800 calories adversely affecting my weight loss?



  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    You're eating about half of what you're minimum intake should be. I suspect you'll experience classic YOYO dieter's syndrome if you don't change your eating habits to a healthier approach.

    So I should be eating 1600 calories? My BMR is apprx. 1600 calories. It'll take me years to get to my goal weight. Most of the time I try to eat close to 1100-1200 calories, high protein and fiber. ( tends to be high in sugar too due to fruits)

    It most likely won't take you years. But even if it did, that's besides the point. The goal is to be healthy, forever. Not to drop a bunch of weight quick only to gain it back later with a deteriorated metabolism and body composition on top of it. Act healthy. Live healthy. It will take as long as it takes; but the moment you change your lifestyle for the better, success is yours starting right at that moment.

    Agreed!! This isn't a race this is a lifestyle change and losing weight slowly is perfectly fine look at my ticker I started my 43rd month this week and I don't see a problem with my weight loss. As they say slow and steady wins the race... Best of Luck
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member

    Oh. True. Doctor's will often put people on much harsher restrictions than that. I worry that some of them pushing things like liquid diets don't provide adequate monitoring, either. I hope I'm wrong.

    my doctor's basic idea was 600-800 calories... with emphasis on protein, veggies, hydration (water) and eating clean combined with strength training....with the caveat that as the exercise, especially the stregnth training increases in intensity, the clean caloric needs will grow
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    Am I the only person less disturbes by 800 cal than by 8-10 oz of water a day?
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    You've only logged your food two or three times in the last month. So try logging everyday for a couple of weeks and see what your average daily calories are then, I'm betting it'll be higher than 800.
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    I know doctors who provide 800cal diets, so I guess it should be ok under supervision. I'm usually at 1200, but also take viramins just to be sure. My latest blood work was perfect. The only thing that scares me is not being able to stop once I reach my GW and eat some guilt-free pizza.
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    Am I the only person less disturbes by 800 cal than by 8-10 oz of water a day?

    I didn't even click onto that until you mentioned it, then I changed it to ml (I'm in the UK, I don't do oz of liquid!)

    Speak to your doctor, and log every day is my advice. None of us are medical professionals on here (well, not many! I'm a nurse but I don't think I count). If you can, speak to a doctor who speciailises in this sort of thing. They can tell you of the possible adverse effects better than any of us, and they will also be able to inform you about the healthiest way for you to lose weight, because all of the advice anyone on here has will be generalised.

    And if people start being negative towards you, it's through frustration, and try not to let it get to you. All people want is for you to eat healthily and not damage your body.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    google healthy fats. Then eat them.
  • LouiseH238
    LouiseH238 Posts: 199 Member
    Am I the only person less disturbes by 800 cal than by 8-10 oz of water a day?

    No, you're not.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    A doctor would tell you to always maintain at least 1200 net calories. You're burning muscle & messing up your metabolism. As someone with hypothyroidsm, I can promise you're gonna need to keep your metabolism going healthy.

    not TRUE... MANY doctors prescribe to the 600-800 calorie intake per day theory.... my doctor did.... he only added that I MUST stregnth train in conjunction...this will work for morbidly obese folks only... the closer you get to "normal" BMI you will need to increase calories to corrolate with activity ( eating back exercise calories)

    Im down 75 lbs since Labor Day...

    I will stick to my doctor's advice

    VLCD are designed only for the morbidly obese because they have enough fat reserves to maintain body function. The OP is not morbidly obese by any means. It seems like she is on a self imposed VLCD which will be detrimental to long term success. Also, VLCD's are short term diets a few months just to get people out of the morbidly obese range. They do it as the cost benefit is better to be at a low weight, regardless if it's from fat or muscle.

    OP, why don't you follow the BB program and use their calculator to estimate your calorie needs. It's probably between 1500-1800 for P90. If you want to have the success of those programs, you should follow their nutritional goals.
  • Controversial
    Controversial Posts: 157 Member
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    So 1200 calories is still too low? Eating vegetables fill me up so its hard for me to want to eat more. Guess ill have to find a way to fit more calories into my diet. ill have to hit up the frozen food aisle for some lean cuisine dinners.

