Not eating enough calories...starvation mode, oh no!:)

I feel like i cant ever eat enough calories! Today i felt completely full and then i came here and logged in my food, thinking it would be more than enough, but i ended up having 500 more calories to go till i hit the 1200 mark. I don't want to go into starvation mode, because i know that if i do, it will be harder to lose weight. Its also super unhealthy!
Some people have told me though that if you don't feel hungry then your body wont. I don't know if that is true or not?
What do you guys think? Thanks everyone! Oh and feel free to add me as a friend! Everyone needs friends!:)


  • Are you eating high volume foods? If so, maybe you should swap them out for more calorie-dense foods, such as nuts and olive oil.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    If you open your diary, we can give you some more specific advice. But, yeah, usually people need to add more healthy fats into their diet, such as are found in nuts, vegetable oil, olive oil, avocado, etc.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    One day isn't going to hurt, but try to plan your day better so you can get the extra calories in.

    If you log in the morning what you plan to eat for the day you can tweak the day's food to make sure you get closer to your goals.

    Kick out the low fat foods, add nuts as a snack, add some oil to your cooking, add some cheese to your salad....

    You can increase the calories without adding too much extra volume.
  • I find all this very confusing as so many 'experts' have so many different ideas. When they say your body goes into starvation mode and you wont loose weight how do people who have had a gastric band loose weight when they only have around 800 calories a day and that to begin with is a liguid diet ? yet the loose weight very fast. My diabetic doctor told me to 'halve what I eat' which was about 800cals...hence i had my first hypo ever and my dietician went mad !!!!! and I no I couldnt survive on that as I was always hungry.I now eat a healthy but low fat diet ( i take fat tablets..Orlistat) and my diet is good but i still only loose weight extremly slowly ! ib a forghtnight if that....i have now had blood tests and it appears I have something wrong with my thyriod even though its be checked before !!!! I just do the best i can but get sooooo fed up with different suggestions like high protein diets, low carb diets, weight watchers, slimming world etc . I have honestly put on weight with all these diets and I have kept to them regidly.......I excersise at the gym 6 times a week doing spinning classes, cardio in the gym , swimming had to cancel circuit,viper and Faas classes as I have a shoulder injury and Im awaiting just doesnt seem fair as I cant loose the wait......Still not giving up though.