Picky eating

Okay so im a picky eater and i know i am. Is anyone else a picky eater and how did or does it affect you diet? My parents do not think that i will be able to lose alot of weight or stick with the diet because i am a very very picky eater.

Any advice for those of you who over came it???


  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    I'm a picky eater and it hasn't hampered my weight loss. If anything, it's probably helped it because I don't like things like mayo, salad dressing, red meat, etc. Also, being fussy makes meal planning easy because I have the same foods on a weekly rotation. Tell your parents that they are full of hooey. :drinker:
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    I have always been a fussy eater, but I also don't mind eating the same thing several days in a row. Makes it much easier to calculate with out planning.
  • krrs1980
    krrs1980 Posts: 90 Member
    I struggle with this as well. I do not like fish and other healthy foods like that. I find myself eating the same things over and over because of this. I don't even like grilled chicken, but I force myself to eat it. I'm scared I'll get bored with the healthier eating because I don't like many of the foods I should be eating.
  • mlcrec
    mlcrec Posts: 66
    I am the same way!!! I eat a LOT of the same things over & over! Just do your best and eat whatever healthy choices that you do like or look at making things differently so that you may like them!
    Best of luck,
  • wendyapple
    wendyapple Posts: 323 Member
    i'm a really picky eater too, but i do learn to try new things and learn to like them, especially when they offer nutritional advantages over other foods. i used to not like greek yogurt, but now i practically live off it. i used to not like fruits and veggies, but they make up most of my diet now. if you expand your options, you might find other things you like as much as the things you were sticking to.
  • astylla
    astylla Posts: 118 Member
    My husband is EXTREMLEY picky and has an issue with most vegetables and good eating habits so I do my best to introduce things slowly. For example he has trouble eating tomatoes but in chili he loves tomatoes so I add extra in place of other things. For me I have to add them in creative ways. Textures can be a big deal or smells so you have to find what works for you. Experiement with different foods , sometimes steaming or mashing them into foods you enjoy such as potatoes or sweet potatoes. I use honey with my cooking as well which adds that extra sweetness without alot of unnecessary sugar.

    What kinds of foods do you struggle with ?
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    My wife was the pickest eater I had ever met when we first met. I, who have traveled the world, have eaten who knows what off the back of food carts in Asia. My recommendation is to start incorporating more healthy foods into your diet slowly, in new and interesting ways so you will like them. Over time, you'll start to like the things you didn't before and you can add even more. Very few people are picky eaters, they just aren't accustomed to certain foods because they haven't been exposed to them. Expose yourself.
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    I used to be an extremely picky eater. When I was first starting to lose weight (before joining this site), I just started by cutting down on portion sizes, and I lost 11 lbs in a little over a year. I think if I had been tracking my calories and exercising during that time, I would have lost more, but I think that's still a fair amount for portion reduction alone.

    Around the time I joined this site, I started trying a lot of healthy things that I had never tried before or hadn't liked growing up, and I've grown accustomed to a lot of things I never thought I'd enjoy eating. I've learned that it's really not so bad to try new things. Even the other day, my sister was shocked to see me eating strawberries -- I used to hate them, like really, really hate them, but now I really enjoy them -- although, I still don't like them when they're covered in chocolate or when they're in cakes -- I only like them plain. Sometimes you just have to experiment. Originally, I lost 14 lbs in just a few months on this site (counting calories and exercising)...but I stopped using it for a while, so I gained a few pounds back while I wasn't tracking foods (the holidays really did me in), but I'm here again to continue my weight loss.

