I suck at dieting every.single.weekend.



  • tumblindice
    tumblindice Posts: 39 Member
    Me too!
    Can't seem to get motivated on the weekends.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Pretty much everybody here has or had some problem time they had to work through. Mine were/are late afternoons. I've gotten a lot better at keeping myself out of the refrigerator and cabinets, but PM is still a difficult time of day for me. We all just have to figure out what we want more, make a plan, and stick to the plan. Good luck!
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    two things, first off what are you loss per week goals? 1200 calories is pretty low each day unless you are very sedentary. I'm 5'2" also started at 189 and am down to 156 in less than a year and I eat a lot more than that! everyone is different but it may help to relax your goals a little. I used to set mine to 2lbs lost a week and just like you I'd do good during the week but any time there's an event or meal out I'd go on a bender and wind up throwing in the towel. I now have mine set to 1/2 a pound lost each week and I've been on track for most of the last year (started back in mid February of last year and took about a month off over the holidays where I gained back 5 lbs due partly to holiday non-dieting and partly to a foot injury that kept me out of the gym) I finally came to the conclusion that I'd rather lose a little slower and keep my sanity!

    secondly: I know that there will be 1-2 days a week that I'm going to have more to eat, like a meal out with friends or cupcakes for a coworkers birthday ect... I plan my meals so that most days I'll have a little extra room leftover on my food diary to store up for my big meals. For example my husband and I went out for sushi last night and I wound up being over my calorie goal by about 300-ish calories, but the rest of the week I was under by 100-300 calories each day so I know I'm still good for the week. Having the knowledge before hand that you're going to eat more than you're allotted and its ok will make it much easier to be rational about what extras you choose to eat. Because I knew it was ok that I was going over and I wasn't "cheating" made it easier to pick sushi vs a double cheeseburger with bacon & extra fries and helped me choose water to drink instead of pop and skip dessert.

    oh and one final note: exercise!!!!! I spent an hour and a half at the gym this morning to make sure I had plenty of room for whatever I wind up having today. even 30 minutes of exercise can add back in 200-400 calories to give you cushion for treats. Thats a slice of pizza right there :)
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    Something that I've found helpful, I try to call them "casual days" - instead of "OMG i just went off the handle so this is a mad bender to the next start over day" kind of days lol....

    That way in my mind it works like - so, going out with the friends tonight - since this is a "casual day" - i'll have a few extra bits off the appetizer plate we share....but then....what's say I keep my dinner in the healthy menu 500 cal or less section for that restaurant? And yeah, we can have 1 regular coke - but what's say we go ahead and drink water for the rest of the chill session?

    that way my brain's not going like - so, going out with the friends tonight - man i know i can't handle this - they'll be eating all that good stuff and I can't have a single thing - i hate myself and i hate my life lol

    sort of a mind over matter thing - change the way you approach it and maybe that'll help.

    instead of - man weekend with my friends again i know i'm going to jack this up (aka setting yourself up to fail)

    try - WOOHOO weekend out with the girls - let's show them how to get it done (aka setting yourself up to soar! woohoo)


    This is awesome. Excellent strategy. I'm going to borrow "casual day" if you don't mind. "Cheat Day", "Free Day", They just don't fit my mind set about this aspect of healthy eating. Mind over matter and attitude is crucial for success.
  • kalley1229

    AND WORSE OF ALL - 5 days of angels = 2 days of binge eating = NO WEIGHT LOSS AT ALL.

    im gonna listen to the suggestion above about weighing in on monday..