Two seconds away from throwing in the towel!



  • I feel the frustration......I have been at it since December and did not find this site until a little over 2 weeks ago. I wish I had found it sooner because I did the back and forth at about week 5 also. Try to focus on today - not your past hunger. Just get through each meal trying to make the best decision possible and you may lose inches at first and the pounds catch up. Of course I don't have to tell you any exercise will help your mind, attitude and scale too....but stay positive and see what you have achieved!!!! Keep going so I won't give up either. Your persistence helps others....
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    ~gives you the towel~ throw it anywhere you want... than pull up your big girl panties and move on.
  • KrysGettinFit
    KrysGettinFit Posts: 131 Member
    Don't give up! Use the tools available to you! Start logging EVERYTHING , EVERY day. Don't use the "quick add calories" because you want to SEE what you are eating and not trying to guess. I do that every now and then if I'm really not sure what I ate(I work part time as a waitress so sometimes it's hard to keep track of what I eat during a shift). Then you are able to better evaluate the calories and where you stand. Start there and you will see a difference, I promise! Good Luck!
  • Don't give up!!! I am still sorta new on here and I have been over weight for so long I can't even feel the thin and pretty person inside me any more! However we can do this!!! Send me a friend request and I will support you. Together with our other MFPs we will be great!
    You are already succeeding by making an effort. The weight loss WILL happen if you stick to healthy foods and get the exercising kicked up a notch.
    Don't be discouraged!! As one person said, if you quit NOW a year from now, or even next week, you'll wish you hadn't.
    The journey is long and begins with just one step!
    Take each day one meal at a time. I have to believe it will become easier with time.
    Cheer up! You're awesome!! :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    Don't be impatient---if you are following your plan you may stall for a bit but IT WILL come off--just stay the course and stay calm.
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    don't give up, this is a lifesyle change and it takes time to have your body realize you are making changes, it will come
  • Shes1CraftyMama
    Shes1CraftyMama Posts: 152 Member
    I have been there too. The best advice I got was to up my calories...just a touch. I know that MFP gives you calorie goals that are very low. Sometimes this can shock our systems into thinking they are starving and not actually just getting less. Up your calorie intake by 200. Once I did this I started losing again. And be sure on those days when you do workout to eat back some of your exercise calories (but not all) don't see it as a chance to eat what you want either. Another thing that helped me pull out of my plateau was to cut back on bread related carbs. I still ate potatoes and rices but cut out breads for a week and started seeing massive results. Be sure to pair proteins and carbs with each meal and if you can snacks. The proteins help fuel your digestion and your body's consumption of carbs, pair the two and your body is less likely to store the carbs but burn them!
    And DON"T GIVE UP!!! Plateaus are normal. Good luck and keep rocking it!
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    Ok, maybe you're not succeeding the way you had hoped, but giving up is a guaranteed failure. So don't do that. Completely giving up on what you want because it's not coming fast enough is a step in the wrong direction. The next year will go by whether you try or not. Decide whether to fight through and make it happen or still be 244 pounds next year. I'm realizing that I can't comlpain about what I'm not willing to fight to change.
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    You do not fail until you quit! You are doing the work, it's become a habit/life style for you, you've seen some success. Quiting will throw that all away. All you need to do is some minor tweaking and practice some patience! You've got this!!!!
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I have been there too. The best advice I got was to up my calories...just a touch. I know that MFP gives you calorie goals that are very low. Sometimes this can shock our systems into thinking they are starving and not actually just getting less. Up your calorie intake by 200. Once I did this I started losing again. And be sure on those days when you do workout to eat back some of your exercise calories (but not all) don't see it as a chance to eat what you want either. Another thing that helped me pull out of my plateau was to cut back on bread related carbs. I still ate potatoes and rices but cut out breads for a week and started seeing massive results. Be sure to pair proteins and carbs with each meal and if you can snacks. The proteins help fuel your digestion and your body's consumption of carbs, pair the two and your body is less likely to store the carbs but burn them!
    And DON"T GIVE UP!!! Plateaus are normal. Good luck and keep rocking it!

    This is terrible rote advice when her diary is so sparse. Yes, some people don't lose weight because they aren't eating enough. But some people <gasp> don't lose weight because they are eating too much. Without an accurate diet, this is just guess work and you could be setting her up to gain even more.
  • lh1626
    lh1626 Posts: 241 Member
    I feel your pain!!! My weight loss has been next to nothing and I have been name it since Jan 4th. I thought that I would see the scale start to go down but I am yo-yoing through the same 3 pounds.

    I know if I give up, I will continue to put on weight so I am just trying to stick to it. I am not starving or unhappy with my 1500 calories, so I guess I will start there and play around.

    Keep at it!!! :happy:
  • I'm only on week 4 so don't have a lot of advice. But here a a few tips that I've found help. The thing to keep in mind... If you are really not happy with where you are, only you can change it. Make a plan, stick to it. It needs to be a life long change of your eating habits.

    Reserch recipies and tips on line.

    Eating high fiber, low carb stuff helps me feel full with out adding calories or carbs. Like Celery, carrots, apples, oranges, salads, etc.

    Buying the pre packaged 100 calorie snacks has made it easier to have a snack but a reasonable amount.

    If you eat fast food, don't go to one with a drive through.

    If you eat out eat a dinner salad before dinner .

    If you order off the regular menu (rather than the "heart smart or Diet") and ask for a take out container with your meal. Put half you meal in it before you start eating. Eat only what's on the plate and save the rest for the next day.

