May Cardio Challenge: 360 Minutes/Week!



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    My weekly total was 259... I didn't quite get there, maybe this week!

    great job Kim, I'm chasing after you now. :)

    I am supposed to be on vacation from work this week - so that could make this goal easier OR harder. It could go either way...

    Uh oh, now I know someone is watching me.:noway:

    You'll get there...working seems to get in the way:grumble: ...the only way I made it was by getting the day off work!!!

    Today, I am picking up a 1/4 cow that I bought from a farm....184's going to last forever:laugh:
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    269 last week, didnt quite make it ether, but really tried. Whats the challenge this week. IM going to still keep the 360 minute goal this week as well.
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Hey everyone!!!

    I definitely could have made the goal if I did another 1 or 2 days of working out. I did get in a workout on Sunday though. My total for the week was 232..... I defintely did not hit it, but I will keep trying. New start for the week.!!

    I am another one that needs to get the diet under control. Last week I did pretty hard workouts, but lost nothing because my eating was crappy. Another fresh start there!

    Thanks for the motivation everyone!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Hey everyone!!!

    I definitely could have made the goal if I did another 1 or 2 days of working out. I did get in a workout on Sunday though. My total for the week was 232..... I defintely did not hit it, but I will keep trying. New start for the week.!!

    I am another one that needs to get the diet under control. Last week I did pretty hard workouts, but lost nothing because my eating was crappy. Another fresh start there!

    Thanks for the motivation everyone!

    Don't get discouraged!!! 232 minutes equals 7 - 30 minute workouts

    Here's a good snack for me:

    1 pear (fiber)
    8 wheatable crackers (or any kind you like) (carbs)
    1 laughing cow wedge or 1 oz of soft goat cheese (protein)

    Really fills you up, the pear has 7 gms of fibers...yep, bowel cleansing fiber...helps me avoid grabbin' chips, cookies
    Also, Kashi coconut and dark chocolate die for...dark chocolate is heart healthy, right?...4 gms of fiber
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Hey everyone!!!

    I definitely could have made the goal if I did another 1 or 2 days of working out. I did get in a workout on Sunday though. My total for the week was 232..... I defintely did not hit it, but I will keep trying. New start for the week.!!

    I am another one that needs to get the diet under control. Last week I did pretty hard workouts, but lost nothing because my eating was crappy. Another fresh start there!

    Thanks for the motivation everyone!

    You can do it!

    For me, if I want to change my diet, I have to do it cold turkey. I have tried cutting things down to once a week, or once a month or for certain special occassions only I can't seem to get rid of the all the time cravings. But if I just give it up and get it and keep it out of my house I am more able to deal with the initial cravings and then they eventually go away and I can trust myself again to be around them without partaking. I know that doesn't work for everyone and that's a recipe for gorging down the road but for me it's the only way I can control myself....maybe it is easier for you too? I gave up soda this way (17 yrs now) and chocolate and sweets for 2 years as well. I have tried several times to do the chocolate one again over the 9 years I've been married but my husband brings a lot into the house so I've had problems getting it going since I haven't been able to get over the initial cravings but with the diet change I made recently I no longer crave it so I am reay to give it up again!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I wanted to go to zumba tonight; but, my body hit a wall...I am so tired I can hardly move...just got out of the bubble bath

    You know what's worse, I didn't even go to my son's ballgame...hubby is there...but, I am just exhausted and it cold, windy and raining

    Anyway, stayed within my calorie range today which is my first day of tracking again...I weighed up two pounds from last weigh in which I can't even remember when I did it. That's kind of a bummer. Hoping by the end of the month to break into the 160's. Anybody else have weight goals?

    Tomorrow: Flab to Fab (1 hour) and Kardioke (45 minutes)

    Going to get a good nights' sleep and let my body rejuvenate

    Good night!!!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    20 minutes of 30 day shred
    30 minutes of dog walk/run

    50 minutes so far
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Looks like we're off to a good start. I went for a slow jog today (60 mins) with a warm up / cool down walk and stretching for a total of 75 minutes.

    My eating was CRAP today. Anyone want to take a health(ier) eating challenge this week? Shoot for a minimum of 1 serving of fruits and veggies PER day and lots of water. That's my goal. I need to reverse the crazy eating I did today. :noway:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Duplicate post, sorry!
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    are we doing the same challenge this week 360 minutes?
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    45 minutes of bike riding, (even with two sore knees) :)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Looks like we're off to a good start. I went for a slow jog today (60 mins) with a warm up / cool down walk and stretching for a total of 75 minutes.

    My eating was CRAP today. Anyone want to take a health(ier) eating challenge this week? Shoot for a minimum of 1 serving of fruits and veggies PER day and lots of water. That's my goal. I need to reverse the crazy eating I did today. :noway:

    I have tried to up it to 5 servings of fruits/veggies per day. Seems, I am at the store everyday replacing it tho. The kids eat it too. I was happy to see peaches and nectarines in the store. I paid a fortune for them; but, it was worth it.

    Try a salad with mixed greens, sliced peaches, blueberries. I use a blueberry basil dressing from a local seller. It's light and refreshing. Just have to find ways to incorporate it all.

