30 Day Shred - starting Monday April 19



  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    Completed Day 2 of section 1. I really hope really soon that my abs and quads will stop hurting with every move I make. Its getting embarassing at work grunting every time I sit down because it hurts so bad. lol

    I was expecting to be sore after these workouts, I just wasn't expecting to be sore for this long. Please tell me the pain gets better.

    I'm starting day 7 today - It does get better!! The first two days for me were rough too, I took a day off between 2 and 3 to recouperate, but have done it every day since!
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    I didn't Shred yesterday because of an injury. Read my blog if you want further details. Hoping to get back into it tonight or tomorrow morning.
  • Pariah
    Pariah Posts: 97 Member
    i started on the 18th. i'm still on level 1, the weights are really kicking my *kitten*. i have zero upper body strength. i bought 2lbs weights thinking,"how hard can it be?" but each time i shred the whole time i keep thinking,"i should have got the 1 pounders." it's too late to switch now though.
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    Ok, despite my reading injury... L1D4 attempt 2 accomplished!
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    I just finished my first week of the shred - today was so much easier than the first few - I even went ahead and did the first circuit on level two along with it - Level two looks tough! I didn't do the whole thing but I kept watching to see what I was in for and man - thats going to kill! I'm sticking with Level one for probably 3-5 more times - I'll probably keep adding the first circuit of level two in when time allows for an added bonus!

    Taking the day off from shredding tomorrow because I am doing the 5k March for Babies and then we have a wedding with some serious dancing involved so I think that is going to be enough activity for a Saturday! Back to it on Sunday and hopefully be ready to tackle level 2 by Wed. :)

    How is everyone else doing ?
  • tempo04
    tempo04 Posts: 1
    Hey guys keep up the good work. I'm on level 2 and this is my second week. It's intense. I'm definitley not ready for level 3.
  • oliveoil7979
    I finished my first week last night. I am thinking I may want to do another week of Level One. While I am better at it now than at my first day, I still have not mastered a couple of the moves. (IE the lunge and bicep curls)
    I must say that at the end of just one week I can already see the results. My arms are leaner and my abs are more defiend. I still have quite a ways to go, but I am so happy I got this dvd. It really does work.
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    Is Anyone out there still shredding? I am and am loving it - I have moved on to level 2, actually I didn't think Level one was doing enough by itself so now that I have mastered level one I am doing it first and then doing level 2. So 40 minutes total. I have a lot of work to do to perfect level two - lots of ab work, planks etc.. that I'm just not good at....yet! :wink:
  • oliveoil7979
    Is Anyone out there still shredding? I am and am loving it - I have moved on to level 2, actually I didn't think Level one was doing enough by itself so now that I have mastered level one I am doing it first and then doing level 2. So 40 minutes total. I have a lot of work to do to perfect level two - lots of ab work, planks etc.. that I'm just not good at....yet! :wink:

    I am not quite to level 2 yet. I think end of this week or begining of next I will try it...but I agree I LOVE it. I love how I feel like I have had a crazy hard workout in only 20 min.
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    Is Anyone out there still shredding? I am and am loving it - I have moved on to level 2, actually I didn't think Level one was doing enough by itself so now that I have mastered level one I am doing it first and then doing level 2. So 40 minutes total. I have a lot of work to do to perfect level two - lots of ab work, planks etc.. that I'm just not good at....yet! :wink:

    I am not quite to level 2 yet. I think end of this week or begining of next I will try it...but I agree I LOVE it. I love how I feel like I have had a crazy hard workout in only 20 min.

    Yay - someone else is still with me! I just started doing level 2 yesterday - adding it to level 1, on days I have more time I think I will keep doing both, but when I'm pressed for time I will just do level 2. I think I'm going to be here for a while! Level 2 is hard, but the moves are fun! I was dripping sweat today ! :happy:
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    Still doing it, still on Level 1. Had a few setbacks some days so I think I'm on Day 7 as of Tuesday. I'm going to give it a full 10 days before moving on.
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    Still doing it, still on Level 1. Had a few setbacks some days so I think I'm on Day 7 as of Tuesday. I'm going to give it a full 10 days before moving on.

    Yay someone else is still here! I actually started before the 19th and I took a couple of days off here and there in the beginning. Now I'm shredding every day and I feel so good! I get crabby if I can't fit it in!
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    Still doing it, still on Level 1. Had a few setbacks some days so I think I'm on Day 7 as of Tuesday. I'm going to give it a full 10 days before moving on.

    Yay someone else is still here! I actually started before the 19th and I took a couple of days off here and there in the beginning. Now I'm shredding every day and I feel so good! I get crabby if I can't fit it in!

    Agreed! I get highly annoyed if anything conflicts with my schedule. LOL

    P.S. Just finished L1D8. Woo hoo! Getting way better at those pushups and the anterior raises.
  • oliveoil7979
    Well you have all inspired me. I am going to try level 2 tonight. We will see how it goes. Thanks for the motivation.
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    Well you have all inspired me. I am going to try level 2 tonight. We will see how it goes. Thanks for the motivation.

    Good Luck - I'm going to do level one and level two when the kids go down for a nap in about an hour! Level 2 is intense - but stick with it, I couldn't finish level 2 my first try and now I'm doing both together all the way through!
  • care1221
    care1221 Posts: 27
    so im on day 29 of 30 day shred i skipped 4days total the whole month but did other excersises those days!!! i feel great im going on to level 2 for month 2:) wish me luck jillian kicks my butt!!! lol im down a total of 17lbs in 2 months but im stuck no weight loss in 3 weeks. im losing inches though?? any thoughts?
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    so im on day 29 of 30 day shred i skipped 4days total the whole month but did other excersises those days!!! i feel great im going on to level 2 for month 2:) wish me luck jillian kicks my butt!!! lol im down a total of 17lbs in 2 months but im stuck no weight loss in 3 weeks. im losing inches though?? any thoughts?

    You're doing great, I have only lost a total of 3lbs while doing the DVD, but I have lost about 6-8 inches over all. 17lbs is Awesome!!! Level 2 is hard, but you have been doing level one for a whole month - you are probably stronger than I was when I first started level 2, I moved to level 3 today, SUPER HARD - not sure if I'm quite ready but I'm gonna try!
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Monday isnt the 19th Tuesday is LOL
    But I will start it on Monday with yall