Success so far but hit a Road bump

Hey everyone!
I have been part of myfitnesspal for about 145 days now. I log everyday and have lost about 22-23 pounds while on it and about 31-32 pounds all together. Currently I am about 189 -190 pounds and have been for more than 2 months now. The scale won't budge!
I read on this forum that eating too little can be the cause so 2 weeks ago I changed my weight loss per week from 2 pounds to 1 and 1/2 pounds raising my daily intake from 1400 cals to about 1680 cals. Still I don't have success.
You guys can check my diary if you want.
My exercise routine:
Monday: C25k week 4 currently + cycling
Tuesday: P90x chest and back + cycling
Wednesday: C25k week 4 currently + cycling
Thursday: P90x arms and shoulders + cycling
Friday: C25k week 4 currently + cycling
Saturday: Cycling
Sunday Rest + eat to weight maintainence
Sooo... any Advices?

Note: I have been doing C25k for longer than 4 weeks just that my stamina wasn't building so I was stuck on one level for a while before moving on.
Thanks in Advance!


  • everyone hits a plateau that is normal especially if you are near your goal weight. My weight loss also stopped and now has come back again but slowed but I am almost at my goal.
    I found eating some different foods and doing different exercise can help. If you're always doing the same thing your body gets used to it
    cheers and good luck
  • Nomi923
    Nomi923 Posts: 43 Member
    Hmm.. thanks! what would you recommend in terms of exercise as a replacement to either cycling or running?
  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    For cardio, swimming and jump rope.
  • OutsideCreativ
    OutsideCreativ Posts: 143 Member
    Is thre anywhere you can go to swim? Swimming uses a lot of different muscles in different combinations than usual.

    When I swim, I follow this pattern and it turns into a pretty good workout:

    7 laps of freestyle
    7 backstroke
    7 breast stroke
    7 free
    2 underwater (just for fun... swim as far as you can without taking a breath)
  • First of all, the wow- amazing weight lose, and you should feel really, really really proud!
    As an alternative form, of exercise, have you thought about using a cross trainer? I found that has worked well for me., and good for burning calories and you'll use the different muscles than cycling or running. I guess it depends if you're a member of a gym or not though?

    Good luck
  • Nomi923
    Nomi923 Posts: 43 Member
    Hmm the swimming and the cross trainer are good ideas! I might try that, I can join a gym not a problem. I want finish c25k first though; Want to run those 5ks for the first time in my life :D

    Thanks for the help guys!
  • chelbivandine
    chelbivandine Posts: 33 Member
    All I can say, and this is from personal experience, make sure you are eating your exercise calories back. Say your goal is 1200 and you burn 400 in exercise, make sure your net calories isnt 800 calories but rather make sure you eat enough (in this example 1600 calories) to reach your net goal
  • LenaNc
    LenaNc Posts: 4 Member
    Looks like you aren't eating breakfast either? Not sure when you are working out, but maybe you need to get some food in before you start working out...I've always heard people that eat breakfast have higher metabolisms?! Good Luck and Congrats on what you have done so far!
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    Start eating oatmeal for breakfast! Whenever my weight loss stalls, I start eating oatmeal for breakfast and it seems to jump start it. And I agree with the swimming. Works all kinds of muscles you never knew you had! :) Great job so far on your journey and good luck on the rest of it!
  • jst1986
    jst1986 Posts: 204 Member
    I've gotta agree with some of the other comments - breakfast is a must.
  • Nomi923
    Nomi923 Posts: 43 Member
    I workout i the later in the day, like 7 or 8 pm... but I guess Ill try eating breakfast then.. I like to save those calories but i guess 100 150 cals cant hurt.
  • Nomi923
    Nomi923 Posts: 43 Member
    Sorry for the doublepost but I had another question.. The calories of Rice and the like, they give you calories for 1 cup. Is that 1 cup cooked or uncooked?
  • mambagirl
    mambagirl Posts: 137 Member
    Sorry for the doublepost but I had another question.. The calories of Rice and the like, they give you calories for 1 cup. Is that 1 cup cooked or uncooked?

    They have both listed...If it says nothing Im going to assume its cooked because 1 cup uncooked is like 4 servings once its cooked.
  • Nomi923
    Nomi923 Posts: 43 Member
    Yah thats what I thought.. well thanks for all your help guys! Hope I can do the same for you guys in the future..