    Watch out for the sodium in the pre-packaged meals.
  • I am so glad I have read this post and the extra links people have posted. I have in the past done stupid, really calorie restricted diets and have never kept the weight off in the long run. I have just done the calculations (TDEE & BMR) and realised I am eating about 200 kcal below my BMR as I just went with what my fitness pal told me to eat, 1200. I have just hit a plateau in my diet, acing even put on a pound for no obvious reason and I believe this could be the problem. I am now going to increase my calorie count slowly to 1450, increasing it to 1300 for a week, then 1400 for a week then 1450 and see if it helps. When I see my mum try and diet she always struggles to get the weight off and I think it's down to her yoyo crash dieting when she was younger. Honestly, I have been in your position and I would recommend joining me and slowing increase your calorie count.
  • i hope by 8-10 oz you meant 8-10 cups. typo im sure.
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    You're eating about half of what you're minimum intake should be. I suspect you'll experience classic YOYO dieter's syndrome if you don't change your eating habits to a healthier approach.

    So I should be eating 1600 calories? My BMR is apprx. 1600 calories. It'll take me years to get to my goal weight. Most of the time I try to eat close to 1100-1200 calories, high protein and fiber. ( tends to be high in sugar too due to fruits)

    Seriously?! How hard is it to understand that you need to eat AT LEAST your BMR just maintain proper bodily functions. People who consistently eat well under their BMR run serious health risks.. I just don't get it.
  • nicoco78
    nicoco78 Posts: 12 Member
    I agree with this too...you're looking at this as a short term approach and you'll be right back to where you started if you don't sustain a normal range of calories (at least 1200). So eat the 400 extra calories, but make them worth it...almonds, chicken, avocado, kale chips, but stay away from sugars! Good luck!
  • sugarlips1980
    sugarlips1980 Posts: 361 Member
    Lots of people have told you the science behind why you should eat more. Here's my personal experience from a mental point of view. I was about your weight at your age and got into fitness and eat low calorie (prob around 800 too). I often didn't eat all day and had one meal at night. I lost weight but piled it back on because I was depriving myself. The inner rebellious child takes over eventually and gets those cakes and cookies (and more to make up for the denial period). My weigh has subsequently yo yoed over the years and aged 32 I weighed 216 pounds last year at my heaviest. There's no need to eat so little so please even if your appetite isn't great, make sure you enjoy food (treats in moderation) and don't set yourself up for the unhealthy relationship with food that I have and am sill undoing now! Just my 50 cents!
  • cindiva65
    cindiva65 Posts: 335 Member
    I did a very low calorie diet in 2010. I lost 53 lbs in 6 months. I eventually gained all of it back plus 3 more within a year. I have lost and gained several times over the last 20+ years. I just now realize that the yo yo dieting cycle has messed me up. I was put at 1200 calories by MFP...after finding out my BMR alone is over 1600 I can see that I would soon begin that vicious cycle all over.

    I just raised my intake last week to about 1900-2000 and lost a lb. Yeah Im not going to lose the 50 lbs again in 6 mths. But Im ok with that. I would rather lose it one steady lb at a time and be able to live my life and keep it off than to have to keep going through this over and over again. I can maintain eating 2000 calories a day for a lifetime. You can eat a lot of healthy foods for that amount.

    Good luck and feed your body.
  • skyline2055
    skyline2055 Posts: 49 Member
    i was on a 800-1000 diet years ago (i was 17). I lost 45lbs in 1 month and 2 weeks . I went from 220lbs to 175lbs. I worked my *kitten* off, exercised every single night for 40min doing mostly cardio.

    The whole "you'll gain all your weight back and be fatter" is all BS. It all depends on you. it took me 6-7 years to gain my weight back. I stuck around 180 for most of those years. The reason why i regained weight after so long is because my lifestyle changed drastically.

    People are always quick to pull out articles and quote them but not everything applies to everyone.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    i was on a 800-1000 diet years ago (i was 17). I lost 45lbs in 1 month and 2 weeks . I went from 220lbs to 175lbs. I worked my *kitten* off, exercised every single night for 40min doing mostly cardio.

    The whole "you'll gain all your weight back and be fatter" is all BS. It all depends on you. it took me 6-7 years to gain my weight back. I stuck around 180 for most of those years. The reason why i regained weight after so long is because my lifestyle changed drastically.

    People are always quick to pull out articles and quote them but not everything applies to everyone.

    I do not envy your metabolism.