Trying to change my life.

Hi guys! My name is Laurie and I'm 26yrs old. I've been overweight pretty much all my life and I deal with a few different medical issues that, in the past, have held me back. (Hypothyroidism, pcos, endometriosis, hypoglycemia, etc) I no longer wish to be scsred to lose weight properly for fear of failing due to these issues. My husband is very supportive and encourages me but many people around me are already trying to sabotage my good efforts. If anyone would like to add me I'd appreciate the support and give it in return. I know that we are all capable of doing this! Never give up and always reach for the stars. :-) Please be patient with me, I do all of my internet business on my phone for lack of internet at home. I wish you all the best!


  • I will support your journey........eliminate the negative people......reach out to the positive !!!!
  • mlima14
    mlima14 Posts: 112 Member
    Ignore the sabotagers!!!!! You can do it. My sister-in-law has hypothyroidism and she was able to loose over 30lbs. It's just maintaining your thyroid and eating healthy.
  • I know it can be frustrating when the people around you aren't supportive of your goals but try to focus on the positive people and why you're doing this. Your health is more important then anything that those other people say or do to sabotage you.
  • Thank you all so much! Positivity is infectious and I'm so glad I found people who understand! I appreciate your words of motivation. I believe that we will all reach our goals and I hope that all of you will be super happy when you lose what you're dedicated to losing:-)
  • Never give up and never quit! Love and support to you :heart:
  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    You can do it! Take it one day at a time.
  • alexhelena
    alexhelena Posts: 24 Member
    I'm going to add you! I hate that others aren't supporting you and are even being negative!
  • ladyoflb
    ladyoflb Posts: 73 Member
    Yes! Focus on yourself and the positivity around you. Don't even bother with those that sabatoge your efforts. I too have hypothyroidism (I was born without a thyroid) and my metabolism sometimes likes to go wonky on me (even with daily medication!) so I can partly understand medical conditions holding you back. But you can do it!!:)
  • It's very difficult. And the older you get (I know people say it all the time) the harder it is. My little girl is almost 7 months old and I can't believe how difficult it is to loose the weight that I put on during my pregnancy. I'm 32 and I've ALWAYS struggled. But if you surround yourself with positive people and those that really look to help their friends (and family) you can do it, so long as that's what you want. Health and happiness is what matters. Not what others think. Good luck. And if you need any suggestions or someone to read a venting message I'm here! lol.
  • Y'all are so kind and I'm so appreciative! I will focus on staying around positive people and ignoring the negative. :-) I know I will fallat times but I'm determined to keep getting up. :-) Life is too short to live miserable with myself.
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    hey pal - welcome to the site!

    i had a total thyroidectomy in 2005 - weight has always been a struggle, but more so when they removed my underactive one altogether. I could jokingly say "mannnnn i never get bigger than 333 I got this" - like i was a hot mama or something but soon as that thyroid came out - my weight went BONKERS lol.

    using mfp - honestly - in this past month i lost 9lbs - EASY PEASY LEMON SQUEEZY - I take levothyroxin - and would gladly cuss low acting thyroids with you anyday if you want to add me lol.