
My hubby bought me a road bicycle for Mother's Day!! Yeah! Anyone here ride? I'm going to start! I have been wanting one for years!


  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I love cycling, I'm getting back into it now that the weather is better, what kind of bike did you get?

    ~Leash :heart:
  • emilymorene
    emilymorene Posts: 56
    It has been years since I rode a bike!! I don't know how well I would do on it now! :laugh:
  • emilymorene
    emilymorene Posts: 56
    It has been years since I rode a bike!! I don't know how well I would do on it now! :laugh:
  • Lshizz
    Lshizz Posts: 44 Member
    I got a road bike a couple of months ago and have really enjoyed it :) It's a nice change of pace from walking/hiking which are regular activities of mine. I was a little humbled at first though, even small hills seem huge when you're trying to pedal up them!
  • jerren
    jerren Posts: 196
    I bike!!! Its my main source of exercise. I love it love it love it. I even ride to work now. (10 miles a day)
  • HawkeyeGuy
    HawkeyeGuy Posts: 183
    Ahhh...biking. Yes, you'll love it. It's been the key for me getting in shape. No knee pounding, and you can burn significant calories. My typical weekend ride burns upwards of 2500 calories (it is 3 hours+ though). Few things I'd recommend... 1. Get professionally fitted - it will allow you to ride without discomfort, and you'll be much more likely to want to ride. It costs a few bucks, but makes a big difference. 2. Get used to the saddle. Soft saddles aren't always better...firmly padded saddles work better typically. But no matter what, your 'sit bones' will hurt the first few times...but your body will adapt quickly. 3. Start short. Build up your mileage gradually - 10-20% per week. 4. Get a computer. A bike computer that is - preferably one that measures cadence (the number of pedals you take per minute). 5. Use your gears - watch your cadence. You shouldn't have to 'mash' the pedals, instead, use your gears so you're always at a constant cadence (I ride around 90). Keep your cadence high enough, and your leg muscles can work for hours in a fat-burning zone.

    Now - go get on your bike (wear your helmet no matter how goofy you think it looks).
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    I love cycling, I'm getting back into it now that the weather is better, what kind of bike did you get?

    ~Leash :heart:

    I got a TREK. It's entry level. I plan on signing up for a couple races this summer and maybe give a sprint triathalon a try! I'm going to join a cycle group this summer too..... I've been a runner for years and wanted to start cycling!
  • GRose
    GRose Posts: 69
    I've been riding my bicycle to work almost every day (except 1) for the past 3 weeks - even today in the rain. It's really hard - I've written about it in my blog - since I'm out of shape & haven't ridden since before high school but I find it really satisfying. Lshizz is right about the hills. Even small ones try to kill you! LOL

    Good luck! Let us know how it goes!!
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Ahhh...biking. Yes, you'll love it. It's been the key for me getting in shape. No knee pounding, and you can burn significant calories. My typical weekend ride burns upwards of 2500 calories (it is 3 hours+ though). Few things I'd recommend... 1. Get professionally fitted - it will allow you to ride without discomfort, and you'll be much more likely to want to ride. It costs a few bucks, but makes a big difference. 2. Get used to the saddle. Soft saddles aren't always better...firmly padded saddles work better typically. But no matter what, your 'sit bones' will hurt the first few times...but your body will adapt quickly. 3. Start short. Build up your mileage gradually - 10-20% per week. 4. Get a computer. A bike computer that is - preferably one that measures cadence (the number of pedals you take per minute). 5. Use your gears - watch your cadence. You shouldn't have to 'mash' the pedals, instead, use your gears so you're always at a constant cadence (I ride around 90). Keep your cadence high enough, and your leg muscles can work for hours in a fat-burning zone.

    Now - go get on your bike (wear your helmet no matter how goofy you think it looks).

    Thanks for the tips! I got fitted yesterday. My husband took me to the bike store and we were there for about 4.5 hrs testing bikes and then getting all gear and getting fitted for the bike. It is a pricey sport I tell you! I do need to get a computer, but I have the runner's garmin which is multi sport and keeps track of cadence. The guy at the bike store said to give it a try and if I don't like it then I should get the computer specific for the bike. I'm worried about clipping in and out of the pedals. I do spin classes regularly (which I know isn't exactly the same) but those bikes are stationary and aren't going to fall on top of me if I get stuck in the clips. I spent some money on good riding shorts (those butt pads are not very attractive) so hopefully those will help my sit bones a tiny bit. I can't wait to go on my first ride!! I'm going in 2 wks, only 10-15 miles. My friend rides 40-50 at a time.

