fallen off track

:tongue: Have fallen hard off the truck!!
Tomorrow is a new day, new week and new chnace at controlling intake!!!


  • phoenixwizard64
    i recently fell off the track too :(
    BUT its a new week and a chance to start over!
    add me as a friend and we'll support each other! :)
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    We ALL DO IT. Seems like you have the right attitude - back on track as soon as possible and move forward. You can do this!!!

    * edited for spelling error
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    Oh don't worry. I was not food logging for like 3 days and not really watching what I eat and I feel totally fine. 3 days out of 365 is nothing. The other 362 makes the difference. :)
  • tomii13
    tomii13 Posts: 105 Member
    Oh don't worry. I was not food logging for like 3 days and not really watching what I eat and I feel totally fine. 3 days out of 365 is nothing. The other 362 makes the difference. :)

    Well said! Thank you for that reminder
  • Susanbeam2
    Well, I have never posted on here but maybe I need to. Have been faithfully doing MFP for a month, logging my food, eating 1200 calories a day and exercising four times a wee. Have lost nothing! Ready to give up. Thoughts?
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Well, I have never posted on here but maybe I need to. Have been faithfully doing MFP for a month, logging my food, eating 1200 calories a day and exercising four times a wee. Have lost nothing! Ready to give up. Thoughts?

    Eat more.