Thyroid issues? Please friend request



  • la_marichola
    Hi everyone,

    I've had thyroid issues since I was 13. While I first diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, I have since fluctuated between being hyper/hypo thyroid. I now have Hashimoto's w/hyperthyroidism and continue to struggle with my weight. Add me fellow thyroid challenged folks :)
  • sabimausl85
    sabimausl85 Posts: 219 Member
    hey ladies,

    me as well has the hashimoto issue. was diagnosed many years ago. took medication for a while, but just stopped (laziness, dumbness, idk...) about 3 years ago.
    anyways, havent thought about this much, since it didnt affect me in any ways.
    about a year ago i started freezing all the time.
    4 weeks ago i started my diet. lost 9 pounds (probably of water) in the first week, and ever since then, i am stuck on the same weight (since 3 weeks now) i started my research...and found...THYROID!! of course, now i ordered me some thyroid-metabolism-all-natural medication online today.
    Will see how this works.

    yall please feel free to add me, i need all the support i can get! and i bet we all do ;)
  • subconscious_ink
    subconscious_ink Posts: 194 Member
    While I first diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, I have since fluctuated between being hyper/hypo thyroid.

    This is what's going on with me right now. I actually go back for more testing on the 4th and 8th of this month. Feel free to add me. As another poster said above, plenty of exercise seems to help a bit.
  • jbs2travel
    jbs2travel Posts: 68 Member
    Was diagosed with hypothyroidism about 18 years ago - take meds daily; while my numbers all look good it is very difficult to lose weight. I also have type 2 diabetes and a pacemaker due to AFib. (atrial fibrillation). I am 66 yrs old which makes it even harder. I know I can do it but extra support is always welcome. You can friend me if you like.
  • springowl
    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis 27 yeas ago (I am 47). I take 125 mcg. Of levothyroxine daily and I still have some low thyroid issues. I am going to a wellness center in two weeks to see about adding some t3 to my levo.

    I just started here so am looking for friends, add me too.
  • Cupcakesb8
    Hey I have an underactive thyroid. Had it since I was 18 so thats 5 and half years now. Tisnt fun, especially when it comes to losing weight but its working slowly and Im fantastic support :-)
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    i know I have already posted on here but I wanted to reassure people that it is totally possible to lose weight and be healthy with a thyroid disorder.

    In 2007 after 12 years of battling a 'mystery illness' I finally demanded endocrinological investigation and it turned up a thyroid disorder. A pretty ick one really. My baseline T3 had been measuring as borderline normal so it hadn't been picked up but my TSH was off the charts. The doc basically said 'that he had no idea how I wasn't in hospital, or how I managed my job as a teacher. He put me on levo and I've been on it ever since. I started on 25 mcg / day and now i'm on 100 mcg 4 days a week and 200 3 days a week. My levels have tested awesomely normal for years now.

    Following this I went into a depressive spin, and wound up anorexic for a while. Trouble is, when you have thyroid issues, anorexia makes you really sick. You end up bigger, but your metabolism stops altogether and thats the real issue. I have friends who were working in a gym and so one day I went along to check it out. 18 months later I was working out as much as I wanted, energy was sky high, I'd dropped from 112 kg to 87 with muscle and I was ALIVE again.

    This time around I need to lose about 25 kg, of which I have already lost 7 in 5 weeks. As I slim back down and tone back up, I feel better. I put the weight back on because I stopped listening to my body, broke two toes, had an episode of depression around the death of my darling grandmother and my fathers terminal cancer, as well as starting a new job that was a real challenge - not because of my thyroid. But I'm doing it again, and I'll win :) I still take levo, supplemented with kelp, coconut oil, good diet and excercise.

    We are not struggling with thyroid issues, we are living with a genetic predisposition to things. We are not victims. We are people who simply have another factor to consider in life. Losing weight and being healthy with a thyroid problem is possible. It is. I'm living proof. Please please stay positive about it. Every good choice you make is improving your health, life, and thyroid function :)
  • dancerina09
    I too have hypothyroidism. Was diagnosed 10 years ago and taking Synthroid ever since. I initially gained 40 lbs in 6 months and then they discovered the thyroid problem. I've been fluctuating around that weight ever since. Its been extremely difficult to lose weight, but I am trying to stay under my calorie goal and exercise more starting mid-February when I can get back to the gym. Feel free to friend me, I am looking for support in this endeavor to slim down and get healthy!
  • sabimausl85
    sabimausl85 Posts: 219 Member
    trudijoy, i like your motivating post.
    one question though, if i dont take any meds, and i know i have a hypothyroidism, could this affect my weight loss stop? if so, how bad?
  • itsmelynn15
    I know from time I didn't take my levo for a week and began feeling like real poo, could barely get my *kitten* out of bed I was feeling so fatigued....that was the last time I did that!
  • sabimausl85
    sabimausl85 Posts: 219 Member
    i have all kinds of symptoms, just ignored them.
    freezing, no weight loss, sleepy all the time, depressed, anxious, fatigue...
  • ck_vance1
    Hi there...I also have thyroid problems and seem to be having problems losing weight, or am losing it very slowly. Glad to be your friend. Kay
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    trudijoy, i like your motivating post.
    one question though, if i dont take any meds, and i know i have a hypothyroidism, could this affect my weight loss stop? if so, how bad?

