Stress and Stress Eating

I am swimming in stress right now, stress in school, stress in life, stress at work and currently I can't escape it, I just have to deal. I really mean that, at the moment their is no way to remove the stressors from my life, and I am already exercising regularly...I find myself really struggling to cope in the last couple of weeks and more and more I am reverting back to my old habits of turning to food. Especially junk food, and sweets stuff more than salty.

I need some help. Ideas for dealing with the stress? Ideas for nipping the stress eating in the bud? I'd really appreciate ideas, advice, anything.


  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    We all have stressful situations we have to handle that won't ever go away either, but what I find is really helpful is stopping to think WHY I'm eating. Am I really hungry and is it about time for a meal? OR am I eating because I'm frustrated, sad, mad, overwhelmed,etc?

    If you can make a concious effort to stop yourself while you're reaching for that snack and think about what the problem is, your more likely to be able to face the issue and tackle it rather than trying to mask the issue with food. Once you realize why you're grabbing food for comfort, try to think out solutions as to how to overcome... or think of what you would really rather be doing other than eating. (i.e. take the dog for a walk to clear your mind, etc)

    Something to remember is that stress/anxiety/worry usually comes up with feelings of "what if" ( what if I can't lose those 5 lbs by the time I go on my trip? what if I score terribly on the test?) . Try to concentrate on "what is" and move on...

    You've already mentioned that you know you can't change the what is important is how you think about them and handle them.
  • Iceman420
    I have always turned to food when I was stressed, which is one reason I'm this big. Now I play a video game for 1-2 hours to relieve the stress. So far it is working.
  • Pink_turnip
    Pink_turnip Posts: 280 Member
    if I'm stress eating I'll go brush my teeth. I'm less likely to eat crap food if my teeth are freshly brushed. Also, when I'm super stressed, I'll take a bath. I picked up a few bath bombs from lush, they make your bath just that much better, and light a few candles, and just soak for a while. seems to help (wit the stress and the sore muscles from the gym haha)
  • faranfoley
    Stress is literally part of my life constantly! I am the worst person for overthinking and letting things get to me! So a wee choc now and then was my solution....

    Not so good.

    Any advice or motivation would sincerely be loved :)
  • Meganalva
    Meganalva Posts: 282 Member
    I definitely need advice on this, gonna keep checking back on this post!
  • runrockclimb
    Does anybody journal to help with stress? I've never been one for journaling, but I wonder if it would help. I might try that teeth brushing trick too,seems like something that would help me out.
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    I'm a military wife and mother of a potty-training three-year-old, so you might say stress is part of my daily life. :P To cope, I'm sort of an escapist. I'll pick up a book usually, and reading takes my mind off of it and keeps me from reaching for the sweets. If I only have a few minutes, I sit down at the computer and play a stupid Facebook game, or read the forums here on MFP. The forums are entertaining, distracting, AND they remind me not to go for the sweets. ;)

    If all else fails, pushups. It's silly, and hard to do, but it's a great stress relief when you only have a few moments and reminds me of what I want to be. :)
  • mn145
    mn145 Posts: 17
    It's like you completely read my mind ( or my recent post on stress eating!). I am where you are and I have been reverting as well by binge eating, except no exercise because I have had a nagging cough for pretty much all of January. I just created my goal list for February and have vowed not to "eat my way" out of the current stress in my life. I have the following suggestions
    1. Home projects. I find that if I keep myself busy at home that I don't want to eat. A good and easy one is cleaning out closets. It makes you feel good about your accomplishment (definitely a goal that you can meet and see the actual results immediately) plus you find things you didn't know you had, you get to purge old items and you may find old clothes that fit better based on your recent efforts, which is a good feeling all around.
    2. Crafting. This can be mindless and a good release. Plus you have something cool to use when you are doine.
    3. Reading. I find that reading does not make me eat but watching television does. It's a good escape. Make sure it has nothing to do with your job/school. Also, changing the setting of where you read (a park, Barnes and Noble, library, coffee house) helps.
    4. Change exercises.I know you say that you exercise but what kind of exercise? Maybe kickboxing, boxing, running or any other type of cardio that allows you to really get it all out there.
    5. Get out of the house. Sometimes when I am stressed what I really need is a change of scenery. From going to a park, taking a walk in your neighborhood, hiking, or even going to the aqarium, museum, or some other place that is serene, it helps to change your mindset and calms me down.
    6. Take a long bubble bath. Make if fancy. Bring a book and maybe a glass of wine (one won't hurt if you budget for it).
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I vascilate between eating too much and not eating at all when I am stressed. Either is bad, so I work to maintain a balance in life. The one word I have had to learn to be more comfortable with is 'no', especially at work. That alone has helped kee work stress in check.
  • hintc
    hintc Posts: 15
    If its during the day - i schedule exercise and Try to make it a priority .... that definately helps. If its in the evening - my tendency is definately to eat - so i try to occupy my mind with something else. If i can i read a book, talk to a friend online, take a bath, but mostly ... stay as far away from the kitchen as possible !! I also am hoping to find the time / motivation to get into yoga regularly - think thats very helpful w/ stress.
  • runrockclimb

    3. Reading. I find that reading does not make me eat but watching television does. It's a good escape. Make sure it has nothing to do with your job/school. Also, changing the setting of where you read (a park, Barnes and Noble, library, coffee house) helps.
    4. Change exercises.I know you say that you exercise but what kind of exercise? Maybe kickboxing, boxing, running or any other type of cardio that allows you to really get it all out there.
    5. Get out of the house. Sometimes when I am stressed what I really need is a change of scenery. From going to a park, taking a walk in your neighborhood, hiking, or even going to the aqarium, museum, or some other place that is serene, it helps to change your mindset and calms me down.

    I can't really add any more to the exercise... I already run 3ish days a week, lift weights 2 to 3 days a week and rock climb fairly regularly (at least once a week) ... I'm trying to schedule a yoga class for next quarter. So I think I've tapped out the exercise potential
    However I love your reading idea, a lot of people have suggested it, and I love it. But in particular I like the idea of trying reading in different places... which also gets me out of the house.