5'2 ladies need some help

I am 5'2, and I may look very white but I have the figure of a Hispanic woman thanks to my mom haha. I've also had two kids. What weight do you guys think is a good weight to be at and still keep my curves with out being too skinny. Women with wide hips will understand this. Also measurements I would be eternally grateful. Just trying to set up my goals a little more now that I have lost this much.


  • ifoundroadkill
    ifoundroadkill Posts: 96 Member
  • dzlilo
    dzlilo Posts: 55 Member
    Morning! I am 5'3". When I was 135, I was slender, but still curvy. I still looked okay at 140-145 actually.

    Keep up the weight loss! You're doing great!
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Its hard to say. Im around 130 now I think, slim, but with curves and quite a bit of muscle. It depends on your body composition to be honest. Ive been lighter, but softer, than I am now.
  • ifoundroadkill
    ifoundroadkill Posts: 96 Member
    Thank you guys I was trying to get feel for what would be a good weight :) It's hard judging that after kids :)
  • butlera8
    butlera8 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm 5'1 with a goal weight of 135. Im very hippy.
  • jadethief
    jadethief Posts: 266 Member
    i'm 5'1 and also have always been curvy. I've always felt good around 125, 130 even though all the charts say I should be 112-118.
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member

    Edited to add, I'm 5'2" and when I weighed in this range I still had curves.
  • littlmissapril
    littlmissapril Posts: 24 Member
    I'm 5'2 and before I was pregnant I weighed 130 (small but still curvy) at the time I thought I still needed to lose. Looking pictures of me back then I realized I was tiny & would love to be back at that weight.
  • I'm 5'2" and I was around 130 pre-kids. I have a pretty non-curvy figure though so I feel like I look better with a bit more weight on. I was really thin for a bit (105-110) in my early 20s and got mistaken for a middle schooler or high schooler often because I had absolutely no chest or hips.

    I'm down to around 134 now and I want to start firming/toning up so I use my goal weight loosely and am focusing on fitting back into my pre-kid sizes (starting to wear some jeans and tops again!) and not worrying too much about the scale. Having 3 kids has also given me a bit more curves (slightly wider hips, and bigger chest for now - still nursing though) so I'm just taking it a week at a time to see how I look as I continue to lose :)
  • I'm 5'2" and currently weigh 133. I'm done 9 pounds from the beginning of the year. I have a small waist and very wide hips. My waist is currently 26 and my hips 39. My goal is to be 125. That's when I feel my best and still keep my curves.
  • Zumaria1
    Zumaria1 Posts: 225 Member
    Hello! I'm also 5'2" and for me, 130 is a good goal, because I'm curvy as well (waist 31" hips are 41.5") my weight right now is 149, so at around 125-130, I remember being small and still having my hips and curves. I also have decent muscle mass, and looked toned at that size.
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    I am absolutely curvy but still look fat with 130. I have a very small waist, flat stomach, big boobs and just GIGANTIC thighs and butt. So unless i get to 120 or under I still am this "wow now that IS a bum" thing which I know many man like but I just hate it.
    And I need to be able to put a size 38 pant on it and that just won't happen above 120.
  • pichiPurinsesu
    pichiPurinsesu Posts: 776 Member
    i'm 5'2 and my goal is first 140 to see how i feel and after that i can aim for more 130. i'm very pear shaped, small waist, big hips
  • I'm also 5'2" and am pretty curvy. Before my kids, I was around 125. I am now about 128, but definitely not as toned as before kids (especially the belly). I would like to maintain between 120-125, but am more interested in being more fit and less flab than a number on the scale. I personally have had a lot of difficulty losing the weight from 135 and down. I'm not even sure anyone can tell I've lost much weight at all. My point is that probably anywhere from 120-135 looks fine on a 5'2" body. Good luck!
  • lauractemple85
    lauractemple85 Posts: 109 Member
    I'd say in the 120's somewhere.
  • bbriscoe13
    bbriscoe13 Posts: 175 Member
    I got down to 130 and was still curvy (on the bottom any way) I don't really have boobs ha. I don;t have measurements, but there are some pictures on my profile if you want to look. I would like to be 120. I still have fat in places I don't want it.