I'm getting married on September 14th, 2013! And well - I weigh a lot more than I would like to! I need some really easy tips for losing back fat - arm flab - and the annoying chins... I'm only 20 years old, I shouldn't be going through this kind of thing - I should be worrying about the wedding. But I can't. I am so concerned with my weight, I feel hideous. Can I get some support and some tips? Thanks!


  • Sandylovesm
    Sandylovesm Posts: 242 Member
    Hi! I was really understanding toward your topic. I think I understand that you don't want to feel ugly (even if you're not!) the day of your wedding. It's a special day, everybody will have eyes on you, you want to be the most beautiful for your husband-to-be, and not looking horrible in your white dress (and not struggling to find something that you like, that is not too expensive, and that is your size). i don't even know if you're really overweight or if you just want to lose a few pounds, I'll have a look at your profile in a minute :)

    I'm not good at tips, myself trying to lose some weight almost for the very first time, but I'm here for support!

    I'm sure you'll find people more helpful than me, and a lot of interesting things to read and to do.

    I felt concerned by your topic because I'm always thinking about how difficult it is for overweight women to be at ease on this special day, and how difficult it will be for me if I do nothing!

    BTW, congrats for your wedding!

    You're 20, this is the right age for weightloss, and then you will love yourself for your entire life <3
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    congrats on your big day


    1- take pics ( short and tank front, side and back) and measurements. The scale will not always tell the whole story.

    2- drink water at the very least 8 cups . Add lemon to push the salt ans blot through.

    3- you can not spot weight loss. but you can tone the areas so that when you lose in those areas you will be tone. ie.. you can do 1000 crunches a day thinking you will lose your tummy. Your tummy may seam smaller due to toning but you can still have fat in that place., your body will drop the weight where it wants to. So while weight training is very important to the weight loss process do focus on just certain body parts.

    4- cardio.. cardio .. cardio. then add in some toning/weight training and yoga is great also.

    5- log all your food. this will take some getting used to. But the more you log.. the more you will see what needs to change in your diet and you make better changes. Make your food diary public.. this will hold you accountable.

    6- dont let others mess with your goals.. with doubt and negativity. it will come.. be prepared.

    7- planning a weddingis stressful. try to double task..walk on the treadmill while reading or talking.

    above poster is right... you are in your 20's this is the right time.
  • kymkan
    kymkan Posts: 444 Member
    congrats on your big day


    1- take pics ( short and tank front, side and back) and measurements. The scale will not always tell the whole story.

    2- drink water at the very least 8 cups . Add lemon to push the salt ans blot through.

    3- you can not spot weight loss. but you can tone the areas so that when you lose in those areas you will be tone. ie.. you can do 1000 crunches a day thinking you will lose your tummy. Your tummy may seam smaller due to toning but you can still have fat in that place., your body will drop the weight where it wants to. So while weight training is very important to the weight loss process do focus on just certain body parts.

    4- cardio.. cardio .. cardio. then add in some toning/weight training and yoga is great also.

    5- log all your food. this will take some getting used to. But the more you log.. the more you will see what needs to change in your diet and you make better changes. Make your food diary public.. this will hold you accountable.

    6- dont let others mess with your goals.. with doubt and negativity. it will come.. be prepared.

    7- planning a weddingis stressful. try to double task..walk on the treadmill while reading or talking.

    above poster is right... you are in your 20's this is the right time.

  • Live4theLift
    I 2nd the pictures. You can weigh yourself everyday but pictures tell a whole different story
  • shellyann1180
    CONGRATS on the wedding! You are so stinking adorable and young. Don't stress! Stress will only cause more stress. Try some at home videos. I prefer to workout at home rather than in a gym and do much better. Get yourself a cute "Sweating for the Wedding" shirt and remember that you will look GORGEOUS on your wedding day regardless of your weight. Listen to your man when he tells you how beautiful you are! Try pilates for the back exercises. I started the other week and WOWWIE you can really feel how much it works your back. Good luck with everything!
  • ckncj
    ckncj Posts: 183 Member
    Congrats on the upcoming wedding!

    TAKE PIX so you can track your progress.

    SET REASONABLE GOALS so you don't get discouraged by setting yourself up to fail.

    RECRUIT A PARTNER because weight loss and fitness have great success rate with support

    DRINK WATER - lotssssssssss of water

  • konstantine1
    Congrats on your wedding! I second all the advice you were given earlier!
    Also if you are going to train at home I really recommend Blogilates! So much fun! :)
  • ahmpierce1
    ahmpierce1 Posts: 221 Member
    Congrats on your upcoming wedding! In my efforts to lose weight for my wedding, I found the following things are what helped me lose weight (22 pounds).

