1000 cal & no weight lose



  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member
    lol bro. You ate 3000+ calories yesterday, eating an entire pizza...sooooo yeah. You're just a troll.

    Bumps thyroid hormone back up, I do it every week or so when my hands and feet start being cold all the time.

    Dude, if eating 3000 calories here and there bumps your thyroid up, I wouldn't be fat.

    3000 isn't even enough to make me gain weight. I have to eat a minimum of 3500 daily average to make the scale move. And it bumps my thyroid back up to normal, eating very low calorie starts to muck up several hormone levels dealing with metabolism and appetite. The lower your bf% the more quickly they get screwed up and the more difficult it is to normalize them.

    I'm currently around 15%, when I get down into the 13% range I have to spend a day or two eating high carbohydrate to bring t3 and t4 back up to normal levels about every two weeks.

    so basically, you're admitting your diet plan is flawed, causing quite possibly, severe harm to your long term health.


    No, I just prefer to cut fat as quickly as possible so I can get back to bulking.
  • ShannonECTD
    ShannonECTD Posts: 203 Member
    You can pretty much eat whatever you want. Yes, whatever you want. I had 2 servings of ice cream yesterday. Will I gain? No, because they fit into my calorie goal. Just stay in your calorie goal and you'll be fine.

    Obviously, you shouldn't eat 1200 calories of salted butter. But you get the point.

    Do you eat more than 1000 calories.... :indifferent:
  • jayenomics
    jayenomics Posts: 46 Member
    lol bro. You ate 3000+ calories yesterday, eating an entire pizza...sooooo yeah. You're just a troll.

    Bumps thyroid hormone back up, I do it every week or so when my hands and feet start being cold all the time.

    Dude, if eating 3000 calories here and there bumps your thyroid up, I wouldn't be fat.

    3000 isn't even enough to make me gain weight. I have to eat a minimum of 3500 daily average to make the scale move. And it bumps my thyroid back up to normal, eating very low calorie starts to muck up several hormone levels dealing with metabolism and appetite. The lower your bf% the more quickly they get screwed up and the more difficult it is to normalize them.

    I'm currently around 15%, when I get down into the 13% range I have to spend a day or two eating high carbohydrate to bring t3 and t4 back up to normal levels about every two weeks.

    so basically, you're admitting your diet plan is flawed, causing quite possibly, severe harm to your long term health.


    No, I just prefer to cut fat as quickly as possible so I can get back to bulking.

    You do realize you can cut fat and still eat 1600 calories a day correct? Low carb high protein diet cuts fat. Carbs make body fat, not calories.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    <<<throws some bacon into the forum
  • iowachapman
    iowachapman Posts: 38 Member
    This guy has some great articles, and also a great BMR to TDEE calculator - 1k cals is just insane, http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/
  • jayenomics
    jayenomics Posts: 46 Member
    Did I ever say your metabolism STOPS if you don't eat 6 meals a day?


    It's just not nearly as efficient.

    I'll take the advice of my degree holding/fitness trainer/competitive fitness competing soon to be brother-in-law, over some yahoo on the internet.
  • emmylou32
    emmylou32 Posts: 9 Member
    Your body needs 1200 to function ! You need to eat a minimum of 1200 (without exercise) if you exercise you need to eat back your burn! If that makes sense!!
    If you're eating less than this your body goes to 'starvation mode' whereby it'll hold onto anything that goes down your throat in case it's the last thing you're gonna eat for hours. Little and often healthy is the was forward.
    If you're family are as you say moaning about you eating food that's no good I'd sit down and ask for their support or tell them to keep opinions to themselves.
    I haven't read through all the other replies as really don't have the time :) so apologies if I'm repeating what someone else has said!
  • jayenomics
    jayenomics Posts: 46 Member
    <<<throws some bacon into the forum

    turkey bacon? Let me get some of that
  • lol, this can't be a serious post...

