Push ups....HELP



  • aminswife
    aminswife Posts: 29 Member
    I stick to the 'girly style' with the knees because my Phys Ed teacher once told me that new research had shown that the military style ones can damage a woman's womb. Thanks very much but I want my womb working perfectly!

    No. It is running that can make your uterus fall out. Also, your fallopian tubes can get tangled. Push ups are okay.

    Lol I didn't realise I would start such a hot topic! Well supposedly it puts strain on it which can damage it. Dunno but the seed of doubt has been sown into me by someone whose job it is to make teenagers to exercise safely. I'd rather be safe than sorry :)
    Duuuude.... I totally had to untangle my BFF's fallopian tubes the other day. It was worse than untangling my 1980's gold chains. Seriously ladies. Don't make this mistake.

    Do. Not. Run.

    I love when my friends help!
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    Get on the floor, hands shoulder-width or narrower works more of your triceps while wider works more of the chest. Get off your knees--this may be the only time I've said this to a woman--and straighten your legs. With your back straight, lower yourself down and then push yourself up again.

    Just keep doing them. You'll be doing one-arm clapping push-ups in no time. :wink:
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    bump for later
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    Probably been answered already but doing them on your knees isn't helping you at all. Better to start at an angled edge of something - countertop, the smith machine fixed bar, etc....and as you make progress and get stronger, drop the bar lower and lower. Eventually you will be on your toes and doing full push-ups and you'll think "why didn't I do this before?" They are hard but doing them on the knees doesn't really add progression to make you stronger.

    Also, when doing them on your toes - really try to contract your abs tight, squeeze your butt, it just makes it easier overall. The placement of your hands will make a big difference as well. It's usually easier to start with your arms out a bit further and as you get stronger you bring your arms in, elbows more tucked toward the body. Make sure your palms are flat and splayed out for good balance.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    my experience was that doing them on my knees did NOTHING to help me.

    i started with the wall. 3x10

    then the edge of the sleigh bed

    then the kitchen counter

    then the sofa

    and now i am on the 2nd step...hopefully moving to the first step soon,

    i think it works better this way because you are in the straight plank position for all of the stages

    just my experience :)

    you got this
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I stick to the 'girly style' with the knees because my Phys Ed teacher once told me that new research had shown that the military style ones can damage a woman's womb. Thanks very much but I want my womb working perfectly!

    :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:


    Well, that's okay either way. I'm not using my womb and I doubt I ever will..hahahaha!
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    The only way I can connect the womb with pushups is that babies come from the womb, and are frequently seen doing pushups (cue adorable babies doing pushups)


    As for actual advice:

    As with anything else, start small, work your way up. Every other day try to do a few pushups with perfect form. Every other time you do it, try to add 1 rep.
  • skinnybitchbarbie27
    My strength coach is amazing at teaching us techniques on how to do many floor moves (it's her job but boy she rocks at it). I started out on my knees. Of course I was 330lbs at my heaviest and started doing some more body work at 270. There was no way my arms were ready to try to hold up that weight. She told me on my knees but make sure to keep my toes on the ground tucked slightly as if I didn't have my knees down. After awhile when I was feeling stronger she had me put my left leg out and do x amount, switch and put the right leg out and finish my set. Did this for a long while. After that I graduated to knees up. Didn't do a lot at first but you should have seen the smile on my face when I was able to do 1.

    I can now do 10-15 without knees down. It just took training my body, practice, and TIME :)

    never give up.
  • bpn80
    bpn80 Posts: 43
    Push ups are super hard! I gave up on the floor ones, but now I use a bar (like a squat bar) so that I'm at more of an incline and off the floor (saves the knees, too), and I always lay on my back and throw a weight ball up in the air to work the same set of muscles.
  • Kabijots
    Kabijots Posts: 218 Member
    Bump :)
  • manasicaje
    It's not unusual even for tall men to have trouble doing pushups-- it's just a matter of where the lever is placed, making the work much harder.

    So that explains it! I'm not weak... I'm just too tall :)

    Thank you!

    But seriously, this does actually make sense. I find the barbell bench-press and vertical chest machine really useful exercises, but push-ups have ALWAYS been a challenge for me... I don't give up on them though.
  • Felicias64
    Felicias64 Posts: 15 Member
    Jillians Shred It is on youtube so you don't even have to pay for it. When I started I could not do ONE girl push up! It was soooo hard by day 3 I was doing most of the girl ones and now I can do real push ups. They are still hard and I am still working on it. I am on Level 3 day 2. But it is pretty awesome to see the improvement that I have made. Hope this helps!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I stick to the 'girly style' with the knees because my Phys Ed teacher once told me that new research had shown that the military style ones can damage a woman's womb. Thanks very much but I want my womb working perfectly!

    :huh: :noway: Um...I served in the Army and have done a good deal of military style push-ups. I have NEVER met another woman who said they injured their womb doing a push-up, 'girly style' or otherwise. So.....I don't know if the research would hold up in a large study.

    That being said, as previously mentioned, you will need back, chest and core strength to get good at push-ups. It does little good to strengthen one area and not the others. Most often, it is the core that is neglected. Incorporate exercises like the plank, crunches, and supermans into the routine. Building the core up will help you hold the proper push-up form. Start with push-ups on your knees, but don't cross your feet. Crossing your feet can add pressure onto the knees that could lead to injury. Start out with small reps and if you need to do them at an incline then start there. Attempt to get the full push-up range with whatever method you are doing. Start with arms extended and bring your chest down until your upper arms are parallel to the floor (should look like you could put a board across your back and it be level from elbow to elbow). Then push-up into the starting position. Even if you can only do one with correct form it is better than 10 that don't really work the proper muscle groups.

    Other strength exercises that will benefit are a bench press, triceps extensions, chest flys, low rows for the back, and of course core work.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I stick to the 'girly style' with the knees because my Phys Ed teacher once told me that new research had shown that the military style ones can damage a woman's womb. Thanks very much but I want my womb working perfectly!

    No. It is running that can make your uterus fall out. Also, your fallopian tubes can get tangled. Push ups are okay.

    ^^^Yeah, running is the root of all evil. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Digby
    Digby Posts: 27 Member
    i started doing inclinded pushups with my trainer. She gradually got me to keep going lower until I could to them off the floor. If you have stairs in your house, start a few stairs up and do them all at that incline and as you get better go down a stair until you are on the floor. Also do them off you knees, no shame in that at all.

    Also try negative pushups

  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    Just do them. Every day. You will get good at them with persistence. There's no trick to it.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I stick to the 'girly style' with the knees because my Phys Ed teacher once told me that new research had shown that the military style ones can damage a woman's womb. Thanks very much but I want my womb working perfectly!

  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I've recently worked up to being able to do ten. I can't isolate for you what helped the most, but I've been doing NROL4W, planks, and I went from knees, to a high incline, to lower incline, to the floor.
  • sfichter
    sfichter Posts: 5 Member
    Yes for girls pushups can be rough, especially if you are heavier of a person. I started with doing them on my knees until you max out and cannot do anymore. Then gradually see if you can do 1 guy style,if not just do them on your knees, gradually you will be able to add in more and more of the regular guy style push ups. I did P90x and got really good at them for awhile, doing pullups are a hell of an upper body work out too, you start with your feet on a chair, gradually adding in one here and there. Lifting weights for upper body will also help! Good Luck :smile:
  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    I've known women that can do 50 broken into sets but 100 seems like an unrealistic goal to me.