    But, all in all, if you just reduce the amount of food you're eating, no matter what the food is that you're eating, you should lose weight.
  • noluckducky15
    noluckducky15 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm extremely picky, I like junk food...and yes i still eat it from time to time and I've still lost alot of weight. Check out this website:


    It has great recipes for junk food that she's made healthy and low calorie. This site has SAVED my diet! And none of it tastes low calorie or healthy like it is :)
  • dhiammarath
    dhiammarath Posts: 834 Member
    There are more foods I hate than I like. *However*, once I stopped spoiling my tastebuds with sugary treats (my vices were sodas and coffees from Starbucks) and started eating healthier things I liked... I noticed that my palette opened up considerably. So it's possible! Don't give up and find what works for *you*. :D
  • krrs1980
    krrs1980 Posts: 90 Member
    There are more foods I hate than I like. *However*, once I stopped spoiling my tastebuds with sugary treats (my vices were sodas and coffees from Starbucks) and started eating healthier things I liked... I noticed that my palette opened up considerably. So it's possible! Don't give up and find what works for *you*. :D

    I love this profile pic. What a great motivator!!
  • EVERYTHING tastes better when you're working out!
  • Well okay first of all i love Cheeseburgers and most the time i dont eat the bread but i eat it with ketchup, I love fried chicken and i find grilled chiken rather bland, I do not like any type of fish it makes me sick, I am trying to try new things like tonight i bought a whole bunch of turkey meat and found stuff that is under 200 calories but im just worried that i will stop losing weight.

    Ive already lost 4lbs in a week and that was just eating a bagel w/ cream cheese, pb sandwich and macaroni for dinner. I just feel alone sometimes cause everyone around me will pretty much eat everything and i wont.
  • Hi everyone, I'm Jacky Lamenzo and I consider myself a "Recovering Picky Eater." I'm a Holistic Health Coach and looking to help others get over fears of exploring new foods like I've done. On my website, www.jackylamenzo.com, I share my story. Please feel free to reach out if you think I could be of help to you or anyone you know!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    All you need is a deficit to lose weight... If you're 'picky' about fruit and veg, take a multi vitamin as well.
  • MsDellyssa
    MsDellyssa Posts: 66 Member
    i'm a really picky eater too, but i do learn to try new things and learn to like them, especially when they offer nutritional advantages over other foods. i used to not like greek yogurt, but now i practically live off it. i used to not like fruits and veggies, but they make up most of my diet now. if you expand your options, you might find other things you like as much as the things you were sticking to.

    I'm a different form of picky eater. I don't like spicy anything. Some would say I love a bland diet. That's not entirely true. I do like some things like veggie dip, which is awesome and goes well with raw veggies that I love snacking on (snow peas is my go to, I think I like them best because they're crunchy)

    I didn't always eat my veggies. I thought they were either too salty or too soggy. Salads, I found had too many things in it I didn't like. So I decided that I was going to take foods into my own hands. I discovered that eating simpler foods like raw veggies and fruits as snacks seemed to open up new love of food. (something I didn't really have)

    I still eat hamburgers (with bread) but I changed that up too. 80/20 ground beef with 45 calorie bread with a little bit of mustard. I don't eat french fries so all that sodium content is out of my life. Smart chicken aka organic chicken with some greek yogurt and steamed veggies hit the spot these days. (they don't seem soggy anymore, not sure why. guess it's my old age.. lol).

    Before I forget. I did some research a while back on the good protein bars, the snack bars, and the what has more laboratory chemicals names in it's "supposedly healthy" snack bars. I took away all the snack bars I thought weren't good for me (Fiber one is great, and I haven't totally given them up, but it gives me gas if I have more than I should, which I think is the point? Pay the price for your indulgence maybe? Haha!) Last night I finally got a hold of one the Kind bars. Very low sodium (I retain water better than a sponge) and they didn't sacrifice taste. The Peanut Butter and Strawberry tastes like PBJ sammich without all the crap that comes with it. Of course you can't eat a PBJ sandwhich without milk. Skim is nice at 80 calories, but has a lot of sodium. I then discovered Almond milk. Not all of it has the lowest calories. But it does have fewer than skim, some of the sodium in there is about the same and some is a little bit lower. For me, that helps a lot.

    Anyway, those are my thoughts about food. I hope I helps.