    1. Run (if your knees/doctors permit it). Doesn't matter how good you are, you will get better (when I started, I could not run 1/4 miles, I now run 5-6 easily). I simply haven't found a better cardio workout. I know, running isn't fun, especially if you're new to it, but I promise, you'll start liking it after a few months!

    2. Log EVERY morsel of food! EVERYTHING!!! DO IT!!!!

    3. Invest in a heart rate monitor (Polar FT7), they are a bit pricey, but worth every penny. You do not realize how much you are over/under estimating your calories until you get one of these bad boys. As an example, my treadmill says I'm burning close to 700 calories a run, but my heart rate monitor says 450! That's 250 calories a adds up!!

    4. Enjoy yourself once a week. Drink some wine, eat some chocolate. If you've been good all week, a few extra calories won't ruin everything :)

    5. Realize that you will be beautiful and happy and wonderful on your wedding day no matter what. Do not stress too much, and enjoy this beautiful time!
  • gosioux08
    gosioux08 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm getting married a week before you :) I'm here for the same reason - did Weight Watchers a few years ago, lost my way down to 142 from a high of 168 but gained 13 lbs back when I started dating my fiance. Now I'd like to get at least back to my starting weight, if not further down.

    I second the comments from PP's - cardio is key. I couldn't run at all when I started, but if you just keeping pushing through it gets much easier. I recommend using a program like Couch to 5k to get started running. The key is to not overdo it - newbies shouldn't run every single day! It's bad for your knees until you get them built up/used to running. Also, you just get burnt out from doing it every single day. A good goal is 3 or 4 times per week.

    Feel free to add me as a friend too :)
  • anniemcgregor
    Congratulations! I am another wedding day weight loser - my date is 30th August and I would like to be a size 12 / 14 and probably need to lose around 3 stone in total. I love this site as its really encouraging me to exercise - running is the thing that really makes me lose weight more than anything - and obviously eating less, which is my biggest problem! Good luck :smile:
  • dianewilliams66
    congratulations on your forthcoming wedding. I got married just over 4 years ago. i stuck to my calorie intake and also did lots of wallking, making sure i did 10,000 steps minimum per day (about 45 minutes of walking). i used a power plate and did a sort of press up/plank exercise on it. I also did light weight (when watching the tv) and did a lot of exercises that looked like I was dusting a shelf! None of it took me a lot of time each day but it worked for me. I was 43 when i got married and have gravity to contend with too.
    good luck. can't wait for an update.
    Diane xx
  • picklesuccess2013
    Congrats on your upcoming wedding! In my efforts to lose weight for my wedding, I found the following things are what helped me lose weight (22 pounds).

    1. Run (if your knees/doctors permit it). Doesn't matter how good you are, you will get better (when I started, I could not run 1/4 miles, I now run 5-6 easily). I simply haven't found a better cardio workout. I know, running isn't fun, especially if you're new to it, but I promise, you'll start liking it after a few months!

    2. Log EVERY morsel of food! EVERYTHING!!! DO IT!!!!

    3. Invest in a heart rate monitor (Polar FT7), they are a bit pricey, but worth every penny. You do not realize how much you are over/under estimating your calories until you get one of these bad boys. As an example, my treadmill says I'm burning close to 700 calories a run, but my heart rate monitor says 450! That's 250 calories a adds up!!

    4. Enjoy yourself once a week. Drink some wine, eat some chocolate. If you've been good all week, a few extra calories won't ruin everything :)

    5. Realize that you will be beautiful and happy and wonderful on your wedding day no matter what. Do not stress too much, and enjoy this beautiful time!
  • picklesuccess2013
    great advice- thank you!
  • racat99
    Congrats on the wedding - soooooo exciting!!
    I'm also a wedding day loser, 2nd Nov is W-day!

    I can't really add too much extra to this apart from don't stress yourself out too much. You'll look gorgeous on your big day and your other half is marrying YOU because they love YOU! Don't lose sight of that.

    Good luck! xx
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    Congrats on the engagement!

    As others have said, there's not really anything you can do to target certain areas for weight loss. Your body will take the fat from where ever it wants with no rhyme or reason. You can do weight training to help maintain muscle/lean body mass while loosing weight. If you have a gym membership, see if there are any crossfit/small group training/boot camp type classes that incorporate both weight training and cardio. My gym offers 10 of those types of classes a week and for me they're so much more rewarding than jumping on a cardio machine or taking a large group exercise class. I attend class 4 times a week and I don't think I've had a week where the instructors repeat a circuit.

    The In Place of a Road Map post really helped me with determining my calorie goal: MFP had set mine to just over 1200 and it was not sustainable for me. I upped to 1600 net and have been steadily loosing. Take measurements and pictures, sometimes progress can't be judged by the number on the scale alone. Also set non-scale related goals so you're not focusing just on a number but also how you feel, look, and what you can do.

    Good luck!!!