migraine headaches/weight loss



  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thank you, ALL of YOU ! THANK YOU EVERYONE !!!!!
    I kept my history very brief not to bore any of you. But I left out information, important information...
    Im so sorry!
    Ive tried the migraine medications (imitrex, maxolt ect.) and found I was allergic to them , my throat closes and I cant breath.
    Ive tried chiropractors, and acupuntorists for years at a time with all the hope in the world. But no lasting relief.
    Ive tried massage therapists, electric stimulation.
    Ive BEGGED my primary physician to take blood tests at different times of the month to try to rule out possible hormone imbalance connection, (supposedly Im fine).

    Thats how I got the referral to the nerologist. Thats how all of the neurological tests were taken... and I was tested further for psuedo tumor ceribri, and meningitis. More blood work, and BOTOX SHOTS . PAIN SHOTS in the head, pain medication to keep the worst pain under control...
    MENSTRUAL DIARIES, SLEEP DIARIES, MEDICATION DIARIES, change in diet, nutrition classes, weight loss.....
    And the migraines keep on coming EVERYMONTH EVERY MONTH ... and the doctors tell me my blood work is within "normal"
    So I thought Id ask all of YOU smart people about weight loss and migraines
    I really need some answers....

    Did you ever have your mineral levels checked?
  • Lilith5
    Lilith5 Posts: 99 Member
    Ive been having extreme crippling migraine headaches off and on for years.
    But, in the last year and a half the migrajnes have been soooo bad I have had to go to urgent care for pain shots a few times a week.
    I went to a neurologist and had all the standard tests run, No NEUROLOGICAL PROBLEMS !
    It was suggested that maybe I have toxins in my fat causing the migraines......
    I took the suggestion seriously,and lost 100 pounds!
    I still have migraines every month Horrible migraines, EVERY MONTH !
    Does any one else experience migraine headaches beyond any pain medication?
    I lost 100 pounds.... now what does any one suggest??????

    I know what your going through.
    I've been suffering with migraines since my early teens basically I can get an attack at any time but any bit of stress, bright light, tap on the head etc brings them on and they are crippling! Even watching tele can bring one on, I sometimes even walk around the house with my darkest sunglasses on! I went to the doctors' as I thought being so sore and constant there might be something serious going on as no over the counter pain-killer would help. But she says having had them for years it can't be bad. So I have been prescribed 'Propranolol' a preventative, which I take 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. I also take Zolmitriptan which I take when I get an attack! They help but it don't stop me from getting them and sometimes taking the Zolmitriptan don't work so it's a suffering game! As you can take no more than 2 x 2.5mg in 24hrs! But maybe going to your doctor and asking about those 2 medicines you never know they might work for you.

    Hope this info has helped :)
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    Mine have gottem more frequent of late. Weather is def a trigger so I think this time of year is the culprit. Exercise helps me at the start of one. The blood pumping must help. I do understand there are times you cannot MOVE! Exercise is not an option then. The ONLY thing I can do is take sinus meds and go back to sleep. I then wake up with a hangover feeling for 24 hours. Crazy!! Good luck!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,079 Member
    Ive been having extreme crippling migraine headaches off and on for years.
    But, in the last year and a half the migrajnes have been soooo bad I have had to go to urgent care for pain shots a few times a week.
    I went to a neurologist and had all the standard tests run, No NEUROLOGICAL PROBLEMS !
    It was suggested that maybe I have toxins in my fat causing the migraines......
    I took the suggestion seriously,and lost 100 pounds!
    I still have migraines every month Horrible migraines, EVERY MONTH !
    Does any one else experience migraine headaches beyond any pain medication?
    I lost 100 pounds.... now what does any one suggest??????

    I know what your going through.
    I've been suffering with migraines since my early teens basically I can get an attack at any time but any bit of stress, bright light, tap on the head etc brings them on and they are crippling! Even watching tele can bring one on, I sometimes even walk around the house with my darkest sunglasses on! I went to the doctors' as I thought being so sore and constant there might be something serious going on as no over the counter pain-killer would help. But she says having had them for years it can't be bad. So I have been prescribed 'Propranolol' a preventative, which I take 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. I also take Zolmitriptan which I take when I get an attack! They help but it don't stop me from getting them and sometimes taking the Zolmitriptan don't work so it's a suffering game! As you can take no more than 2 x 2.5mg in 24hrs! But maybe going to your doctor and asking about those 2 medicines you never know they might work for you.

    Hope this info has helped :)

    Just to elaborate a bit:

    Propranolol is a Beta Blocker. It is prescribed as a prohylactic drug. Same with tricyclic antidepressants, and anti-seizure meds like Depakote. All these may help prevent symptoms of migraine. The Triptan class of drugs are for treatment once the migraine has started.

    I was on preventative drugs for years. but it still didn't stop the migraines, it merely kept them to a "few" a month. The triptans make it possible to function. But they must be taken at the onset. Once a migraine takes hold, there is no other hope.
  • Leslie2273
    Leslie2273 Posts: 152 Member
    I have several triggers: stress, hormonal, sinus/allergies, weather and I have recently discovered wheat/gluten is a big one. These migraines have been getting progressively worse in the last two years and since I lost my insurance I've been struggling to get meds to help with the pain. I currently have had this current migraine for a week and I'm dying for some relief. It's tough and I hope you find some relief.
  • wetsel23
    wetsel23 Posts: 44 Member
    Do you drink diet sodas? I have heard that aspertame can cause migraines. I just watched a documentary yesterday Hungry For Change and it was also mentioned in that too.
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 338 Member
    Most sweeteners - even the healthy ones - cause headaches / migraines, and in some cases, seizures.

