Looking for a weight loss friend

at times i feel lonely and scare....this is the hardest thing i have ever had to do. am doing good i went to the gym ever day in Jan hoping to continue that in Feb I have a 5k in March just because i need something to get me out of this frame of mind of giving up ...that its easier to be fat. (thats all i have ever known) sometimes i get in this thinking that am not good enough, that am not worth anything i keep hearing this voice from my past that has told me that no one is going to love me this way. I have been leaning on God pretty much just because i dont want to bother anyone. Today is one of those days when i need a hug and for someone to tell me to hang on that its going to get better, that someone is going to love me no matter what size and beauty i may have. Thanks for let me vent ....Maria


  • angela1482
    angela1482 Posts: 20 Member
    You are not alone! I feel the very same way all the time. The trick is that when you start thinking and feeling like that to just get up, call a friend, go for a walk, clean the house, play with the dog, do laundry, wash those dishes, ANYTHING to just to keep your mind off of those negative thoughts. It will destroy you if you dwell on it. Believe me, I know. We all know. So here's the hug you need *************HUG**********SQUEEZE*************HUG************ You can do this. We all just have to stick together.
  • MelanieAtPlay
    MelanieAtPlay Posts: 21 Member
    Sometimes, we are our own worst enemy. I know I have talked myself out of losing weight/being healthy, etc. Take it one day at a time!