    Some people don't want to work out, then complain after two days of diet that they didn't lose 20 pounds.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    go up to 1200 for awhile and slowly increase. U never lose eat such a small amount of calories.......
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Thank that's what I was wanting to know,, I will try that today & give it 2 wks...

    You need to give it more time than that. Impatience is not your friend. Follow the road map, or just set MFP to 1 lb per week and eat back your exercise calories. And be patient.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    <<<throws some bacon into the forum

    turkey bacon? Let me get some of that

    And you can have some scrambled egg too...I made enough for everyone on this post :happy:
  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member
    lol bro. You ate 3000+ calories yesterday, eating an entire pizza...sooooo yeah. You're just a troll.

    Bumps thyroid hormone back up, I do it every week or so when my hands and feet start being cold all the time.

    Dude, if eating 3000 calories here and there bumps your thyroid up, I wouldn't be fat.

    3000 isn't even enough to make me gain weight. I have to eat a minimum of 3500 daily average to make the scale move. And it bumps my thyroid back up to normal, eating very low calorie starts to muck up several hormone levels dealing with metabolism and appetite. The lower your bf% the more quickly they get screwed up and the more difficult it is to normalize them.

    I'm currently around 15%, when I get down into the 13% range I have to spend a day or two eating high carbohydrate to bring t3 and t4 back up to normal levels about every two weeks.

    so basically, you're admitting your diet plan is flawed, causing quite possibly, severe harm to your long term health.


    No, I just prefer to cut fat as quickly as possible so I can get back to bulking.

    You do realize you can cut fat and still eat 1600 calories a day correct? Low carb high protein diet cuts fat. Carbs make body fat, not calories.

    I can lose fat eating 3000 a day if I burn 4000. I find its quicker to do what I'm doing right now. And I don't spend a lot of extra time doing cardio.

    Anything else you want to tell me I am wrong about, my answer is here:
  • Allison128
    Allison128 Posts: 116 Member
    what foods do I eat,, Cause everytime I eat my family has something so negative to say to me Like THATS NOT HELPING YOU or YOu need to get that Butt & Belly gone.

    Wow... I haven't really been on the forums lately. I have seen and heard though that people are pretty brutal on here lately. Wow... its true. This is supposed to be a SUPPORTIVE site! Everyone is here to learn from one another. Most people learn by asking questions. geez...

    Congrats to you for wanting to lose weight and get healthy!

    Most of these comments are true.... in the sense that yes you need to eat more. MFP will not even recommend anything less then 1200cals. If you are just starting out and new here read the forums and set your calorie goal to what MFP recommends. The Guided settings.

    1- set your caloric goals. not less then 1200 cals. it really isn't safe and its awful for your body
    2. losing more then 2lbs a week is not safe. slow and steady wins the race!
    3. Eat with your calorie settings. If its set for 1200 cals/2 pounds per week... NEVER eat below the 1200 cals.
    4. Exercise. it doesn't have to be crazy. walking. biking. walk the dog. get your hear rate up. Its good for you in so many ways. MFP rewards you when you work out with extra calories! Eat them!
    5. Drink lots of water. drink a glass before you eat anything. when you feel hungry..drink some more water. Sometimes the body can't tell the difference between thirst and hunger.
    6. Read food lables. high sodium foods will add water weight. Also sometimes tv dinners are misleading and although they look like a single serving and are prepared like a single serving..they are actually 2 servings. Read the box!
    7. Make MFP friends. seriously. it helps. get involved in forums.

    You can mainly eat whatever you want. really. as long as it is within your daily goals. However... try to eat more protein. Protein really does help you feel full longer. Try to incorporate protein with-in every meal.

    Try to eat cleaner- meaning nothing processed. Switch from white rice to brown rice....

    google Clean eating.

    Also- there are a ton of links and info for eating more to lose weight...the road map. I saw some people posted the links.
    I'm actually just starting this idea right now.

