Push ups....HELP



  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    I stick to the 'girly style' with the knees because my Phys Ed teacher once told me that new research had shown that the military style ones can damage a woman's womb. Thanks very much but I want my womb working perfectly!

    No. It is running that can make your uterus fall out. Also, your fallopian tubes can get tangled. Push ups are okay.

    ROFLMAO. Maybe Americans wouldn't be so fat if we stopped believing old wives' tales like "running can make your uterus fall out"! Tell that to the thousands of female marathoners out there. Ditto push-ups. I've never heard such nonsense and as a runner I find this naivete laughable.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    I think that we are a similar weight, and yes it does make it tough. I am up to 3 sets of 8 military style push ups, but it took several months to get to even this point. Start with wall or incline pushups and just gradually work your way down. Incline and military pushups work your core more than knee push ups. Just keep at it, you'll get there.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I spent some time in the military (5 years) and my best was 63 pushups in 2 minutes. I think that one of the things that really helped me was when someone got in trouble and we had to get in pushup position and do a full pushup then back to the top and hold then half way down and hold then all the way at the bottom and hold the back up and do a push up. I still like to do them, it adds a bit of extra challenge when you get bored just doing push ups. I also like to hold myself up plank style but on my hands instead of forearms then do just one side and then the other.

    Also, I can tell you that my "womb" was never harmed. I successfully had a baby after years and years of military pushups.
  • halffullpgh
    halffullpgh Posts: 74 Member
    When I read this I decided I am going to do this.

    Try to do push ups every day. even if it's 1, you will see gains sooner or later.
  • addiepray80
    addiepray80 Posts: 46 Member
    I also started with "girly" pushups. Once I could do those in reps of 20 on a few different occassions, I started working on "standard" pushups. I could literally do two in a row when I started; but pushed myself to three; then the next time four, etc. Now I can do 25 standard pushups in a row (but that about maxes me out!) I also don't do "military style" my arms and elbows tend to be out more.
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    I stick to the 'girly style' with the knees because my Phys Ed teacher once told me that new research had shown that the military style ones can damage a woman's womb. Thanks very much but I want my womb working perfectly!

    No. It is running that can make your uterus fall out. Also, your fallopian tubes can get tangled. Push ups are okay.

    Running, you say? Well hell, that's way cheaper than surgery! Brb, marathon.
  • Ultragirl2374
    Ultragirl2374 Posts: 390 Member
    Check out this link..

    Zero to 100 pushups for the Complete Begineer..

    This is great!! Thanks for this!
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    Don't do them? lol I've lost 77 pounds and not done a single one. It's awesome. I just do planks and reverse crunches as far as floor stuff. Regular crunches and push ups always hurt my back.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    aside from increasing your upper body strength with lifting weights, ive heard a LOT of pros recommend working your way down stairs. start at a high incline and slowly work your way down to the last step and eventually full push ups on the ground. it also helps to widen your arms out (it helped for me when i was on the cusp of almost being able to do a real push up)
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    I do pushups with one knee on the ground and the other leg straight back, off the floor. LOL...I have a toe that was jammed when i did a front kick incorrectly, and not it doesn't like to bend at that angle. SOOO, I modify! Proper form is so important however you choose to do them. Don't arch your back, raise or dip your head or stick your butt in the air. Keep everything in a straight line. I might add that when you position your hands, try turning your fingers out slightly, instead of having them face straight in front. Doing planks is a great option if the pushup is too difficult.

    Just keep trying!!!:bigsmile:
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    my experience was similar to Jules:

    i started with the wall. 3x20, when I did 20 I moved to the table, then to the bed,
    then I stoped doing them, but was doing bench, and one day after about 3 months I tried doing push ups and I did 10

    so in my experience incline push ups and bench are the way to go
  • SarahR77777
    The only way is practice, practice and practice!!

    It has taken me nearly a year to be able to do 30 MS push ups in a row!

    I started off doing girly push ups then went on to using the stairs, doing push ups off the sides of the kitchen counters and on the side of the bath!!

    I have also built up my upper body strength through swimming.

    I never ever thought I was ever going to be able to do a push up EVER but I finally got there and you will too :)
  • tsmortimer
    tsmortimer Posts: 11 Member
    When I started, I could barely squeeze out 5 pushups. I haven't tested my max, but my chest day has me doing AT LEAST 66 pushups.

    The biggest tip? Do ladders!

    Do 1 pushups, rest 10 seconds; do 2 pushups, rest 10 seconds, so forth. When you reach the point where you can't do another, ladder back down.

    This really helped me.

    My big challenge is Diamond pushups - I do the girly ones (I'm a male life form), and will move to the 'regular' ones when I can do 3x20.

    Have fun - enjoy the journey!!
  • Paco__
    Paco__ Posts: 44 Member
    Just do pushups. One after the other.
    Say that one day you can do only 20, do 20 for a week then do 25 and so on..
  • StrongAtLast
    StrongAtLast Posts: 137 Member
    I stick to the 'girly style' with the knees because my Phys Ed teacher once told me that new research had shown that the military style ones can damage a woman's womb. Thanks very much but I want my womb working perfectly!

    I'm sorry I had to look this up...
    My coach told us that doing push-ups with your legs extended can damage your ovaries. Is this true?
    --Casey Clamors, St. Peters, MO.

    "This is one of the most amazing things I've ever heard," says Carol Otis, a sports medicine doctor and the co-author of The Athletic Woman's Survival Guide (Human Kinetics, 2000). "My husband, a former pro soccer player and women's soccer coach, doubled over in laughter when he heard this, and he didn't even hurt his testicles!" Actually, the male reproductive organs are more vulnerable to injury than ours. "The ovaries and uterus are fantastically well supported and protected by ligaments, pelvic bones and abdominal muscles," says Otis. There's no evidence that push-ups or any other common training technique can damage your organs. "Go ahead and do as many straight-leg push-ups as you can," says Otis. "Then challenge your coach to a few wind sprints."
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    CUSHION YOUR KNEES, CUSHION YOUR KNEES, CUSHION YOUR KNEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Seriously, you need to make sure you are working on an exercise mat or pillow or something when doing push ups from the knees.

    There's a woman in my krav maga class who is convinced that I am rendering myself infertile by moving the punching bags by myself. And she's Russian, so she will actually physically drag me away from the punching bags while simultaneously finding a guy to move them for me.