32days (new group)

trollin Posts: 5
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I would like to start a new group to promote wieght loss and help me stay on track. Im only good if Im accountable. While the number of days may seem a little off, in exactly 32 days I will be graduating highschool. I dont want to graduate at 250lbs. I dont want to be the half ton teen. But I need motivation and support. Ive always got inspiriational quotes and promise to support you in your journey as well.

If you decide to join please leave your goals so that everyone can try to help you achieve them. Weigh ins and progress posts will be every saturday. I live in Japan so Ill post mine first and then it will come saturday to you all state side.

My goals: I want to track my food everyday and honestly.
I want to complete the workout plan that I have set for myself, A week on intervals to include at least 60 minutes of exercise each day
I want to lose one size.

Join the group. and be my frannnn =] just add me


  • boyz4us
    boyz4us Posts: 42 Member
    I'll join you (unless you were looking for people closer to your own age?). I began this last week but not thoroughly enough so planned better this week (menus and exercise) and am ready to jump in with both feet today!

    What is the date in 32 days (I know I could count it out but I am sure you know it!).

    In 32 days, my goals are:

    1. To track my foods eaten every day and accurately.
    2. To stick to my new exercise regimen as closely as possible-focusing on making my exercise a priority.
    3. To lose 2-3 pounds.
    4. To finish the 5K that I am registered to run this Saturday-May 15th.

    off to log in my breakfast!
  • trollin
    trollin Posts: 5
    oh n. age is not a factor in supporting people for me. you can most deff join. and its JUNE 11
  • boyz4us
    boyz4us Posts: 42 Member
    How was your day yesterday? I did not get my exercise in. We had horrible thunderstorms the night previously and I only slept about 2 hours before work. Had a long church meeting last night so exercise got pushed aside.

    Weighed in today and down right at 3# in about 2 weeks. Not fast but I also have not been very dedicated. That is changing now!

    I need to exercise today so that is a priority of mine?

    What do you do for exercise?
  • boyz4us
    boyz4us Posts: 42 Member
    Still there? I am losing a bit but not exercising. My Dad is in the ICU and very ill.
  • L3sLy
    L3sLy Posts: 19 Member
    can i join?

    well, i also will graduate soon, but not in 34 days...i will graduate in 14 days! =[ it makes me happy to be over with school, but I wish I couldve graduated with being happy with how i look, but sadly i cant really say that 100% honestly..

    BUT, i wish to lose about 4+ lbs by june 11th!

    my goals are:

    1). Stop eating junk food

    2). stop drinking too much sodas

    3). exercise 1+ hours a day (staring today)

    4). lose 4+ lbs by june 11th

    @boyz4us: I hope your dad is doing alright, but i hope you don't let it stop you in your goal, my mom's been ill as well, and I have to look out for her and the whole family with my sister, but am trying really hard to not let that stop me from reaching my goals; which i just stared today, so I wish the best for you and your dad :smile:
  • I'd like in! I'm looking for a new group since I just joined today. AND GRADUATED COLLEGE YESTERDAY!

    New me starts...Well, tomorrow, since I was hungover and eating leftover pizza today.

    My goals for the next 32 days:
    1. Stop stress eating- or at least be aware of the situations that set it off.
    2. Get to the gym 4 times/week and make exercise and food choice a priority.
    3. Stop drinking soda.
    4. Consider portion sizes.

    boyz4us- I'm sorry to hear about your dad... I lost mine when I was 11. I hope he pulls through!
  • I would like to join. My date is just a few days before yours, June 8th (my daughter graduates pre k!!!) I of course will continue past June 8th though.

    My goals:
    1. Track all food and exercise.
    2. Burn at least 500 cals a day 5 days a week
    3. Drop one size.
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