i need to be pointed in the right direction

my trainer who works with me put me on a strict diet and like a dummy i trusted him ive been losing weight BUT ive been getting saggy skin and when i say im losing weight im losing 3+ pounds a week (i started january 1st at 184 im now 170) and im scared because he has me eating 700 - 800 cals a day this is why my diary is closed im to embarrassed to open it. yesterday i had 1300 cal cause i got sick of eating like a bird and had a hot fudge sundae. my carbs are sometimes less then 90g a day and sodium is near 600 mg a day. protein near 20g and sugar is barely there maybe 4g. im dizzy all day long. im ready to do this the healthy way im sick of bird eating please do not bash me just guide me i do know where the report button is thank you. ive quit the gym btw my doctor told me he would hospitalize me if i kept it up.


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    This is NOT good. Basically he is getting you to starve yourself so it looks like he is creating results with his program. I personally would fire him, but if you want to keep him, I would have a conversation about what your goals are. It sounds to me like you want to be fit, not just lose weight. Slow and steady is so much better for you.
  • PreciousTreasure8117
    Hello Rae,

    Do not feel like a dummy for trusting your trainer. They are in a leadership position and usually you can depend on their advice due to their education. You are learning that eating less is not the best way to lose weight especially if you are very active when exercising. Your muscles and other vital parts will not get the nutrition it needs to carry on with your regime. There is nothing wrong with eating 1200 calories or more. It really depends on how much you exercise... and it depends on the person. I have learned that if I eat less and exercise I actually gain weight, but if I eat close or a little over my calorie goal (before exercise) and I exercise alot I lose inches and sometimes I drop a pound or so... this is more about shaping our bodies, feeling good, and having a healthier lifestyle. It's not all about those numbers. Just remember that. Try to eating the calories, mfp suggests and continue to exercise. I hope this helps just a little bit.
  • DanceForever904
    DanceForever904 Posts: 611 Member
    i do want to be fit!! i hate this guy with a passion right now!! so how many calories should i eat with weight training?
  • DanceForever904
    DanceForever904 Posts: 611 Member
    so ditch the scale? and do i eat back exercise calories?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    my trainer who works with me put me on a strict diet and like a dummy i trusted him ive been losing weight BUT ive been getting saggy skin and when i say im losing weight im losing 3+ pounds a week (i started january 1st at 184 im now 170) and im scared because he has me eating 700 - 800 cals a day this is why my diary is closed im to embarrassed to open it. yesterday i had 1300 cal cause i got sick of eating like a bird and had a hot fudge sundae. my carbs are sometimes less then 90g a day and sodium is near 600 mg a day. protein near 20g and sugar is barely there maybe 4g. im dizzy all day long. im ready to do this the healthy way im sick of bird eating please do not bash me just guide me i do know where the report button is thank you. ive quit the gym btw my doctor told me he would hospitalize me if i kept it up.

    Get a new trainer! Eating that little can cause you all kinds of health problems.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    so ditch the scale? and do i eat back exercise calories?

    If you are following the calorie goal that MFP gave you, then yes, you eat them back. The calorie goal that MFP figures is without including your exercise.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    You don't have to ditch the scale, but be sure to also take measurements. Only weigh in once a week and yes, eat your exercise calories. I am hoping someone will chime in with a good site for determining your TDEE which is total daily energy expenditure.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    irresponsible trainer... for sure... don't blame yourself.. you go to an "expert" and hope to get proper guidance.. unfortunately, not always the case..
  • DanceForever904
    DanceForever904 Posts: 611 Member
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    I'm glad you questioned it. Obviously you trusted your gut instinct that he was way off base. Looks like you're getting some good advice here. I eat 30% less than my TDEE. The info is here in the forum. My weight is coming off slowly but I'm eating well and being active.
  • DanceForever904
    DanceForever904 Posts: 611 Member
    I'm glad you questioned it. Obviously you trusted your gut instinct that he was way off base. Looks like you're getting some good advice here. I eat 30% less than my TDEE. The info is here in the forum. My weight is coming off slowly but I'm eating well and being active.

    thats what i want! for weight to come off slowly so i dont have so much saggy skin and so i can become more fit and healthy. i want a life style not a quick fix they never work!!!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Okay so since I'm trainer shopping this OP brings up a good question...how does one discern between a good trainer and bad one from the beginning? Are there specific questions to ask, red flags to look for, associations they should be members of, can we ask for references as we do for a number of other services.

