Neeeed help please !

Hello, im kennedy I've been doing myfitnesspal for 2 months I started at the beginning of December and now it's Februaryand I've only lost two pounds ! Twooo! . I really want to get back to the size I once was but only losing two pounds in two months is horrible when I'm supposed to lose two pounds a week to get to my goal in may. Please help me and give me tips on to how to lose faster I would really appreciate because right now I feeling her discouraged please and thank you (:


  • LissaK1981
    LissaK1981 Posts: 219 Member
    Hard to help ya without an open diary hun. I am guessing that your calories are set to 1200, which you will lose painfully slowly, and not get adequate nutrition at same time. We need more info, how tall are you? Weight? Activity level? What are your macros set at? What is happening in May by the way? What kinds of foods and when you eat can play a role as well. What kind of exercises are you doing and how often?
  • Cheerleading tryouts are in may. Most days I eat under my calorie goal which yes it is 1200 do you recommend me eating less calories and excersizing more? & I excersise about 5 times a week. And I will walk around the block and playing basketball
  • cmak8
    cmak8 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there
    I was in the same boat. I began to drink more water and introduce one small exercise a day to my routine. Now I am up to 5 a day ; example calf raises while I blow dry my hair, squats when I put pots away, ankle weights when I take the dog for a walk, biscep curls when I carry groceries in and wall pushups before bed (50). Just a thought.

    I find my body needs fuel but the right type of fuel. More nutrious veggies, various proteins (who knew beans could be tasty) and again, lots of water.
    Good luck.
    I am needing 20 more pounds so I hear ya............
  • Thank you very much, I really appreciate it, after Doing all theses things did you see your results sooner ?
  • Cheerleading tryouts are in may. Most days I eat under my calorie goal which yes it is 1200 do you recommend me eating less calories and excersizing more? & I excersise about 5 times a week. And I will walk around the block and playing basketball


    No just the opposite. You need to eat more (but the right foods) and exercise in order to lose weight and tone up muscle.
    When you undereat, your body thinks you are in a famine and goes into starvation mode. When you eat, no matter how little fat, your body will store it up because it does not know when it will eat again.

    The best thing to do is eat little and often. If you teach your body that food is in abundance it wont store fat and you will lose weight.
  • So eat small meals often ?
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me... I've dropped 127 in seven months and my diary is open to give you ideas. If you eat the right foods 1200 to 1500 calories is sufficient while losing weight and you can do something to workout.
  • I was having this same problem. But then my Doctor's nurse said to watch my carbs more than the calories, because obviously my body was not processing the sugars correctly. I can only have 20 carbs per MEAL and no more that 70 g per day. I really thought that was going to be hard, but so far, it is actually doable. You can alter your goals in settings to track carbs. I lost 2 pounds from Wednesday to Saturday. I do another weigh in tomorrow. So it is working for me so far.
  • If I watch my cars more than my calories will I lose faster ?
  • itslouiejay
    itslouiejay Posts: 26 Member
    One thing I've done is drink lots of water, up to 12 cups a day, sometimes even 15. I've noticed that soft drinks and sugary drinks really don't satisfy and are empty calories, they end up making you more hungry.Also drinking water constantly helps flush out water-weight and any sodium that makes you retain more water. Also exercise, but combining cardio with strength training. Before using myfitnesspal, I lost 30 pounds doing this and it worked fairly well. But diet is a priority! Healthy foods; veggies & fruit and lean meats, and less processed foods.
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    Good for you in setting goals for yourself. I know you don't want to hear this but weight does take time to lose and if often is stubborn. One mistake I have made is in underestimating my portion sizes and overestimating the amount of exercise I am doing. To get a handle on portions, I weigh and measure everything I eat. Also, I don't compare my portion size to anyone else: Men/boys can easily eat twice what we do and lose the weight twice as fast. Not fair, I know! Also I almost never eat in restaurants: They serve portions that are easily three times the size of what one should eat. And that is leaving aside the excessive fat, sodium, and calories in typical restaurant food. Those are some very basic things I would try, in order to kick-start your weight-loss journey. Good luck!
  • Smoothroz
    Smoothroz Posts: 77 Member
    Hello, you don't want to ,one too fast, because it will only come back faster. Take a look into what you Re eating and how much exercise you are eating. Try eating clean. That consist of fresh vegetable and fruits and eliminating, fast foods, starches, sugars, sodas, etc...
  • Yes I have to stopped drink soft drinks I might have a little one day out of the blue but other that I don't. I eat lots of chickenbreast and fish, I only drink four cups of water today I defiantly need to increase that thank you(:
  • So eat small meals often ?

    More or less yeah.

    Because you are going to be Cheerleading (I am from the UK so excuse my ignorance but I assume thats hard working exercise), you need to eat often to keep your energy up.
  • Don't go below the 1200 calories. Even with more exercise, you'll end up slowing your metabolism because your body doesn't know the difference between starving and dieting. Hang in there. Try to get more of your calories from lean protein and fresh veggies rather than refined (processed) carbohydrates. Hang in there, this isn't an easy journey but it's important and the results will be worth it!
  • How often would you all recommend me excersizing and what excersise would you recommend
  • Thank you all for the help I really appreciate it !(: