What now?reached plateau

After loosing 11lbs my weight has plateaued, i have another 14lbs to go. i've brought my cals waaay down and exercising more-not working. how long will it take to pass and what do i have to do in order to pass it fast?


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Try the opposite, eat more and exercise less. Your body needs fuel to function properly and if not your metabolism will slow down making it difficult to loose weight, and make it much easier to gain weight once you return to a "normal" caloric intake.

    Why is your goal only 450 calories per day? The lowest you should get is 1200 plus the calories you burned through exercise. Please eat more what you are doing is not healthy at all!!!
  • Kwilliams75
    Kwilliams75 Posts: 231 Member
    Hopefully you have been taking your measurements! Sometimes when you are not losing weight you are losing inches!!
  • ditzy
    ditzy Posts: 8
    hmm how does that work?, no i havent been taking measurements but i'll start. i'm more interested in loosing the lbs though.
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    Try the opposite, eat more and exercise less. Your body needs fuel to function properly and if not your metabolism will slow down making it difficult to loose weight, and make it much easier to gain weight once you return to a "normal" caloric intake.

    Why is your goal only 450 calories per day? The lowest you should get is 1200 plus the calories you burned through exercise. Please eat more what you are doing is not healthy at all.

    I agree completely!

    450 calories a day = an eatting disorder. Please do not become obsessed w/losing weight that you damage your body.

    Your body probably just needs rest and to be fueled.
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    Also, you could not be losing weight because you are starving yourself. I just looked at your diary - looks like you uped your calories to 630 a day!!! You are HURTING your body and brain by doing this.

    Your body will create fat and store all the calories you give it because of this.
  • ditzy
    ditzy Posts: 8
    don't worry i just brought down my cals to 450 yesterday to see if it would make a difference, i'll bring it up and down each day, that should help i think.

    this is just short term anyway, i have something coming up in a couple weeks, after that i'll be back on a healthy diet again.
  • amtrust
    amtrust Posts: 178
    You need to eat more! Please, take care of yourself.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    don't worry i just brought down my cals to 450 yesterday to see if it would make a difference, i'll bring it up and down each day, that should help i think.

    1200 plus exercise calories should be your minimum and don't go below that, try increasing to 1400 instead of decreasing, this works for most people on this site.
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    don't worry i just brought down my cals to 450 yesterday to see if it would make a difference, i'll bring it up and down each day, that should help i think.

    this is just short term anyway, i have something coming up in a couple weeks, after that i'll be back on a healthy diet again.

    NO! That is no ok darlin!! Please please eat at least 1200 calories a day.

    I am not a professional, but from personal experience this really sounds like an eatting disorder. I did this several years ago to myself and really caused a alot of damange because I became too fixed on a NUMBER instead of how I LOOKED.
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    don't worry i just brought down my cals to 450 yesterday to see if it would make a difference, i'll bring it up and down each day, that should help i think.

    1200 plus exercise calories should be your minimum and don't go below that, try increasing to 1400 instead of decreasing, this works for most people on this site.

    Agree again!!!!

    Lately I have uped my calories and have been eatting between 1300 and 1700 a day. Since then I have started to lose more weight than when I was at 1200 calories! Your body needs fuel!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    You are in denial. You CANNOT - NO one can - eat less than 1200 calories per day. You're eating mostly once per day, a lot of sugary CRAP, definitely not quality food. Your body is not going to get rid of fat when you're feeding it like this. You HAVE to eat more. Your body is going to start living off muscle.
  • ditzy
    ditzy Posts: 8
    well i agree with that, the less cals i eat the more crap i tend to eat to get for quick fix energy. but really what im doing now is im looking for a quick fix to shed the lbs faster-just for the moment and it was working until 3 days ago, when i started MFP last month i was taking in 1200cals or more a day and i plan to get back to that soon.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Ok, if you are wanting to go the lower calorie route, why not fill your menu with veggies and fruits?

    And your body needs protein and fat to stay full so your body doesn't crave the crap..........

    Drink lots of water too, that helps with shedding pounds........

    i agree with the others, sounds like the making of an eating disorder to me also.
  • ditzy
    ditzy Posts: 8
    Thanks, i have my good phases and bad phases i can eat unhealthily for a couple days but then i eat lots of fish and veggies. theres no ED here, i'm sure many people on this sight at some stage look for a quick fix to loose weight before an event so theres no need to jump to conclusions.