    Or, make something like beef stew...I have a good recipe if you want it...let me know and I will post healthy, has beef, potatoes, carrots and peas. That would be 3 servings of veggies right there.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    There's a lot of us to a good start this week. As I posted yesterday, never made it to zumba,:grumble: I was exhausted.:yawn:

    My son's game ended up getting rained out; so, I don't feel as guilty for missing it.:blushing:

    Does anyone feel like the good week of exercise has had any positive changes? I feel like I can make it thru the classes better. My midsection does feel a little tighter. The vinyasa yoga teacher said I have improved from last week. I have never done yoga before and was a weeble wooble during the first day. Now, I am starting to get stronger.

    Today, I have to hit the grocery store. The kids are starting to complain about their staples not being here.

    Monday, 35 minutes kettleballs
    Tuesday, Flab to Fab and Kardioke is the plan

    Remember, get up and move!!!:bigsmile:
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I did 48 Minutes Last night of cardio. 5 mins of running and 43 min of biking! I actually brought pinapple to work today, plus my "strawberry shake" which is just yogurt and strawberries. I also bring a salad and try and get a vege in at night. That is 4 servings of fruit and vegetables. Plus I am trying to drink extra water to "reverse" my crap eating as well!! Keep up the motivation everyone!!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Peeps,
    Happy Tuesday!!! Got in a 50 min Jog/walk afterwork and started the day off with Denise Austion Cardio Boot Camp (20 min a la Shred) Not sure what's on for later but min 40 minutes of something:laugh: !!!

    I am so up for the eating healthier challenge this week!!! I am going to the grocery store after work to stock up on veggies, fruits and some yogurt so this is great!! Portabellas are definetly included and some salad greens!! I am hoping for strawberries, cherries, peaches and pears - i need some more laughing cow in my life too!!

    Good luck everyone and make it a fantastic day,
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Does anyone feel like the good week of exercise has had any positive changes? I feel like I can make it thru the classes better. My midsection does feel a little tighter. The vinyasa yoga teacher said I have improved from last week. I have never done yoga before and was a weeble wooble during the first day. Now, I am starting to get stronger.

    Well, my midsection feels a little stronger as well and I feel like I have a little more energy. But the best thing it's done so far is that I am getting to bed a little earlier. I don't know why but I hate going to bed so I just sit there on the couch until I can't stay awake. Then I am tired the next day and on the weekends, I sleep in extra late to make up for it and I waste my day away in bed. I hate that! More exercise compels me to get to bed earlier so hopefully this will help get me back on track.
  • Okay, no more slacking for me! I did nothing yesterday, but my eating was perfect, so that's definitely a step in the right direction! Today I have done a c25k workout (gotta ease back into the running with my asthma!), 25 min. biking, and Shred level 1 so 72 minutes total. Maybe I will feel like getting out again tonight. It's so easy to forget how good you feel when you are eating right and working out, but then you do it and it's always surprising at the difference. Totally worth the effort, though. Today is THE Dr. appt. so we'll see if they find anything crazy wrong with me causing this lack of lost weight. I did lose 2 of the 5 I gained though. Also a step in the right direction! Thanks for the motivation as always! You guys rock!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    45 minutes of bike riding, (even with two sore knees) :)

    I'm not even going to ask why? LOL
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I am so up for the eating healthier challenge this week!!! I am going to the grocery store after work to stock up on veggies, fruits and some yogurt so this is great!! Portabellas are definetly included and some salad greens!! I am hoping for strawberries, cherries, peaches and pears - i need some more laughing cow in my life too!!

    I did the same thing today including laughing cow cheese!!!
  • I just wanted to update my stats for the day, since I ended up with more than I posted earlier. I did Shred level 3, and I biked for 35 minutes, on top of the c25k so my total for the day was 87. I plan on going to yoga tomorrow for at least 90 and then we'll see what else I decide to throw in.

    I am really upset right now, though. This will be a long vent, just to warn you guys, so feel free to stop reading now! :laugh: I went to the Dr. and she will be running some tests tomorrow, (thyroid, fasting glucose and several others), but she said if everything comes back normal I might be someone that just has to work harder than others. WTH? I already DO work more than most people! She asked if I wanted a trainer. Um, no, I think I do a pretty good job myself with a well-rounded workout plan. How about a dietician? Why would I need one while weighing or measuring every item that goes in to my mouth for 5 months now? The fats I eat are healthy; olive oil dressings, salmon, nuts, but always portion controlled. I eat a lot of fruits and veggies. I have plenty of protein. I drink tons of water. There just is no explanation and it is seriously driving me insane! Yes, I am not very much overweight. But the fact that I am now, for one of the 1st times in my life, despite calorie control and plenty of exercise is such a mental problem for me. I have always been health conscious; I have done at least 2 triathlons every year, I ran a freaking 1/2 marathon just last August. It has been a life-style for me forever, and to work so hard with no results and that 'overweight' title hanging over my head is so upsetting. Okay, vent over. I just have to get it out because if I talk to my hubby, we tend to fight about it. Sad, but true. He's sick of me complaining. :grumble:

    Good job guys on all your workouts! You are all inspiring to me!
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