Question about fruit?

I am on an 800 calorie diet and of coarse I get hungry between meals. But counting my calories and eating an apple or an orange boosts my calories up every-time I eat one. My doctor says that fruit are basically GOOD calories and I shouldn't count them in my calorie count. Does anyone have any input on this? I love fruit and would eat it all day if I could. But 800 calories isn't a lot to play around with. Apples & oranges are 80 cal a piece. What should I do?


  • JessicaRobin67
    JessicaRobin67 Posts: 275 Member
    800 is awful low...did you put yourself on that amount or your doctor?
  • TrishLG
    TrishLG Posts: 173 Member
    Weight Watchers use to balance choices by calories.
    Say the choice is an ounce of chocolate 100 calories; a med apple 100 calories.
    Too many kept choosing the chocolate.
    So what WW did was reduce the choices, but make fruit free.
    This way people add five fruit to the day, they up their total to 1200 (in your case).
    Now they get fiber, vitamins, minerals, and some sugar, locked in the plant cells that the body has to work to release.
    No quick spikes in blood sugar; since you are eating the fruit throughout the day, no drops in blood sugar.

    I tried the HGH diet that was only 800 calories. I could not go for walks, just was too depleated of energy and power.
    Your diet must not have been meant as an 800 calorie diet, but as a 1200 with the fruit.
    The doctor said, "Do not count the fruit."
    Listen. Eat. Enjoy.
  • photomankris
    photomankris Posts: 6 Member
    I put myself on the 800 calorie a day diet. The doctor has no problem with it. Out of the whole week of dieting so far. I have only hit 800 calories once. I usually finish up around 750 or so. I know what you mean about no energy, but I am in a wheelchair and can't really exercise anyway. But it did feel really good getting on the scale this morning and finding out that I lost 10.8 pounds in 1 week.
  • Dahllywood
    Dahllywood Posts: 642 Member
    800 is too low

    Also, most fruits are bigger than what MFP has in the database. They aren't usually 80 calories, more like 120.