    If you know you have hypothyroidism, and you don't take any meds, you could get very very ill. In fact, you will get very very ill. I was undiagnosed for so long that I was constantly ill. On antibiotics 10 days a month at least. Didn't just get a cold, got full blown lung, chest, ear, stomach and sinus infections. Was barely able to function. If you know you are hypothyroid and you do not take your meds you are dicing with death, I'm afraid.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    i have all kinds of symptoms, just ignored them.
    freezing, no weight loss, sleepy all the time, depressed, anxious, fatigue...

    those are classic hypothyroid symptoms. take your meds. the medication is something which naturally occurs in a normal system. With hypothyroid, the chemical in the pills does not occur naturally in a large enough quantity so needs to be replaced. The most effective way to do this is to take either synthroid or levothyroxine as prescribed.
  • watchthis1970
    watchthis1970 Posts: 31 Member
    I am also Hypothyroid and am 42. I was diagnosed about 6 years ago. I have been on the same dose of synthroid since I started, the only time they ever test me is my yearly physical. I still have all the symptoms, dry skin, cold all the time, you name it most of the symptoms I have. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant since we got married three years ago in November. February 19th we have our first consultation with a "baby Doctor". I am excited, not only for the possibility of getting pregnant, but also he is an endocrinologist so hopefully they will figure out if my thyroid is off or what is going on in the wonderful body of mine.

    I also think alot of general practitioners are very uninformed on thyroid conditions. Are any of you out there on two different meds, synthroid then something for the T3?? I have been reading on treatments and it appears some specialists are prescribing a second med that works along with the synthroid.

    Add me if you like. :)
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member
    I am also Hypothyroid and am 42. I was diagnosed about 6 years ago. I have been on the same dose of synthroid since I started, the only time they ever test me is my yearly physical. I still have all the symptoms, dry skin, cold all the time, you name it most of the symptoms I have. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant since we got married three years ago in November. February 19th we have our first consultation with a "baby Doctor". I am excited, not only for the possibility of getting pregnant, but also he is an endocrinologist so hopefully they will figure out if my thyroid is off or what is going on in the wonderful body of mine.

    I also think alot of general practitioners are very uninformed on thyroid conditions. Are any of you out there on two different meds, synthroid then something for the T3?? I have been reading on treatments and it appears some specialists are prescribing a second med that works along with the synthroid.

    Add me if you like. :)

    Many women with untreated thyroid issues are unable to conceive, or are unable to stay pregnant. Please do ensure your thyroid is optimal before you keep going.

    Is it an RE (reproductive endocrinologist) that you're going to see? Unfortunately they tend to be very bad with thyroid management, but maybe you'll get lucky. PLEASE ensure that this doctor doesn't just test your TSH, but also tests your free T3 and free T4. You ideally want your TSH below 2.0, and preferrably closer to 1.0, for reproductive purposes. Don't let anyone tell you that 3.0+ is "normal", because even slightly elevated TSH can interfere with fertility.

    I absolutely think most people should either be on dessicated thyroid meds (porcine thyroid hormone, contains both T3 and T4), or at the very least on synthetic T4 plus synthetic T3.

    Once you have your thyroid labs done, always grab a copy of the results (don't just accept the doctor's interpretation of the numbers). If you want, you can join this group, and we can help you interpret your thyroid results from a family-planning perspective:
  • redjch
    redjch Posts: 18
    Yep, me too! Have been hypo for around 19 years. Weight loss is extremely challenging, even though Dr. says my hypothyroidism is corrected by my meds. I had been on the same dosage since the beginning, but in June he reduced my meds to "try to make the thyroid work harder". I have gained 20 lbs since June and have been retested and Dr says everything is in range. Frustration!!
  • sabimausl85
    sabimausl85 Posts: 219 Member
    dont be afraid trudijoy,
    i havent been taken them at least 5 years, and barely get sick (like cold, sinus, flu...)
    still having my other symptoms too.

    but, could this affect my weight loss stop?
  • trinitylyons01
    trinitylyons01 Posts: 126 Member
    Hi there and welcome! Feel free to add me too! I've had it for years and take medication daily also. Losing weight is hard but it can be done!

    Good luck!
  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    I have it too, been taking levothyroxine for 8 years now.