leftover calories..

kenleighprendergast Posts: 13 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
myfitness pal has me on a 1200/day calorie plan and i was wondering how important it is to actually eat the entire 1200 each day? sometimes i'm full from the day and realize i have 200-300 calories left. is it very important to eat them or is it ok to finish the day a little short?


  • bgriffin73
    bgriffin73 Posts: 12
    Yep, you gotta eat at least 1200 per day and if you work out you gotta eat to make up the calories burned to net out at 1200. Plus you look like your in pretty good shape as it is!
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    Man I wish I had a problem like that! lol Im set for 1200 too. Most the time i actually do have a little left over. Everyone here does say thats its very important to eat all your calories other wise your body will go into starvation mode. Are you working out? Because your also supposed to be eating those extra calories you burn which I did not know.
  • fiendiish
    fiendiish Posts: 186
    1200 is the MINIMUM amount your body needs to survive. Anything less than that and you risk starvation mode which will stop weight loss...and a lot of times cause weight GAIN. 1200 cals is the low side of healthy weight loss and even then...is debatable. It does border starvation....and IS starvation of you exercise regularly.

    With only being on a 1200 cal diet...it is EXTREMELY important for you to eat all your cals...PLUS whatever exercise cals you earn.
  • I was just thinking of this exact question this morning! I am in the same boat (I typically have a few hundred calories remaining at the end of the day)
  • Listen to your body, if you are full and don't want to eat an additional 200-300 then don't. The guidelines are just that guidelines. Remember you have to have adequate nutrition in losing, so don't target being under your calorie goal as rule to try and lose more. Slow and steady it the best way.
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    Im the opposite I dont think 1200 is enough at all and Im always over,I exercise alot and am loosing weight steadily so Im fine with it!!!!!!
  • msdkelly1
    msdkelly1 Posts: 3
    Yes its best to eat them. I'm guessing the odd day slightly under isnt going to be overly worrying but on a regular basis under 1200 calories your bodies intial reaction is to store fat because it behaves as though it is being starved. It varies from person to person but we burn about 1600 calories just by breathing and being awake in a day. This is your BMR. Between 1200 calories and your BMR this would be your ideal calorie intake to lose body fat. People who eat extremely less than 1200 obviously lose a lot of weight regardless because they literally eat no food that the body can store because of starvation. Obviously this is extremely unhealthy but yep just under 1200 and your body wants to store it I'm afraid.....Good Luck...:happy:
  • kenleighprendergast
    kenleighprendergast Posts: 13 Member
    With only being on a 1200 cal diet...it is EXTREMELY important for you to eat all your cals...PLUS whatever exercise cals you earn.

    you're supposed to eat back your workout calories?? what's the point of burning the calories then?
  • kenleighprendergast
    kenleighprendergast Posts: 13 Member
    and i'm sorry if i sound ignorant...i'm just trying to lose weight the healthy way and i don't fully understand all the concepts
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    I have the same problem, Try eating more calorie dense foods like avocado or using olive oil instead of 1cal spray. tall adds up and is still healthy.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    and i'm sorry if i sound ignorant...i'm just trying to lose weight the healthy way and i don't fully understand all the concepts

    I know I didnt think it made any sense at all. But someone on here explained in FULL detail why you have to. I cant remember his name. But it makes sense. Something along the lines that if you dont eat back your calories, your body will start to burn muscle I guess which isnt good. Im sorry i wish i knew exactly why. Try googlying it maybe.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    With only being on a 1200 cal diet...it is EXTREMELY important for you to eat all your cals...PLUS whatever exercise cals you earn.
    you're supposed to eat back your workout calories?? what's the point of burning the calories then?

    Not sure but this thread may help:

  • fiendiish
    fiendiish Posts: 186
    and i'm sorry if i sound ignorant...i'm just trying to lose weight the healthy way and i don't fully understand all the concepts

    You don't sound ignorant. Just misinformed.

    1200 cals is BASIC..and the low side of healthy weight loss. If you take in say...800 cals...and then work out and burn off 400 cals...then your body only has 400 cals to function on. NOT HEALTHY.

    If you eat 800 cals...then workout and burn off 400 cals...and EAT 400 cals...then you're getting 1200 cals...AT LEAST.

    It's still very low...depending on your lifestyle.

    Starvation mode is really not hard to trigger...what that means is that your body begins to feel deprived because it's not getting enough to function...so it slows down your metabolism and holds on to every calorie it can. Weight loss will cease (perhaps you will gain) and you will be more susceptible to gaining weight from a normal diet.
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