    I'll wear my helmet---I promise. =)
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    I mountain Bike (as of last weekend!) haha I live in Outdoor Recreational Capital Of Canada (Squamish BC) I am surrounded by trails and mountains ... so it's something I finally decided to take up! Love it!
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    I mountain Bike (as of last weekend!) haha I live in Outdoor Recreational Capital Of Canada (Squamish BC) I am surrounded by trails and mountains ... so it's something I finally decided to take up! Love it!

    I have a mtn bike and have not been a fan. I have been on a couple mtn bike trips with friends and have never enjoyed it. I think I'm afraid of falling and breaking bones. LOL My husband is into mtn biking! He's headed out on a 3 day bike trip this weekend (on his new mtn bike-early father's day present).
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I love riding my bike and it really helps keep you fit. It doesn't take long before your looking for longer and longer rides. And no other sport makes you pay as much attention to wind reports, LOL. I always what other sport could let a woman of my size move so fast on her own 2 legs. Have fun.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I have a mountain bike that I got last September...I rode it once. 4 miles there, and 4 miles back. Of course, I stopped at stop lights & crossways but it was basically non-stop and I couldn't believe I did it!!! Haven't done it since. It has a flat tire. :( But I plan on getting a bike pump soon and inflating that sucker up!!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I have a trek too, I love mine! I suggest practice riding on the grass with your clip ins so if you fall it won't hurt you or your bike, it does take some practice cause its not something you would normally think about but you'll get the hang of it.. Yea the shorts are pretty necessary and you will be sore but you'll get used to it, and if you do spin it probably won't be as bad, good luck and keep us posted!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    And can you believe how light the bike is, when I got mine a year ago I couldn't believe it! I just carry it up and down the stairs at my apt its great!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • saltygal442
    My husband has just bought me a mountain bike as he is really into it and wants to help encourage me with my weight loss, we are quite lucky to live near the Yorkshire moors the only problem being its so hilly!

    My first attempt last week was a real shocto the system and almost put me off for life, but I got back out this weekend and did 10 miles and felt great for it!

    I'm hoping to do this on a regular basis now increasing my time that I do it in and the distance, but I'm slowly coming round to becoming a fan :)
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    I mountain Bike (as of last weekend!) haha I live in Outdoor Recreational Capital Of Canada (Squamish BC) I am surrounded by trails and mountains ... so it's something I finally decided to take up! Love it!

    I love my local area but I am extremely jealous of your access to some beautiful trails.
  • funnygrrl
    funnygrrl Posts: 170 Member
    I have a mountain bike and love it... have yet to be on it, though, this year, and am really sad about that... my boyfriend is in the process of buying a road bike so i may really be out of luck on riding... i hope not though
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    I bike, I bike! I love it! My favorite activity in the whole world is to throw all my camping & cooking gear, clothes and whatever else I need and go riding off into the sunset for a few days, camping at night and biking all day. Great fun and great exercise. I have a Trek too (my profile pic is me on a 8 day bicycle camping trip on my Trek). Definitely start slowly and build up mileage. Don't be ashamed if you have to walk up some hills. Your legs will get stronger the more you do it. Biking isn't the cheapest sport in the world but once you have the bike and it's fiftted there's not a ton of cost and if you treat the bike right it could last you a VERY long time. If it ever feels too easy to bike, you can always hook up a trailer and tow something heavy. ;o)
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Wow! 8 day biking trip!!! How fun! Although, I would have to stop and shower some where. LOL

    Thanks for all the tips! I can't wait to go on my first ride!! May 23rd is the big day!!! I'm doing the Mad Mud run on the 22nd! Then we'll do the ride the next day! Lots of calories will be burned that weekend!! =) I'm still afraid I'll fall try to get my feet out of the clips! Oh well.... I'll survive scraped knees!

    To all of you who love Mtn biking! I wish I did! I really wanted to! Maybe one day!