    But honestly.. do what works for you. Listen to your body. The best diet is no diet. Burn more cals then you take in... that's it.

    good luck!
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    straight up new person question here - well I been here 1 month - but I've seen these type of posts/questions before so I'm just curious...

    MFP told me how many calories to eat after I punched in my honest height, and honest weight. So, when I follow what MFP said and eat up to that calorie #, I lost 9lbs in 1 month....

    I don't get how people are asking if their calorie intake "is enough" or "not enough" - as like I mentioned MFP...I thought...tells you how much to eat. Is MFP really telling you to only eat 1000 cals? Seems like it would tell you at least to eat 1200 cals - if you put in your right info.

    I guess what I'm getting at is - trust MFP. If it says eat this amount of cals - and you've listed yourself as a light movement in the exercise field (as you mentioned the power walking and sit ups etc) - then mfp should tell you the right amount of food to eat I would think....

    I just find it hard to believe it said only eat 1000 a day?

    Give it a shot - couldn't hurt :)
  • jayenomics
    jayenomics Posts: 46 Member
    lol bro. You ate 3000+ calories yesterday, eating an entire pizza...sooooo yeah. You're just a troll.

    Bumps thyroid hormone back up, I do it every week or so when my hands and feet start being cold all the time.

    Dude, if eating 3000 calories here and there bumps your thyroid up, I wouldn't be fat.

    3000 isn't even enough to make me gain weight. I have to eat a minimum of 3500 daily average to make the scale move. And it bumps my thyroid back up to normal, eating very low calorie starts to muck up several hormone levels dealing with metabolism and appetite. The lower your bf% the more quickly they get screwed up and the more difficult it is to normalize them.

    I'm currently around 15%, when I get down into the 13% range I have to spend a day or two eating high carbohydrate to bring t3 and t4 back up to normal levels about every two weeks.

    so basically, you're admitting your diet plan is flawed, causing quite possibly, severe harm to your long term health.


    No, I just prefer to cut fat as quickly as possible so I can get back to bulking.

    You do realize you can cut fat and still eat 1600 calories a day correct? Low carb high protein diet cuts fat. Carbs make body fat, not calories.

    I can lose fat eating 3000 a day if I burn 4000. I find its quicker to do what I'm doing right now. And I don't spend a lot of extra time doing cardio.

    Anything else you want to tell me I am wrong about, my answer is here:

    Cool, a new South Beach Diet! Looks awesome bro. Good luck with your screwed up body in 40 years.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
  • I've been at the point of giving up too, but his requires a lot of patience. I have lost 17 lbs in total. Some times its normal to gain and loose a couple of lbs in one day, just don't give up. You will eventually see the results. Also make sure you are eating the correct food. good luck
  • tjham1
    tjham1 Posts: 45 Member
    Ange, how tall are you?

    I'm 5'2" and MFP started me at 1230 calories. I was close or a little over most of the time. When I got to a 50 lbs loss, it changed me to 1200. I still go a little over most of the time and am still losing. I have 3 meals a day and 2 snacks. I eat back most of my exercise calories.
  • In the old days 1000 cals was what we were told to eat to lose weight.
    These days we know that you need food to fuel yourself and your brain and that food truly isnt the enemy,
    Eat as clean as you can with a treat here and there, if you arent sure what clean eating is google it.
    There are a ton of websites that talk about this.
    Basically simple whole foods, they fill you up and are generally lower calorie as they arent full of processed crap.
    Think of your body like a car... fuel it up with high quality foods and if you are used to eating crap then it'll take some time to get used to cleaning up your diet.
    Good quality fuel = good quality performance.
    I am the worlds slowest loser... but I just run better on real whole food and lots of exercise.
    Dont starve yourself, you will truly get nowhere, your metabolism will shut down and you'll be flabbier than ever before while eating less than before.
    I hope that helps a bit.
    Good luck!!!