    Getting on the web site 2 - 5 times a day to fill in what I've eaten.

    Don't log in your exercise until the next day, so that I don't get tempted to use the extra calories.

    Cut carbs (pasta, bread, etc.) out as much as possible. I buy the "skinny" bread for sandwiches, use Speg. Squash with tomato sauce, If I do have pasta it's in a side dish not the main item.

    Watch portion sizes.

    Write down your reasons for loosing, ie: live to see my grandkids, get in shape so I can enjoy walking sites when I'm on Vacation, cut down on the wear and tear on my joints, etc. Keep them posted on your fridge, at work somewhere, in your car, etc.
  • autumnsnow786
    autumnsnow786 Posts: 279 Member
    what's your calorie goal? maybe you're eating two low or aren't being conservative enough in your entries. its hard to put in the calorie amount for things mfp can't find or stuff you can't just scan in. also, exercising definitely helps....and drink plenty of water! don't give up, you'll find out what works!
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    Don't give up! But definitely log everyday and every bite for the first bit. Weigh everything. Try to move everyday... a walk, yoga, workout dvd, workout class, weights. When you put 100% into getting fit and healthy, it will give you results. There will be ups and downs and stalls. The ups suck, the downs are amazing, and the stalls are annoying until you beat them and then feel like you've conquered the world that day. You will find things that work for you, and won't work for you. Feel free to add me if you want :) good luck!
  • PamelaGatorMom
    PamelaGatorMom Posts: 348 Member
    Tough love time.

    You suck at logging your food. You have many, many empty days. Today you logged 910 'quick add' calories.

    Chances are you are over-eating, and you don't even know it. I know you don't want to hear that, because it makes it your fault, but no-one else is going to take responsibility for your health, so you probably should.

    If you are really serious, start logging your food properly. Get a scale and weigh everything, because you can kid yourself very easily with scoops, and if you're this bad at logging, you shouldn't trust yourself. Do that for a month, then come back if it's not working and people can actually look at your diary and help you.

    Sorry if this sounds harsh, but results don't come by accident, and it sounds like what you really need is a firm kick in the backside.

    SEE this is why I :heart: MFP!! One person post about feeling like quiting and so much great postive support but also keep it real this is something you have to work at support (Like the quote above)

    I totally feel you OP on the "when is it gonna happen" attitiude, heck half of my blogs are of me venting the same thing. But I will tell you one thing I keep telling myself, I did NOT create these eating habits nor did I put on the excess weight over night, not even over a month or took years & I realize it will take a good while to get my body back on track!!

    I also agree with the posters who say if you give up you are only hurting yourself!

    I am so thankful for finding MFP on Jan 7th of this year I have never wanted so much to make positive healthy changes & the app & the wonderful support is making this journey easier.

    Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming!!!!
  • You can do it! It does help if you log honestly though without skipping days so that you can get a full honest view of your calorie intake. Weigh and measure everything and increase your water intake. If you can't make it to the gym, hit the street and start walking. The little things will add up.
  • laney4818
    laney4818 Posts: 73 Member
    I need some help/support. Every day for WEEKS my diary entries have been saying in 5 weeks, I'd be between 231 and 234. Meanwhile, in the past 5 weeks, I've gone from 247 to 241, now back up to 244 and I'm stuck there- help! I'm two seconds away from giving up but I want this to be the time I succeed more than anything! I've been eating within 50 calories of my goal 95% of the time. I've only gone to the gym twice (today will be #3 for spin class) but calorie reduction alone should show me a loss of a pound of two, not a gain then plateau! Help!! D:

    Hang in there! I should be super skinny if that diary was correct about where I should be in 5 weeks! I know that I've felt like "giving up" many, many times, but really, what does giving up mean??? There is no giving up, this is the rest of your life and you can and will get where you need to be!!!!!

    Others are giving you lot's of good advice!
  • tayloremayde1
    tayloremayde1 Posts: 10 Member
    Don't give up, we are all here to motivate and support one another when these feelings creep up :) Stay positive, think positive, and reach out to MFP friends for support. I was ready to throw in the towel too after having a horrible week, but a few supportive words from MFP friends has me back on track today...

    Feel free to add me so we can motivate, support, and boost one another :)
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    You and your impatience need to have a chat.

    You have a goal to lose 72 pounds that I'm pretty sure didn't get packed on in 2 months but rather crept on slooowly over a looong time.

    Why is it that we're fine with gaining 50 pounds over 10 years but then want to lose 50 pounds in 10 weeks???

    Because we're impatient.

    You have the perfect opportunity to practice patience with yourself, with your body, and with this course you have set yourself on (by your own decision, right?), and your impatience is telling you that it's not "working fast enough." Well, what does it know anyway? Impatience quits every time it gets hard and frustrating!

    Tell your impatience to sit down and shut up, reach inward and find whatever patience you have there, and apply it. Every day. Consistently. Stay on track for MONTHS and YEARS instead of WEEKS before you decide something isn't working and you want to quit. Give the process of losing at least the same chance, devotion and time span you gave the process of gaining.

    Ya lost weight. Great! Something is working, obviously. It wold be silly to quit now. Look at what you've been doing, reevaluate, make some adjustments, and continue.
  • labeachgirl
    labeachgirl Posts: 158 Member
    I noticed that I only really lose when I pair the food change with exercise, with exercise being the key. You may be the same, so be more consistent on that end.