Help needed to reach 2000 cals a day

Ok so after reading and researching and what not I have come to the conclusion that I should be having 2000 calories a day. I train karate 4 days (6 hours) a week and take hour long cross country walks/hikes several times a week. I'm 163cm and 84kg.

Family is gluten free so we don't eat pasta and breads and stuff like that. We are actually kind of paleo with rice, potatoes and porridge aded.

I'm really struggling to eat that much food in one day and on big training days my net is often minus. I'm trying really hard but every day my calories are far short of what I would like them to be. Every week I plan out my food but I alaway seem to end up eating half of what I planned due to time of lack or apetite.

I have heard the "eat nuts and avacados etc" but they are so darn expensive here in sweden, and we are a family of 5 on one income so it's just not possible to fill up on stuff like that.

I'm feeling frustrated and I'm not loosing any weight just now, just loosing and gaining the same 2kgs.

Is there anyone else who had trouble reaching a higher amount of cals? How did you overcome it? Any tips at all are appreciated as I am really feeling that I am at the end of my rope!! Thanks in advance!

PS I think my diary is open, but there is only one entry from the past little while as our internet was knocked out by storms but the day that is up is pretty typical.


  • fatladysings72
    We are a family of 4 and I know how expensive things can be. Perhaps there is just one thing you could cut from your monthly budget to purchase a couple avocados or nuts, also use olive oil any nut butter. I am also, for the most part gluten free. Do you eat dairy at all? Also, I know that the days I drink a lot of water I am not as hungry.. I don't want to tell you not to drink a lot of water, but... And lastly, perhaps you don't really need 2000 calories. If your body is feeling well and everything is going fine, maybe don't change it.
  • Liadora11
    We do have cheese but our other dairy products are lactose free for my daughters sake.

    If it wasn't for the fact that I'm not loosing I wouldn't be so bothered, but I haven't lost anything since I started MFP and it's plain depressing!