17 Day Diet?



  • wondergirl1003
    wondergirl1003 Posts: 138 Member
    I read the whole thing. That was my obviously unclear way of agreeing with you.
  • krispie67
    krispie67 Posts: 23 Member
    I don't watch Dr Oz, never did. I only take advice from my family doctor. But I DID read the book.
  • ValBFP4H
    ValBFP4H Posts: 18 Member
    Dr. Oz doesn't have anything to do with the 17 Day Diet.
    To the OP----I have been on this and have been successful. I also know many others who are doing very well on it. It is a well rounded plan in spite of what people here may think. Best of luck!
  • bashy611
    Wow, Love that you asked if anyone else is doing the diet and you get bunch of negitive remarks. Kudoos to you for just passing up McDonalds and other fast food!
  • ValBFP4H
    ValBFP4H Posts: 18 Member
    People have a hang-up with the word "diet". I follow this plan and I love it!
  • kaimi2011
    kaimi2011 Posts: 141 Member
    It's a great plan if you stick to it. best of luck!!

    ONE diet is NOT for all.
  • gabegrammy
    gabegrammy Posts: 147 Member
    wow, I have been on the "17 day diet" for like 20 years, and didn't know it, But I still gained weight. Didn't have any portion control, now I do.
  • ValBFP4H
    ValBFP4H Posts: 18 Member
    There's more to it then that. It's a very well balanced eating plan. Read the book and don't believe the negative reviews. I have found that they don't even have the eating plan down right.
  • theskinnychickpea
    The first 17 days are for cleaning out your system, the second 17 days slowly add back in some foods and the next 17 days slowly add the rest, even desserts. Once you've lost the weight you need or want to, you move into "cycle 4" which is maintenance for life. This isn't a "lose all the weight in 17 days" plan, it's a lifestyle change with a transition period before it that slowly teaches you portion control and the right kinds of good, whole foods to eat. I'm not on it, this is just what I have read.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    What happens on day 18?
  • theskinnychickpea
    On Day 18 you start the second cycle of 17 days. And after that cycle you start the third cycle of 17 days. And after that you repeat the process unless you've hit your goal weight and then you move into "cycle 4" which is maintenance for the rest of your life.

    I'm not on it, just giving information I've found from the book.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Wow, Love that you asked if anyone else is doing the diet and you get bunch of negitive remarks. Kudoos to you for just passing up McDonalds and other fast food!

    I wouldn't necessarily call them negative. A great many people on MFP like to think of diet as a noun rather than a verb...they look at diet as a lifestyle, not something to be started and then stopped when you've reached some arbitrary goal. I would be one of those people. When I finally stopped with the fad diet nonsense and started actually looking at my calorie intake...well, that pretty much changed my life. I and a lot of others have learned that it's pretty important to actually know about calorie goals and proper nutrition...what a serving of something actually is, etc if you want sustained, long term success. Most fad dieters yo-yo up and down...I know, I was one for years. I'd always have some good success initially, but always return to my old bad habits.
  • whitehpe
    I started the 17-Day Diet a year ago. My husband bought the book and we stayed on it together. We both lost about 10 pounds each and kept it off for nearly a year. I failed to go back to the beginning phases, though. Therefore, I stalled at the 10 pound loss. In October, I started the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Plan. I have lost an additional 25.8 pounds and over 30 inches. That makes me just 14 pounds from my goal (pre-menopausal) weight.

    I feel that the 17-Day Diet gives a great eating plan that makes you feel better. I will keep what I learned from that book in use after I phase out of the Ideal Protein program. My body thrives on the probiotic yogurt! One of the few things I miss on Ideal Protein.