Being honest with oneself

Today I put my progress ticker on my message board signature. It shows of my original goal of 9 kgs to lose I have 11 kgs to go.

This weekend was also the first time I recorded what I ate on the weekend. I have been really good on weekdays but as I expected, it is my weekend eating habits that are hindering my progress toward my goal.

Tomorrow I have a fitness assessment. While I have not been making measurable progress on my weight loss goals I am hoping in the 2 months I have been attending the gym 3 times a week (with a 2 week Xmas break) that my fitness has improved.

Have you had times when you have had to acknowledge the barriers you are putting in your own way?

Were you able to use this as motivation knowing that if you are realistic you can achieve your goals or did you get discouraged?


  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    I am my own barrier. I just keep working on it.
  • DenseGirl
    DenseGirl Posts: 19 Member
    Remember that weight loss and healthy living is a personal journey, you are the only one that can take this journey and your actions affect the outcome. It is your choice to eat a cookie before bed or to honestly track your serving size and calories. I struggle with this, as do most of the people on this site. Take this as an opportunity to become mentally stronger and make your entire body healthier.

    Make a plan, do all that you can to stick to it. Create positive internal thoughts on the subject of getting healthier and make it happen.
  • colemelanie
    colemelanie Posts: 4 Member
    Like most, I struggle with constantly recording what I eat. I try remember to eat healthy and stick to portion control. Sometimes that does not always work. However, I know it is a marathon, not a sprint, so I try to stay focused on the end and not get discouraged.
  • Flyer69
    Flyer69 Posts: 100 Member
    If you can't loose the bad habits on the weekend, why not work around them.

    I suggest that besides the 3 normal session you have in the gym you also go to the gym on your "bad" days and work of the extra amount of calories you will be cosuming eg alcohol or rich food meeting up with friends.

    Nothing worse then going to a party and drinking only water and eating rabbit food.

    Just had my daughters 21st party and I "misbehaved", drank lots of cocktails and beers and had plenty of food. However I still lost weight.....
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    I view it that I have made a lifestyle change, but part of that is still enjoying myself from time to time, and not imposing my choices on others when out and about. Even flipping to maintenance on a weekend can be loggable and manageable - just gives a little more flexibility.

    I eat as well as I can in the week, kick back a little at the weekends, and I know that everything I am doing now is better than I was doing in the past.

    That's good enough for me!
  • Flyer69
    Flyer69 Posts: 100 Member
    There lies the key, you need to find a way that suits you and makes you happy.
  • 4mydogs
    4mydogs Posts: 66 Member
    I am my own barrier. I just keep working on it.

    I totally agree with this. Unlike past times when I tried to lose weight, this time I wake up each day and try to make it the healthiest day I can, most importantly though is that I am engaged each day with what I am eating and how active I have been. Some days are better than others but I am much more aware and I know each day is an oppurtunity.
  • kae_blah
    kae_blah Posts: 180 Member
    Thanks for all the great posts.