Walking a day, keeps the fat away!!

amy104 Posts: 12 Member
Hi all,

I thought to share my exercise tip.

I dont go gym, swimming and not often go to the boxercise class i joined. I walk! In fact, i walk 2 hours a day!!

Before i started the walking, i was about size 14, getting bigger by the day due to the love of food and treats i have!

I then got a new job and i either had to get the bus or walk to work. So i chose to walk. It would take me about 35 minutes to get there, and 35 to get home. This was soon dropping the pounds off me! After 3 years i changed jobs, and this takes me an hour to get to work and an hour to walk home. This burns so many calories, and i have been able to get away with treats as its burning off the weight. Im a size 10 now, and since the walking ive not gained more weight, seem to maintain since the walking!

So if you feel you want to lose extra pounds, walk rather than drive or public transport, it really does make a difference! :happy:


  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    Thank you for your post. I use to love walking and then the kids and jobs came along and I had stopped. I have been walking since joining MFP and starting to love it again. I walk only about 60 min but it is more then what I have in years. I plan on walking more and getting back into shape again.

    Thanks again,

  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    I walk an hour a day with my kids...and do Shred. I started running 3km a day back in March, but now that the weather is warm and sunny, I get outside as much as I can! I've lost 20lbs or a stone and 6lbs in your country! ( I used to live in Windsor)
  • amy104
    amy104 Posts: 12 Member
    You're welcome.

    It was and hour a day that got me started, then when i moved jobs it took me 2 hours a day which was harder at first, but i stuck to it as i got used to the walking. 7 miles a day, 5 days a week now, even in bad weather! but it does wonders!! my legs are in fit shape, no more thighs rubbing together!!