Emotional Eater Working Towards a goal weight

I just turned 39 and have been trying like crazy to get to my goal weight of 155lbs by 40. Is there anyone that could give me some support?


  • alissab1113
    alissab1113 Posts: 25
    I just turned 39 and have been trying like crazy to get to my goal weight of 155lbs by 40. Is there anyone that could give me some support?

    HI! I am an emotional eater as well. Im also a food addict and bulimic and I binge (however I do not purge)! It is aweful! I hate it and I've batteled it forever. UNTIL I joined this site!! I truely CAN'T beleive how much I've changed!! Is like magic. Eating the right % of fat, protein and carbs within your calorie limit keeps your cravings totally under control. I feel amazing eating this way. I eat alot of lean protein and vegis, small portions of almonds or natural peanut butter, plain non fat greek yogart (with 1 splenda in it), berries, egg whiltes (hardboiled- they are an easy snack), oatmeal (quaker old fashoned oats in the big jug), protein shakes, etc. Keep in touch. This site is SOOO supportive! Everyone is wonderful!!! Good luck to you, Love, Alissa
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    ... Everyone! All of the members here at MFP support each other. Just jump into a discussion, ask questions, start requesting friends, and you'll fit in just fine. Welcome!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    You'll find lots of support here Karen:wink: That's what MFP is all about changing lives and supporting one another through the good times and the rougher times,

  • rskidmore
    rskidmore Posts: 212
    I am also an emotional eater fighting the battle of the bulge. Just take it one day at a time. The days you don't eat everything in sight will become the days you love yourself, and you'll want to have those kinds of days more often so you'll work to keep it that way.

    I just started seeing a therapist and it's really starting to help the emotional eating because I'm dealing with the root of the problem.

    There's lots of help on this site and from all of the people on this site. We all support each other! Welcome, and good luck!
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    You can do it......I had a goal weight of 141 by 40 but I made it to about 156..........even if you can't get down to goal any weight loss is great.
  • Franksgreengirl
    I am almost in tears reading this. I'm new to the site and have been nervous about the whole process and "fitting in". I see such great results and wonder if that can be me too. I've been embarrassed about sharing my struggles with emotional eating and bulimia as well. I tried the Biggest Loser program online a few years ago and it just didn't work out. The support was not there for me at all.

    However, today I am encouraged by all the kind words of support. I didn't put this weight on over-night and I know it will take time and hard work to get it off. So far I am finding that even if I can't log on to MFP due to time issues I can still keep track on my own and am more conscious of "triggers". Posts like these motivate me to stay in the game and for that I am glad.

    Have a good night ladies.
  • tigerscents
    I am also an emotional eater. I have found that I will put food in my mouth to keep myself from saying something that I consider to be foolish. I am learning slowly to adjust my expectations of myself and others. I am slowly getting to be less angry at minor things. I made myself quit drinking diet coke (I weaned myself) and now I have noticed that I have gone from having the munchies all the time to wanting food about 4 times a day. Breakfast, lunch, early afternoon and dinner time. I have also got myself to drinking about a gallon of water a day. I don't necessarily enjoy it, but I have dropped about 5 pounds in a little over 2 weeks by using this site, and those two additional things. I am also sleeping more soundly (a big deal for me because I was waking up 6+ times a night).

    Good luck and best wishes to all!