What is it with me? Why can't I do this?

I can't stick with it! I lose weight & never get to my goal then I go right back up! I know it's yo-yoing but idk why.... Watching Biggest Loser this season has made me feel like I have something else going on. But I dont know what??? It just sucks feeling like I have been trying to lose weight for 10 years now and have not ever accomplished anything. I feel like a diet and exercise guru, I have tried everything... I know what works so why can't I do it???? Anyone going through this with me??


  • Hi yes this is so me have tried so many I know I can do it have done it before, however this time is so hard always hungry eating what I am not suppose too!!!

    Every morning I wake up and say I can do this, I do great till about mid afternoon and I am off eating all the wrong things.

    I guess if we keep trying and not give up is a start huh!!

    Good luck to you.
  • glitteredgrave
    glitteredgrave Posts: 194 Member
    I'm the same way! I start, and never finish. This time, I'm trying something different though. I'm purposely getting myself obsessed with health, working out and eating right. The only time I really get something done is if I dive into it 100%.

    I have a calendar that I mark my good days, bad days, whether I work out or not, what restaurants I ate at etc. It helps keep weight loss on my mind.

    I also read and post on MFP forums when I have free time, it's better than snacking lol.

    Before bed, and whenever I'm on my phone browsing the internet, I look at tumblr "fitblr" fitness blogs. I'm following about 8 different people and I view their pages several times a day for motivational pictures, tips etc.

    I also have an amazing pinterest board of fitness tips and motivational pictures and things I've collected.

    It helps to keep what I want on my mind at all times, and right now it's getting this weight off. I've been on MFP and logged everything I eat and do for 97 days straight, with only 2 "bad days". The obsession method is working for me :) Good luck!
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    if you honestly think that, then ask your doc for an endocrinology referral just to make sure there isn't an underlying cause xx eventually, something will click. just keep trying
  • coke_bottle
    coke_bottle Posts: 259 Member
    Hello, and yes I have been going thru the same thing. It's craziness. We just have to fight and keep going to reach our goals if this is what is truly in out hearts! I hope that doesn't sound cliche. You are capable of winning this battle, the strength lies inside of you waiting:) feel free to add me.
  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    I absolutely get it. I know exactly how to lose weight. I don't know how to make myself do it!! The best advice I have gotten on here is to stay objective. To look at my behavior like a scientist would. Analyze what works and what doesn't and apply the knowledge you have to improve your success. For me getting the emotional stuff - guilt, discouragement, self-loathing, etc - out of the equation has allowed me to see what I do to sabotage myself . I would get all freaked out if I overate or didn't lose a pound every week. That would be great if it motivated me to do better, but not at all. When I freak out I crazy-eat. Better to stay analytical and objective and not crazy-eat:noway:
  • shawnasis
    shawnasis Posts: 27 Member
    Alot of us do this....myself included. I have been on many diets, diet pills, and exercise routines. For me too it is a 100%, obssessing if you will, routine. I have to be totally wrapped up in it. Watching it on TV, reading about it, eating right, exercising, the whole 9 yards...no half way. I think it's the instant gratification that gets us into trouble. You know...'oh that would taste so good right now'. That's what we need to master.
  • Rhozelyn
    Rhozelyn Posts: 201 Member
    Hi. The first thing is to get the idea of "diet" out the window fast. We are overweight because at various times in our lives we overate....each 3500 calorie excess theoretically gained us a pound.
    So if I gained 20 pounds in 5 months it means I ate 70 000 extra in 5 months which was 14 000 calories extra a month .
    In a week I ate 3500 calories extra a week which was 500 calories extra daily.....basically an extra sandwich, bag of chips , odd burger or generous dessert....
    So really although 500 calories extra doesn't seem much over time it all adds up!
    I am sure the calories were never so equitably eaten ....it was probably the pattern of periodic mega calorie consumption for whatever reason admixed with " keeping track in my head "!

    Ok ....I am rambling but the point I am making is we have to make a lifestyle change. If you don't want to feel hungry then make better food choices. If you enjoy something don't cut it out completely but have less of it.
    If you keep eating lots then keep track and try and balance things out with exercise. Even if you don't lose weight then aim NOT to gain weight.
    If bingeing is a major problem make sure you are getting lots of vegetables and fruit in too ....at least there is some good nutrition getting in. I read someone's post here that once they start getting the " I need to eat" feeling they exercise.

    You have to have a goal to aim to....why do you want to lose weight?
    I find my weight gain unacceptable because post Christmas I was the heaviest I had ever been in 10 yrs. My clothes don't fit and I was struggling to go upstairs.

    So make your goals SMART: Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time limited.

    Eg....to track all food and stay under 2000 calories this week or to exercise for at least 20 mins 4 times a week for a month.

    Good luck....
  • needsalife3
    needsalife3 Posts: 56 Member
    Have you considered talking to someone. I already know I have emotional issues with food. People think I'm heavy because I have no control. Wrong. I have full control. I use my weight to keep people out. Only people who really love me love me fat. I haven't lost enough weight this time to get to the point where any of this becomes an issue. But I will say that y'all are the only people who know I'm dieting. I haven't told a soul although I think my husband has a clue. Anyway. Sorry to hijack your issue but I just wonder if you might not be like me with mental "blocks" to getting thin. What am I doing about it? Nothing so far. I'm sort of hoping between y'all and my own awareness of the problem it all works out. I know it's all about fear. I'm not afraid of heights or snakes but I sure am afraid of being thin. Please don't call the padded truck!
  • My husband read an article in the paper shortly after the beginning of the New Year. It basically said 85% of those who set goals for the New Year don't reach them. The successful ones write their goals down and keep track of their progress - only 2% of those who keep journals (or whatever) aren't successful.
    I think the reason writing your goals down and keeping track helps is... you think enough of yourself and have enough faith in your ability to reach your goals to make yourself accountable. Kinda the same principle on which Weight Watchers has built their approach.
    The bottom line is... there are a zillion tools, diet plans and tips out there and not one of them will be the magic bullet. That bullet is somewhere inside you. It's different for everyone and that's just crummy to hear because you can't just go buy 'it' off a shelf somewhere.
    I've seen friends keep to their goals because of an upcoming wedding or a reunion. They manage to 'click in' and stay on track because there is a date looming up in front of them.
    I too have started and stopped many, many times. I have been struggling with staying on track and then my kids gave me a Fitbit for Christmas. Through that, I discovered myfitnesspal. I'm amazed at how comprehensive the food inventory is and how easy it is to keep track of what I'm eating. The way my little Fitbit talks to my account with myfitnessplan and vice versa is helping me stay motivated. I'm 55 and I do not want to get in to my 60s and not be able to enjoy life because of the health problems that come with being overweight.
    I guess whatever our individual motivation - the goal has to be more important than the corn chips or the apple pie or whatever.
    I believe the motivation is in there, but sometime buried. Keep digging, we're not alone in the struggle to find the oomph to get to the finish line.
  • Thank you guys for your help :) I love MFP! I have a horrible week & come on here th support is amazing! I'm back on track already. I have a lot of heath issues that I try to look past & maybe thats why I have always struggled with my weight . I'm just done with my excuses< I want to look how I feel inside :)