The best Cardio for over all body



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
  • gjsmommy
    gjsmommy Posts: 90 Member
  • dangerxbadger
    dangerxbadger Posts: 396 Member
    Even just watching that burpee .gif is leaving me winded and wanting to hurl.
  • squashyhelen
    squashyhelen Posts: 143 Member
    Agreed! Kickboxing is great for muscles, and the better your form, the more challenging it gets.
  • amespdryan
    amespdryan Posts: 2 Member
    I am kinda a beachbody guy and I love doing Insanity! Great all around workout from cardio to core it has everything you need. Pretty much like HIIT training. Small bursts of really intense moves. But everyone is different! Do what works for YOU!!!
  • notthatthis
    Hello everyone! I've been running cross country since the 9th grade, and stopped running once I got to college. However, even now a days, when Im outside or at the gym, all I know how to do is run! and I've heard people going on the elliptical which I have been trying, or the stairmaster or even the stepper or stationary bike. And I was wondering which of these are best for burning fat all over your body and not just your legs.

    From checking out your profile it seems you want a total strategic change for body and fitness. So, if I may rephrase your question - I want a great body and I want to feell really confident, how is it best to achieve my goals?

    1) Start learning to do the important compound lifts and aim to lift heavy 3 times per week
    2) All aerobics is good for you, stick to cross country running but feel free to change to anything you want, it is all much of a muchness. Just ensure that at least once a week for 5 minutes you work your heart to at least 95% of Maximum heart Rate.
    3) Learn about High INntensity Interval Training and especially High Intensity Resistance Training (kettlebell workouts as an e.g.) - this is designed to tax your alactic, anaerobic and aerobic systems.
    4) Use plyometric movements at least once a week.

    That is a strength and conditioning program and your fitness level (aerobic) and your musculature (anaerobic) will go about a body recomposition.

    Nutrition - if you want to lose weight then follow the MFP calorie recommendations but alter the protein percentage macro to at least 45% of your calorie intake.
  • avonfitness
    Hello everyone! I've been running cross country since the 9th grade, and stopped running once I got to college. However, even now a days, when Im outside or at the gym, all I know how to do is run! and I've heard people going on the elliptical which I have been trying, or the stairmaster or even the stepper or stationary bike. And I was wondering which of these are best for burning fat all over your body and not just your legs.


    according to my experience swimming is the best cardio provide strength to our organs.
    and secondly, cycling !! it is also very good cardio workout.
    good luck
  • avonfitness
    swimming and jogging are the best cardio exercises to burn the fat and keep yourself fit.

    cycling is also a good option.

    good luck,,,