    Also is a trainer the best person to get eating advice from? For some reason I have always thought of them as having a very narrow focus of education, training, certification or whatever it is they get and that being related directly to exercise as body movement and the muscle gain, strength gain, flexibility gain, or weight loss, calorie burning those movements can achieve. Is their education/certification/training broader in scope? I ask this in all sincerity, because our dear OP is NOT the first person I've heard talking about their trainer telling them precisely what to eat. It seems that it's common, and I am not looking for my trainer to do that for me once I find one. I ONLY want him or her to guide my movements, exercise routines, etc. and would feel pretty awkward if they started telling me what to eat. I'd almost consider it like an insult like they are calling me fat? I think I may be missing something re: trainers and their scope.

    Do they do food, or not?
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    Wow, that trainer is an idiot. I don't blame you at all for listening to him because he should know what he's talking about and you're supposed to be able to trust your trainer. To find out how much you should be eating, start here:

  • havegrace
    Hi my name is susan and I'm 59 years old and over weight by 60 pounds but I have joined a gym like you and I'm managing my eating and staying around 1200 calories a day. But I'm eating 3 good meals a day and a couple pieces of chocolate a night and I eat what I'm craving just small amounts . I think your going to eat more of what your being told is forbidden on your strict diet than if you had some leeway , I bought a couple of books that have really helped me with cooking and understanding my metabolism and they are The complete idiots guide to low-carb meals and understanding your metabolism by jillian michaels. Sometimes we need to revolt when we are pushed so hard so maybe just take a break and give your self permission to not be so perfect. I hope you find the answer your looking for and you look amazing so maybe just a little more self love.
  • Coopsie6
    I would SERIOUSLY find out where this guy was certified and report him to the board. That is horrible! A woman should never dip below 1200 cal...and that is pretty low as it is! With weight training/cardio, you are supposed to eat back the calories you 'lost'. It may seem counter-intuitive, but you need to build your body.

    Don't be disappointed to begin eating and seeing the weight come back again. Your body is literally starving for it. If you had kept this up, he could've caused you serious metabolic harm. As it is, your metabolism has probably slowed (I don't know how long you were on this program for, so I can't say for certain).

    Stop eating like a bird and enjoy fruits and veggies, lean protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats! Your body needs all this.

    Take it from someone who is training through ISSA to become a personal trainer...an organization that believes in health and wellness! Jeez louise, I just can't believe that trainer! It makes me angry!
  • DanceForever904
    DanceForever904 Posts: 611 Member
    ok ive eatin just above 1400 calories today and finally my headache is gone. im starting to feel alive again :)
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    Unfortunately not all trainers have formal nutrition training. Ask if they've studied nutrition and what kind of degree they have. No degree, then let them just show you how to do the exercises and you can find someone else with proper training. I had a trainer who actually got his degree in health and nutrition and it helped so much though I know it isn't common.
  • xalexandramarie
    xalexandramarie Posts: 17 Member
    The slower the weight loss the easier it is for the skin to go back to normal and not be loose. Be proud of the weightloss so far and slowly up the calories because a sudden raise will make you gain all the weight back. I suggest eating 1000 and then upping it by 200 calories when you feel necessary. Keep up with workouts but ditch the trainer. I have done every possible "diet" known to man so if you have any questions feel free to message me. Dieting since 1st grade, i know what doesnt work. Increasing calories suddenly will just pack on the pounds again. I hope this helps
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    Eeek! your trainer sounds like a *kitten*! Hope you can find a better one soon!