Just turned 30 and the mirror is no longer my friend.

Hey everyone, I'm Rachel. I just turned 30. I'm 5'3" and currently weigh 165 lbs. It's the heaviest I've ever been and it does not look good! I'm naturally curvy but starting to feel more lumpy. I'd really like to change a lot of the bad habits I have and get down to a healthy BMI, which for my height is 104-141 lbs. My first goal weight is 140 and I believe I'll be happy there. I wish I had a good excuse for letting my body get this way like having kids, but no, it's just that I'm addicted to junk and comfort foods and I'm probably an emotional eater as well. Plus I am in college so I feel like I'm always sitting down studying or laying down sleeping. I've never stuck to any kind of diet or exercise plan for more than a two week period so I've never seen results. I want to overcome these obstacles and develop a better lifestyle. This seems like a good place to start and to have a good support system, which I really need. :happy:


  • KrisHar666
    KrisHar666 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Rache,l I know exactly how you feel, where does the time go? This site is really good for sensible and healthy dieting much healthier than drastic measures. Add me as a friend if you want. Good luck
  • whecollier
    Hi Rachel, I am about to turn 30 this year and for me that was my motivation. I wanted to be able to wear a bikini for my 30th Birthday and I achieved my goal thanks to mfp and friends. You have come to a great place to begin your journey!
  • losingweightfindingme
    Hey! I turned 30 in November and decided that would be my last birthday as a completely unhealthy person. I owed it to myself. Feel free to add me as a friend! I try to remain very positive and optimistic and i like encouraging my friends through this journey!
  • RachelDenise30
    RachelDenise30 Posts: 177 Member
  • haniay
    haniay Posts: 17 Member
    I totally get this. We're almost exactly the same height and weight and have very nearly the same goal (I think I'll feel good at 140 but right now I'm shooting for 130). One difference though is that I have about 17 years on you (it still blows my mind that I'm 47, but that's another story). But I also gained a lot of weight when I went back to school for three years starting in 2006 and then started working a stressful job with long hours in 2009. But I figure it took me six years to put this weight on so I'm giving myself a year and a half to take it off (I'm on the half a pound a week plan). Afterall, losing weight, even slowly, for the next year and a half is better than continuing upward. Feel free to friend me if you'd like.
  • autumnsnow786
    autumnsnow786 Posts: 279 Member
    Totally understand the whole college thing. Counting calories definitely helps and MFP is awesome for that and having a support system here helps to stay on track.