What was your breaking point.

What made you say enough is enough and get mad and say is time to lose this weight.

For me it was a anniversary trip I had to go shopping and I was in a size 20 at 220 lbs. I was in the dressing room crying and I decided I was not going to buy anything.I had 4 months before my trip. I join weight watchers I got down to 190 into a size 16 I went shopping again. I have been fighting for 6 years to lose weight.I am at 150lb 6 yrs later. I have 20 more I want to lose.


  • I got to 90kgs and realised I was obese. I was at a convention (yes im a nerd :P) and I wanted to dress up but couldnt because I was too fat to dress in the outfit I wanted. I decided next year I was goign to be hot and turn heads at the convention :)
  • firstly congrats on the weight you lost with weight watchers! 30lbs is awesome.
    for me breaking point was when i was close to pushing 70 kg on the scales - i was so ashamed i literally hid from photos being taken to stop what i knew would later lead to me crying over how big i was in every photo. you have done such an incredible job and have turned your life around. your amazing, keep it up!
  • heyjay31
    heyjay31 Posts: 79 Member
    I was watching wipeout with the fam, and the announcer said something about the contestants BMI. Curious I check mine and I am considered obese. Ugh....then a week into counting calories, eating right, cardio, and lifting, my dad, (who has lost weight amd quit smoking years ago) was sent to the hospital for his heart. This confirmed my fears that with my genetics and unhealthy habits.....I must stick with it!!
  • sweetsarahv
    sweetsarahv Posts: 180 Member
    I went to a wedding in Novemeber of 2011, and when i saw the pics from that event, i just couldn't stand it any longer!
  • Jubee31
    Jubee31 Posts: 93 Member
    Hubby and I went on a cruise and I weighed too much to do some of the excursions and I couldn't fit in the rock climbing gear. I don't want life to pass me by and I want to try new things and not let my size or weight hold me back!
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    Thank you congrats on your lost also.I think we all need breaking point.
  • tiffanyheth
    tiffanyheth Posts: 510 Member
    At Christmas I spent 5 days with my mom and sister--both who are seriously obese, sickeningly unhealthy, and unable to enjoy much of a life! They couldn't interact with the little ones very well.

    It was enough for me...I decided to take back my life. I was tired of being sick & tired, I was sick of only wearing two pairs of pants to work (because that's all that fit), tired of being out of breath just going upstairs to my kids room.
  • KatrinaGrey
    KatrinaGrey Posts: 101 Member
    Quite a number of reasons. After I saw yet another picture of my face, and realized I was going to have have to buy bigger clothes for the spring, I knew I couldn't face another season looking and feeling horrible. I literally have boxes of "thin" clothes for work and clubs and they are going to waste.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I was just sort of depressed and bored one night and having one of those "what am i doing with my life" moments.
  • DaniAni19
    DaniAni19 Posts: 91 Member
    I'm turning 29 in March. I'm successful professionally, but am single and lonely. I realized that I missed out on doing fun active things in my 20s and many guys overlook me because of my weight. I haven't worn a bathing suit, shorts, or a dress for over 10 years. I decided to make a lifestyle change to love myself more and hopefully someday meet the right man.
  • My breaking point was I was tired of being ashamed of myself . I went camping with my husband for the first time in my life this summer, we were set to do all the major weekends over the summer . Memorial weekend was our first, needless to say I loved it, went from a 24ft camper to a 39 foot fifth wheel in two weekends. I loved the nature and being on a pontoon just taking in the gentle breeze. I was ashamed to get on any boat but a pontoon, because i was scared to death that being so heavy I would flip the boat over. I also was tired of burning up all summer because I would not wear a tank top or shorts, it was like 103 for 3 -4 weeks.. Near the end of summer I started having chest pains, that scared me to death. I thought I was going to die. I want to spend more than one summer camping, I love it too much not too, so here I am. I have a 125 to go, yes i know I wont get there this summer but by next I should be pretty darn close.

    Congrats on your weight loss ! and maintaining it for 6 years :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    My face started getting fat. When the face goes, it's time. :laugh:
  • sbjmorgan
    sbjmorgan Posts: 158 Member
    I wanted to register for The Color Run last year and I couldn't, because I was nowhere near ready enough to run when I found out about registration dates.

    Guess who is signed up for this year and started c25k? I figured weighing less and eating right would help me move faster. :)
  • brunetteavoxgirl
    brunetteavoxgirl Posts: 88 Member
    I went to get a flu shot, and the nurse told me, "now, I'm supposed to tell you, this won't hurt the baby." And I thought "what baby? The one I'm supposedly carrying cause I have no self control?"
  • I was talking to a guy online. For whatever reason, he couldn't see my photos. I sent some to him and I never heard from him again :-( I know that I deserve to be with a guy who wants me for me but it was the push I needed to get this done...I've been trying to lose this weight for a few years now and I'm finally making it happen!
  • dpvike80
    dpvike80 Posts: 32 Member
    When my doctor said...."here is blood pressure medicine prescription and oh, by the way, you are pre-diabetic. Its your choice, diabetes when you are fifty or possibly as late as 75 or 80". Declined the meds, lost around 70 lbs, and changed my life.
  • My friends dad died and I made the plane trip to see her, I was stuffed in the seat, and without a seat belt, it did not fit, and I was too ashamed to ask for the extender! I was embarassed to see my friends and family during the trip, I had isolated and kept to myself cause I was so uncomfortable with my weight! I decided I had had enought and that was 11 months, and 139lbs ago!!! So thankful that I started, and stayed the course to get healthy!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,174 Member
    Last May I tried on a bathing suit I bought the year before (because the suit from the year before THAT didn't fit anymore), and I couldn't get it up my thighs. I sat down and cried...and that was the moment I realized I had to do something. And I haven't looked back.
  • xcmtnracer
    xcmtnracer Posts: 426 Member
    I saw a picture of me leaning over a grill and my gut was pushing out my shirt.
  • howebrook
    howebrook Posts: 28 Member
    I have put together a photo book for my daughter for each year of her life and I realize how few pictures there are of the two of us because I hate how I look and that isn't fair to her or to me. It is not the role model I want to be for her either so I decided it was time to make a change.