Do guys take classes?



  • Snackman88
    Snackman88 Posts: 36 Member
    I don't take classes and I don't go to the gym. I do the Insanity Program at home (going to do it here in a few!). I get great results from it and it makes you sweat! I run every once in awhile too.
  • Sweetsugar0424
    Sweetsugar0424 Posts: 451 Member
    I've seen guys in most of the classes offered at my gym...kickboxing, step aerobics, spin and power lifting. There are a couple guys in my step aerobics most weeks.
  • at my snap fitness the thrive classes have almost as many men as women...
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    My husband and I take the same yoga class. There is one other man that does it regularly, and several others have joined as drop ins occasionally. My 65-year-old father also takes a yoga class (he's in advanced!) and he says there are plenty of men in his class too.

    I used to take a step class and there were a few men there (maybe 6:1 women to men in a class of about 30)
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    I do spin but nothing else is remotely interesting.
  • TodayYesterday
    TodayYesterday Posts: 42 Member
    My work has its own gym, and they have 2-3 classes a day. About 1/3 of the people in the classes I've been to are men.

    Zumba (haven't been, but see them go)
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    Oh yeah I went to a spin class once and it was ALL guys, and me.
  • diane1223
    diane1223 Posts: 43 Member
    I love classes...aerobics and Zumba. And I do much better walking when I have a buddy!
  • SpleenThief
    SpleenThief Posts: 293 Member
    I've taken yoga but right now time and finances don't allow. Right now I'm in a masters swim program which is sort of a class but more of a coached session
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    The cage fitness class I take is about 3/4 guys. It's pretty fast paced and a lot of upper body strength - plus it's crazy fun to hit stuff.