Jillian Michael's 30 day shred



  • fionafancypants
    fionafancypants Posts: 9 Member
    Awesome! i have this and did it before a bit, OUCH the jumping kills me, shin splints and my knees, BLEH, but i thnk im going to start this come monday next week... I have a heartrate monitor too and im interested to see how many calories i burn doing the first section...
  • Jeej0
    Jeej0 Posts: 24 Member
    Last day of level 2 today!! bring on tomorrow!!
  • I started day 1 of Level 1 today. I did this a while back and was happy with the results. When it gets tough just slow down because it will really be worth it in the end. Jillian is AWESOME!
  • BruhManFif
    BruhManFif Posts: 136 Member
    Starting up again tonight. L1 Day 1.

    I haven't decided what kind of break/rest schedule I'm going to do just yet...

    How are some of you doing it? 30 days straight? Rest every 7th day? Every other day shred?
  • allysonvb
    allysonvb Posts: 236 Member
    Starting up again tonight. L1 Day 1.

    I haven't decided what kind of break/rest schedule I'm going to do just yet...

    How are some of you doing it? 30 days straight? Rest every 7th day? Every other day shred?

    I'm taking rest days because I'm doing some intensive cardio with it. I am doing three or four days on, rest day. I know some others do it 30 days straight. My body can't handle it with the other stuff I'm doing; at least not YET!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    @SchizJophreni: That would be great feature for the DVD, play only the voices with no background music, then you can overlay whatever music you want.

    You could always just put on music and turn down the volume on the tape... the tech-y beats are not really that loud anyway. I dunno, hubby and I were talking about this (both of us being musically inclined in ways) and we came to the agreement that Jillian or whomever actually picked great music ( I don't even like it but it keeps me going). I have tried working out with all kinds of music to 30DS and I just lose focus.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Checking in here..

    Technically, today is my last day.. but I have been hauling butt this past week, often doing 2 or more levels in one sitting or exercising to the entire 30DS DVD.

    all of you who are just starting today, yesterday or any other time, you CAN do this! In NO TIME, you will be also posting about your last day of the 30 Day Shred and giving yourselves a big pat on the back.
  • allysonvb
    allysonvb Posts: 236 Member
    Completed day 10, ready for the next level!
  • heronfolder
    heronfolder Posts: 27 Member
    Completed day 10, ready for the next level!

    Me too! 10 days down, can't believe it!

    A week ago I was so wobbly and unsteady after doing level 1. This evening I felt like, well i'm warm but was that it?

    My arms were particularly weak and I had to do the easy push ups for quite a while. Then a few days ago I started trying real ones. First I managed 7, the next day 13, the day after 13 again, and tonight I did 15 in a row!

    Bit scared of level 2, out of my comfort zone again :o
  • allysonvb
    allysonvb Posts: 236 Member
    Mfaine or others, how is level2?
  • mfaine
    mfaine Posts: 84 Member
    Mfaine or others, how is level2?

    Killing me. My knees are taking a pounding and that is a problem. I've been doing the alternate exercise for the more high impact exercises but still I've had to pull out an ice pack for past couple of days. I can't do oblique twists very well and I can't do skaters and pendulum lunges with hammer curls at all. I think I may be the whitest guy alive. I just don't understand why they don't design all of the exercises in such a way that anyone can do them, no coordination requirements beyond being ambulatory. On the more positive side, I do great with the crunches and they really seem effective. I am usually about to die after the second set of chair squats with a V fly but then I do really feel like I got a great workout once it's all over.
  • f7191
    f7191 Posts: 1 Member
    I absolutely love 30 Day Shred! I will not lie...I always want to throw something at the TV, but she gets results. Last year between Level 1&2 and Level 1 of her 6 Week 6 Pack, I lost about 25lbs and had some definition. I'm trying to lose another 20 and get lean and muscular. I also have Ripped in 30 and will do that after I finish 30 Day Shred. My issue is the lunges. I just don't do well with them, but I keep trying.
  • TaniaB_79
    TaniaB_79 Posts: 52 Member
    Mfaine or others, how is level2?

    I'm about to start day 12 of level 2 and still finding it hard although it has got a lot easier! I found it hard on my knees for the first couple of days, but a rest day combined with not going deep in the lunges seems to have sorted that
  • allysonvb
    allysonvb Posts: 236 Member
    Started level 2 today. It felt easier than level one, but I was dripping sweat with this one more than the last! Most challenging for me are the plank jacks (had to modify) and the double jumps. Actually did the push ups on the walkout push-ups- I was happy with that! We will see how I feel tomorrow! Take care, and happy Super Bowl!
  • punkinkat
    punkinkat Posts: 85 Member
    Started 30DS on Saturday for like the millionth time... I get about halfway through Level 2, and then I just stop. It's a bad pattern I really need to shake!

    I'm going to try to do this EVERY DAY as intended to see if that helps with my motivation to see this through to the end. Previously, I opted for alternating days on the Shred to prevent injury, but I honestly believe that I am stronger now than I was when I last attempted to finish this program, and I'm not as worried about getting hurt and blowing the whole thing.

    Tonight, I'll be going for Level 1: Day 3. My muscles feel mangled from Days 1 and 2, but I'm going to try to press through it because I know that it gets better. I really wanna be able to say to myself on March 2: "I did the 30 Day Shred!"

    I (re) started on Groundhog Day. Seemed appropriate.
  • Bump starting today
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    Finished day nine (level one) today. This is the longest I've ever lasted with this DVD! And Wednesday will be the first time I've even seen level two. I do take weekends off but I'm walking/jogging (mostly walking!) about 15 miles a week along with the DVD.
  • cournae
    cournae Posts: 30 Member
    I just finished day 3 of level 1. I cannot believe how much easier it gets after only 3 days! Yes, I am extremely sore, especially my arms, but this workout is awesome. It goes by so fast! and I love the way the circuits are organized because it keeps things from getting too boring/repetitive. This video is awesome especially for someone like me who really was not that big into working out beforehand. I am thinking I will be moving up to level two maybe on day 7 or 8. The only think I regret is forgetting to take my measurements before I began, so I am taking them today during day 4. When do people start to see noticeable results? I don't see any yet obviously, but I definitely feel my muscles burning.

    I have not done much to change my diet ( I eat about 1500 kcals/day, no fast food, diet soda only, just minimal junk food here and there etc.) but that is how I have always eaten) Is there any specific recommendation diet-wise when doing this workout? Or are people just doing this workout on top of their usual routine?
  • allysonvb
    allysonvb Posts: 236 Member
    I am doing the videos fromyoutube, so I don't know if there was a diet insert with the DVD. I am doing this with cardio, but I think others are doing different. I'm watching cals. My arms are starting to look stronger, but nothing major that I see. I really haven't measured and am fluffy, so it may take longer for it to show on me! :0)
  • purpleroxmysocks
    purpleroxmysocks Posts: 137 Member
    I am doing the 30 day shred, I started level 2 today and I thought it was amazing! I was a little disappointed because I didn't find level 1 very difficult but I can already tell level 2 is going to make a difference! I also try and run a few miles a day if I have the time.