    Trigger food for Migraines are Garlic, Red Wine, MSG, Cheese and Chocolate (usually the english kind, american doesn't do it)

    I am now Migraine free *cross fingers* I had surgical menopause in my late 30's, once I stopped HRT, the headaches went away.
    Anything I get now, is a walk in the park compared to what it used to be.

    An ice pack on the back of the neck, shrinks the blood vessels and slows the blood flow into your brain.

    Good Luck, message me if you need any help, I went thru almost the same as you at Addenbrookes Hospital, they were the ones that diagnosed me

    OHH brainflash, Migraine meds dont work on my son UNLESS he has anti nausea meds too, that knocks it right out.
  • dfquigley
    The only thing that helps me is to avoid triggers.

    Citrus juice
    Bright light
    Lack of sleep
    Too much sleep
    Tylenol, yep, too much tylenol can cause rebound headaches/migraines.
    Extreme changes in weather. Can't avoid it but I can be aware and try to avoid other triggers then.

    What helps me:

    Dark, quiet rooms.
    Oxygen for cluster migraines.
    Butalbitol for meds
    Removing toxic people/drama from my life.
    Any kind of stress relief.
    Oddly, chocolate.
    Cold air, as in ICE cold.
    Sometimes, caffeine.

    What doesn't help me.

    Preventative meds. I have taken every drug that's out there and nothing worked or it turned me into a zombie/slug.
    Exercise, losing weight. I've had migraines since I was 18 years old and my weight has never made a difference.

    This matches me, almost to a T

    Only thing I can add is that some "preventative" stuff actually made them more frequent, and ICE PACKS were glorious!!!

    Another trigger for me is alcohol.

    Good luck, I feel your pain!!!
  • Arwaxx
    Arwaxx Posts: 113 Member
    I have them too. last night was THE WORST one, i got my eyes checked for dryness but nothing. neru doc NOTHING. in the end they told me it was mentally.. whenever im stressed i get them.. so i dont know! like yesterday i dont belive i was stressed but i had the worst headache ever.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    My migraines started getting worse when I started dieting.
    After lots of research with my doctor and online, I found out that it was to do with blood sugar levels not being steady. Not enough to know that they've dropped or risen, but enough to know you're a bit hungry.
    I started eating 6 small meals a day, instead of 3 bigger meals to keep my blood sugar levels steady instead of having it go up and down all the time. I'm a lot better now. Maybe something for you too?

    Also have your magnesium levels checked. A lot of people with migraines have low magnesium levels and that makes the migraines more frequent. I am taking a supplement now and that has helped a lot too.
  • dfquigley
    Blood sugar may make sense.

    Since my diet has improved mine have gone down as well.

    I've been following a complex carb and fat based diet rather than the simple sugars that spike blood sugar etc. but was just doing it for other health reasons.

    Interesting to think about.
  • princessdracos
    princessdracos Posts: 125 Member
    Have you ever tried supplementing Magnesium?

    Also, mine get triggered if my carbs are too low.

    I just started taking magnesium supplements for this very reason! A lot of mine are hormonal, but since I can't take BC, my doctor put me on elavil. It has helped quite a bit, but I think it may be time for a dosage increase. I've also identified several of my triggers: bananas, orange soda, red wine, many colognes and perfumes, diesel fumes...I hope you find the answers you need quickly!
  • Lilith5
    Lilith5 Posts: 99 Member
    Ive been having extreme crippling migraine headaches off and on for years.
    But, in the last year and a half the migrajnes have been soooo bad I have had to go to urgent care for pain shots a few times a week.
    I went to a neurologist and had all the standard tests run, No NEUROLOGICAL PROBLEMS !
    It was suggested that maybe I have toxins in my fat causing the migraines......
    I took the suggestion seriously,and lost 100 pounds!
    I still have migraines every month Horrible migraines, EVERY MONTH !
    Does any one else experience migraine headaches beyond any pain medication?
    I lost 100 pounds.... now what does any one suggest??????

    I know what your going through.
    I've been suffering with migraines since my early teens basically I can get an attack at any time but any bit of stress, bright light, tap on the head etc brings them on and they are crippling! Even watching tele can bring one on, I sometimes even walk around the house with my darkest sunglasses on! I went to the doctors' as I thought being so sore and constant there might be something serious going on as no over the counter pain-killer would help. But she says having had them for years it can't be bad. So I have been prescribed 'Propranolol' a preventative, which I take 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. I also take Zolmitriptan which I take when I get an attack! They help but it don't stop me from getting them and sometimes taking the Zolmitriptan don't work so it's a suffering game! As you can take no more than 2 x 2.5mg in 24hrs! But maybe going to your doctor and asking about those 2 medicines you never know they might work for you.

    Hope this info has helped :)

    Just to elaborate a bit:

    Propranolol is a Beta Blocker. It is prescribed as a prohylactic drug. Same with tricyclic antidepressants, and anti-seizure meds like Depakote. All these may help prevent symptoms of migraine. The Triptan class of drugs are for treatment once the migraine has started.

    I was on preventative drugs for years. but it still didn't stop the migraines, it merely kept them to a "few" a month. The triptans make it possible to function. But they must be taken at the onset. Once a migraine takes hold, there is no other hope.

    I do understand what preventatives do and the triptans. Like I said they help not stop the migraines. But if nothing can stop them then I would rather have a migraine every once in a while rather than suffer 'everyday' like I was suffering before the meds.