like this though. Can I ever get back to the person I was?



  • jowriter
    Hi there! So I saw your post, and though I have never had children (someday I hope!), I can relate with the feeling of looking at pictures and wishing I could just get back to that body. This summer I hit a weight that I had never thought possible for me, and felt it was hopeless. I'd tried Jenny Craig twice, and Weight Watchers, and then would gain more weight when I gave up. By using myfitness pal I have currently lost between 30 and 32 pounds. My overall goal is 40, and I never thought I'd get close. The thing is, though, you can!
    All you have to do is believe in yourself, be fair to yourself, and take everyday as an opportunity. If you fall off the wagon one day, that doesn't mean the wagon is broken. You can get back to it the next day. No one is perfect, but everyone is unique. Find out what works well for you, what foods make you feel good, and let yourself strive for your goal! We're all here for you, and we're all rooting for you to achieve! Take it day by day, then week by week, and sooner than later you'll look back and see that you've made a pattern that you want to continue. Good luck, and congratulations on the addition to your family! :)
  • weldergirl15
    weldergirl15 Posts: 103 Member
    Of course you can! It takes time, dedication, and loving yourself everyday a little more than yesterday! Will it happen overnight heck no! But can you do it...ABSOLUTELY! As soon as you make yourself a priority and start loving you for you! Everyone has bad days sometimes weeks but the key is to not let those days or weeks derail you !
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Well, congrats on your little bundle of joy and your new found wanting to get rid of some of that baby weight and get back to feeling great about yourself :smile:

    It seems overwhelming, but you have done it once before? So just take tiny steps and get back into it. The great thing is with your little one is that you can do lots of walking. Put baby in the stroller and get lots of fresh air.

    Put those pictures on the fridge/cupboards.

    Take some measurements and photos now...start a record...come on girl show MFP what you are made of x
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    Yes you can! Good for you for lasting a couple of days with good eating. Just because you had biscuits and chocolate doesn't cancel out that good work. Have your treat and move back to good eating ASAP. I imagine it must be hard if you are home caring for a baby. Maybe the change in routine makes it hard to stick with a plan? We all know it's hard to lose weight, and it takes more time than we would like, but when it comes right down to it, time is all we got. Get back on the wagon, get an NSV, and I bet you will feel better. You did this before. You can do it again!
  • runrockclimb
    Can I ever get back to the person I was?


    No you can't get back to the person you were. But, that is a good thing. You have participated in the most amazing process that any woman can... you have made new life. That is incredible! You are amazing! It has also permanently changed who you are, and what you are. You can't go back, but why would you want too, that woman doesn't have the little gift that is your 9 month old.

    Instead of looking at those pictures with longing, put them away and look into the face of your little one. Think of your weight loss, not just for "you", but for "us". You are getting healthy to be a good example for your little one, to be healthy and energetic for your little one, and with time, you will also be doing it for yourself. Because it feels good, you look good, and you can keep up with the next stage in childhood.

    And don't be down on yourself because you need a treat to get by, just work on keeping those treats small... we all deserve a little spoiling sometimes. Or maybe instead of reaching for a treat, find something else that gives you the same kind of pleasure, a walk in the sun, a cup of tea, a piece of fruit.

    Hang in there, you can do it! And remember to enjoy your time with the little one, because they won't be little for long.