No more excuses, no more BS



  • skydiveD30571
    skydiveD30571 Posts: 281 Member
    I am ashamed of the way I look and how I've let myself go over the last 18 months. I binged on pizza, I secretly went to the drive through of fast food restaurants to grab burgers or fries, and I convinced myself that I still looked "healthy"...The clothes got tighter and my energy went way down. Can anyone relate?

    Absolutely! 25/m, 6'2" former high school and college football player at a healthy 220lb. Desk job, laziness, convenient fast food, not having to work my *kitten* off everday for sports, all led to a big loss in muscle and big gain in fat...up to 237lbs. Last year I lost weight successfully (albeit muscle and fat and wasn't happy with it) so I know how to do it, and give my family and friends pointers on diet and exercise. Yet I look like I know nothing about it. Last month I hit the largest weight ever, and had the same aha moment! I've got health problems growing and haven't "looked good" in a long time. So my reasons have changed, but the desire is back just like in the old days.

    My advice, you've been athletic before and most likely was in good shape. Remember that feeling and drive you once had, and it'll feel natural again soon enough!
  • Anyone looking for a motivational friend can add me! :)

  • Thank you to everyone on this thread (and whoever was lurking) who sent me a friend request!

    Great to know that everyone is truly interested in helping others succeed and willing to offer their support.

    I'll be answer questions on the other boards or commenting on your posts if I see anything worth tweaking / pointing out.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me... 127 pounds in seven months and still dropping well... My diary is open to give you ideas and my mind is open to advice from others.
  • lovemitch125
    lovemitch125 Posts: 257 Member
    Feel free to add me for your journey!
    I have some problems with excuses too - trying to stop.
    I'll help you if you help me!!!
    Good Luck! :happy:
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I can relate, man. I used to teach kickboxing, and was experienced in judo and tkd. But after the birth of my daughter I let myself get to the point that if I told people I was a martial artist they'd probably assume sumo :laugh:

    Feel free to add me if you want a little extra motivation. I think I'm going to need a little myself in the coming month, since I seem to be plateau-ing.
  • vb4evr
    vb4evr Posts: 615 Member
    As a lot here...
    Can completely and totally relate to what you have said.
    6'4 - played volleyball in college, bad knee injury and everything went to crap. Have done the secret drive through eatings, and am just getting back to a point where I can start to beat the cycle.

    Friend request send, and anyone else can feel free to add as well.
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    You can do this add me if you like.
  • npathak294
    npathak294 Posts: 5 Member
    Hooray, congratulations on taking this first step! You can do it!
  • I can totally relate to you. It's so easy to let it slip, but this is a great place to get back on track, you can do it and the great support on here can help you.
  • I'm a 31/m living in the great state of Washington and tipped the scales at 250 lbs this morning. 6'3, former athlete, more knowledge about training and diet than you'd ever guess with the way I look today. I've gotten lazy, and now I have nothing but fat to show for it.

    I am ashamed of the way I look and how I've let myself go over the last 18 months. I binged on pizza, I secretly went to the drive through of fast food restaurants to grab burgers or fries, and I convinced myself that I still looked "healthy"...The clothes got tighter and my energy went way down. Can anyone relate?

    I've made excuses all along the way, cancelled workouts, and never held myself accountable for my current state. I've lost a bunch of lbs only to add them back on when I slip up or stop caring.

    I have a trip to the Caribbean planned at the end of April and I'm looking to get as lean as I can over the next 90 days.

    If you are interested in being my friend to help motivate me, I'd be more than willing to do the same for you.

    This is the month I reclaim my health and fitness...No more excuses, no more BS.

    -- Benson --
    Hey Benson...I would love to be your friend...everyone at some time will need a helping hand. If you need anything just drop me a line.

  • exile40
    exile40 Posts: 161 Member
    Hey PinnacleWA,
    Same story here bro. We are around the same sort of age and share a similar sporting background so if you need a buddy just drop me an add.
  • I can totally relate... Two years ago I lost 20lbs and I loved the way I looked, i felt great,and i had high energy. I went on my honeymoon last June and i gained 5lbs. I thought to myself... that's not so bad, i can totally get back down. But then slowly but surely i gained all 20lbs back. So now I am on here trying to get back in shape, and I am slowly doing it. I wish it would go faster but hey, at least i'm losing something!
    Add me if you want :) Good luck and DONT GIVE UP!!!