Newbie In Need of Help!

Hello all! This is my first post and I could use some help. I have been struggling with my weight for quite some time. I lost about 30 lbs and then gained about 8. I am trying to lost that 8 lbs and nothing seems to work! I drink lots of water, I walk daily, I exercise 4x a week, I eat breakfast everyday, and I eat about 1200 calories per day. I just started getting more serious with my workouts for the past 2 weeks and nothing. I have no idea what is it I am doing wrong. I read somewhere that I should be eating about 2400 calories a day for my workout level but I'm not sure if that is right. Am I eating too few calories? Help!


  • Vaisaxena
    Vaisaxena Posts: 109 Member
    Cut your calories gradually - especially if you're not carb-cycling (or the like)... have a refeed day or two... resume dieting with a moderate deficit... keep your diet high in solid proteins
  • Fightin2GetFit
    Fightin2GetFit Posts: 69 Member
    I started with a 1200 calorie diet but have since increased it to 1500 calories. I work out 6 days per week. My biggest mistake was I was eating my exercise calories burned - don't do that. You need to create a deficit to lose weight. Only eat your daily calories, not your net calories. Also, make sure you're getting enough protein. I average about 100 grams per day. Best of luck!
  • Chrissiecurit
    Chrissiecurit Posts: 74 Member
    Without knowing your stats, it's hard to say what you should be eating but I am willing to bet 1200 is too low, especially if you are working out. Check out this post: and calculate your BMR (what your body needs just to survive) and your TDEE (what your body uses during the day with exercise, etc.).

    Hope that helps!
  • I did the BMR and it said 1550.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I started with a 1200 calorie diet but have since increased it to 1500 calories. I work out 6 days per week. My biggest mistake was I was eating my exercise calories burned - don't do that. You need to create a deficit to lose weight. Only eat your daily calories, not your net calories. Also, make sure you're getting enough protein. I average about 100 grams per day. Best of luck!

    OK - this post ASSUMES you do not want to use MPF as designed. Some people do not.... that's OK.

    MFP as designed ...... a calorie deficit is built in UP FRONT (before exercise) .... even if you do NOT exercise ... you still lose weight. MFP as designed expects you to eat calories back because exercising increases the deficit (even more).

    When the deficit is too large you may lose fat as well as muscle. Yes, this is still weight loss .... but most people are looking for a healthier body fat % .... muscle loss doesn't help.

    The problem with eating calories back is that many machines (and MFP) are very generous in the calorie burn estimates they give you. Use a heart rate monitor or eat back just a % of calories burned. Monitor your progress & adjust the % as needed.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    You only have 8 pounds to lose. Reset your goals to lose half a pound a week, then eat the recommended calories. Eat back at least half of your exercise calories.
  • adswillis27
    adswillis27 Posts: 76 Member
    You will get a lot of feedback with various options to try. I would suggest researching some of the options provided and try one for 4 weeks. If you don't see change then make adjustments and give it another several weeks.

    Making adjustments or changing your plan every week will become very frustrating. Give it time and now that you have less to lose realize that is will take more time to reach your goal as you get closer and closer. I lost 40+ lbs over an 8-9 month timeframe. I recently gained about 7-8 lbs and it is going to take me time to lose it. I didn't gain it back in 2-3 weeks so it will take more than 2-3 weeks to lose it.

    Add me as a friend and we can chat more.
