I'm halfway through my certification and am so pumped about it. I would love to know what a day in the life of a personal trainer looks like. I don't know anyone personally who is a trainer to pull from their experience. Let me know if you love it, hate it, anything that may be helpful after I get my cert. I'm planning on applying at gyms, but would love to hear from any who may work independently about anything you think may be helpful for me.


  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Im currently studying too. I have had a few clients before when i worked at my old gym and my boss was one of my best friends :)
    IMO theres no 'typical' day in the life, you have different people, different goals and different things you need to work with.
    Good luck =]
  • KimberlyDCZ
    KimberlyDCZ Posts: 525 Member
    I'm planning to get the ACE materials in a few weeks and hopefully testing in July. I hope we get some replies!
  • crazy4lulu
    crazy4lulu Posts: 822 Member
    i am a certified personal trainer. i LOVE my job. I make my own schedule. im considered full time although i only work 25 hours a week. the pay is awesome with the potential to make more the longer you keep your clients. I do not consider it a good day until at least one if the following has happened. #1 im called a *****....#2 my client says they hate me...or #3 they say thank you for a great workout. Getting the finger in the air and a go to "go to hell" along with a see ya same time next week just about brings a tear to my eye!!! Just knowing that i am helping others achieve their goals and make their lives better... is reason enough for me to get out of bed each morning!!!
  • rcolours7
    not a trainer - but having worked w/trainers in classes @ gyms ...

    applying to gyms is probably the best place to start to get some sort of client base going for referrals.

    you definitely get to make your own schedule - at a gym, they may have specific times u need to be there, but again - you can make that set schedule fit with your family's needs.

    if on FB - let all ur friends know u just got certified. also, ask a few friends to be a "class" for you, so that you can run through a whole routine to see how it feels to teach a class. hopefully, u've got some friends to be "guinea pigs" for you for this. :-)

    as with any thing - have fun, constantly read up on nutrition, exercise routines, other motivating books/magazines.
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    I'm both a trainer & a group fitness instructor... I love my job! It is what I was meant to do! I work at a gym but also have a home gym & do some PT there also.

    Although I make my own schedule... Lol it doesn't always go that way!!! I started out part time, but between extra PT clients & covering for other instructors I am currently working 8-11 hours a day mon-fri.
  • shortchange1
    shortchange1 Posts: 146 Member
    I've been a NASM certified personal trainer since 2001 and when I first became certified I worked out of a private gym. It was good experience in that you got all types of clients since they were assigned based on who was available vs. capability.

    After a year of working out of the gym I went into business for myself and have an in-home training business. Back when gas was cheaper, I had clients all over the city I work in. It was important for me to try and "cluster" my clients for monetary and efficiency sake.

    One of the first things you'll find as a CPT is that you don't know enough! Learn how to assess clients, build a referral base (i.e. physicians, chiropractors, massage therapists and physical therapists, and RDs) because you WILL run into clients with requirements out of your scope of practice. This is particularly important if you're self-employed or a contract trainer at a gym. Get good liability insurance. Keep excellent records that you can refer to before each client appointment. Don't be a McDonald's trainer. You know, one program fits all.

    Be prepared to want the clients health to improve more than they want it. Really! There are many clients that believe that the hour or three they spend with you weekly should be enough and they don't do their homework. Be ready for the client who is always late, or fails to show up at all.

    If I sound negative it's because although it can be a very rewarding career, it's hard work and for every client that really gets into it and seriously applies themselves you 'll have three others that won't.

    Keep learning. Take as many specialty courses and go to as many CEC seminars as you can afford.

    I realize I didn't actually say what I do in a typical day but as the other poster indicated, most days aren't typical. For instance, my first appointment this morning had a client who told me she must of done something to her shoulder which meant I needed to adjust her workout to account for that.

    If you plan on doing in-home training be prepared to work early mornings, after regular work hours and weekends. I'm sure there's a ton more, but this is my off-the-cuff information for you.
  • healthyJenn0915
    Very motivating to hear from all of you! I am not there yet but eventually this is the route I would like to take. I am starting out with small steps going to get my spin/indoor cycling certificate this month. From there I hope to slowly work my way into working at a gym and teaching other classes, then eventually becoming a trainer. Like I said I'm taking small steps to work my way up there, but I definately have a love for fitness and would love to help others with it as well. To the original OP, good luck! Hope to hear more from you on your success once you are done with your certification!
  • viadelorosa03
    Wow! I didn't expect so many responses so quickly. Thanks for all the advice I love to hear (read) and learn everything I can. I was in nursing school for two years and not once do I remember being as excited about that as I am about this. Probably means it is what I was meant to do. I suspected it was the type of job with a flexible schedule and am thrilled that so many of you confirmed that for me. This thread is getting me excited all over again. =)
  • Catjag
    Catjag Posts: 107
    I am testing for my PT cert this weekend and am currently certified to teach Les Mills RPM and CxWorx, going for LM Vive in June, Group X certified and for Aqua. I love teaching classes and am very excited to take this next step on my and future clients' fitness journey!
  • ChristinaBarnhouse
    ChristinaBarnhouse Posts: 274 Member
    BUMP!! I am looking into becoming a trainer as well and would love to hear your thoughts. Best of luck to all!! :)
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member