


  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    I don't drink anymore because if something feels good, I want more. And I feel better for it. And I certainly don't miss the extra calories, or the decreased willpower to resist overeating.
  • sd_dilligaf
    sd_dilligaf Posts: 146 Member
    Check out the group "You booze, you snooze". Lots of other people doing the same thing.
  • missjeanlouise
    missjeanlouise Posts: 80 Member
    Actually doctors day women should drink 2 bottles of red wine a day.. Um... yea.. bottles right?? Well that's what I heard..

    Were you drunk when you heard this? ;) Cause no one ever would actually say that, let alone a doctor.

    I love wine, but I hate what it does to my food diary. I haven't had any alocohol since NYE, although I don't intend to never drink again. Right now, though, I'd rather chew my calories.
  • almamiranda
    almamiranda Posts: 13 Member
    I don't drink very often, but I tend to drink more several beers and smoke if I am having a night out. I will not drink or smoke for the rest of the month and see what changes. just typing it out made me feel stronger! LOL
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    No way. I have two boys (age 5 and 4). I need wine.

    AGREED ^^ I have 2 girls (13 & 9) I either have alcohol or lose my sanity :drinker:

    THIS! Between me and my man we have two 4 year old girls, a 10 yr old girl and 12 year old boy...

  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    I had a glass of wine on the weekend for the first time in I can't remember, and it didn't event taste the same anymore. I feel way better without it, physically and mentally. Feel free to add me.
  • Ta2dchic20
    Ta2dchic20 Posts: 376 Member
    While I haven't given it up, I have cut back in the last couple weeks because my boyfriend was put on medication that doesn't mix well and I'm trying to be the supportive girlfriend. However, my weight loss was stagnant prior to this, now that I cut back (from 2-3 glasses a night to 2-3 glasses 2 times a week, staying in my macros), I've lost 5 pounds. Hate to say it, but I think it does slow weight loss:indifferent:
  • kmd613
    kmd613 Posts: 42
    No way. I have two boys (age 5 and 4). I need wine.

    Haha. Same here. I have a 5 year old boy. I need wine, too.
  • clairecandoit11
    clairecandoit11 Posts: 62 Member
    I JUST said something about this today on my profile. The last couple of weeks I have noticed it being hard to just have a couple in social situations. I just need to avoid alcohol for awhile because it is really having an affect on my weightloss. I do SOOOO well durnig the week and then BOOM comes a Saturday night and it is depressiing!!
  • Joeypox
    I did this for the month of January and saw the best results I have ever scene since I started my journey. Not only did I not add the calories from teh alcohol as well as the negative things that come with it, but also my "I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED FOOOD" attack that comes after it. I felt GREAT and I went to a superbowl party and pigged out (unfortunately) but I had no urge to drink, so I definitely has changed my mentality on that!

    With that said, I highly recommend it
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Also, just putting this out there as I have in other posts like this:

    If you feel you can't moderate alcohol, by all means, try doing without it completely. But "alcohol" does not make you put on weight, have trouble losing weight, etc... excessive intake of it does, just like with food. Alcoholic beverages DO have serving sizes, and failing to follow those (read: 4 oz of wine for women... a bit different than a bottle with dinner) will result in problems. Obviously, certain people do have certain reactions to them, and there's science that says there's a genetic component to alcoholism, so those are all things that are great to consider. Also, if you have trouble with moderation.

    But saying, "lol alcohol is just bad for you and empty calories" is a fallacy, too. There's multiple proven preventative health benefits from dry red wines, unfiltered craft beers, (I even read a few things on whiskey not too long ago?), etc. etc. That's not saying, "If you don't drink, you're bad!" but it's a counter to the, "If you DO drink, you're bad!" mentality.
  • PopCorn_Said
    Firstly I would like to clarify even though I don't have a drinking problem, I do enjoy my booze, and I can sometimes indulge in a glass of wine (or two) on a week night... or three.
    My doctor told me that in order to lose weight I had to stop drinking. So I did, for a whole month... scale didn't move an inch. So I said to myself, I probably ate more just because I wasn't drinking. Following month I dieted (ate less than normal) and did not drink a drop. I lost a few pounds but nothing extraordinary... And then summer came along... And I cannot go through summer without my beer...
    I try to keep my drinking happen only one or two days a week, I make sure I have plenty of water afterwards and I try to have one or two glasses at most.

    Bottom line, I will not be joining you in your "not drinking"... But I will sure support your efforts!
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    My body fat dropped when I stopped drinking. Now I occasionally drink only a little bit, but I have already hit my goal weight. If you are trying to lose, alcohol is not gonna help.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    I've noticed weight coming off faster/easier when I don't drink.

    I also noticed that I'm not nealry as happy as when I can enjoy a beer in the evenings.

    Methinks not.
  • melmckay99
    I've stopped drinking because I don't want to ingest empty calories. I've posted a topic about this not too long ago. Basically I said that if I'm going to be ingesting empty calories, I would rather it be on something I really really enjoy like chocolate or cake, lol. For me, alcohol is not that tasty and having just ONE drink is very pointless cause not only is it empty calories but I don't even get the feeling of intoxication off of just one! I think I will keep my drinking to just a few times a year on special occaions like new year's eve or my birthday. The hardest part about this though is the social part. It's hard to explain to my friends that I have quit drinking because of my healthy new diet regime. They don't seem to understand and always give the "oh c'mon, just have one drink with me". I have just been telling people straight up thanks, but no thanks, I don't drink anymore. I don't bother to explain any further than this, otherwise I feel like I would sound a bit crazy (i.e. I would wanna say something like "Do you know how many calories are in that one drink? Probably at least 200. That is already like 10% of the daily recommended amount of calories that the average person should get, in 1 DRINK!"). When I do drink I usually get something like vodka with tonic water and a lime wedge or a super light beer, both are around 100 calories per drink.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I find that cutting out anything that I like is too depressing. Sure, I mostly drink in moderation, but I'm not cutting it out.
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    I think it's more than just moderation for me because when I do drink I drink way too much which I think is an issue and considered a binge. For my health I'm just going to take a step back for a month or two and see what happens. Beer is my favorite so I don't see myself giving it up completely, but we will see. Thanks everyone for your support and sharing your experiences!
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    I would give it up for a little while except I just finished bottling 25 gallons of wine and I have a 5 gallon batch of beer in need of drinking very soon.
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    - tastes bad
    - makes me hungry
    - the alcohol itself is more calories
    - tend to do stupid things
    - get a headache the next day
    - could be doing more productive things with my time and money

    Yea, I just haven't been interested in alcohol...
    I was interested in college and then I was like uggggggh I feel sick... okay I'm done. o_O
    I'll have a sweet cocktail like... when travelling? Like we're in another city with no car? But ehhhhhh even then I'm not super interested.
  • Twest08
    Twest08 Posts: 4 Member
    My husband and I have decided to stop drinking for about 30-60 days until we put a dent in our weight loos. I have three kids 2,4 and 10 so I'm not saying I'll stop forever but for now I am. I was well behaved at the SB party and turned down every jello shot that came my way.