
I'm not getting much support at home for losing weight/getting in shape, so I figured I'd turn here. My willpower and my willingness to stick to a plan just don't exist, so hoping I can gain some inspiration from here! Look forward to interacting with y'all fine folk.


  • hi hun well ive been on here a week and i got weighed today and ive lost 4lb so so far so good.i havent found it difficult im eating mostly weight watchers food so its easy to add the calories as there on the foods.if u need a chat or anything im here :-) im a mum of 3 boys who are 6,4 and 18 months and ive been with their dad 8yrs and im 27 good luck :-) x
  • Welcome to the party!
  • sohesays
    sohesays Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks to all of you who've already added me. :)