Whats your main weakness??



  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
  • crking
    crking Posts: 175
    Ice Cream for sure...will NEVER give it up.
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    Sodium and alcohol....more so sodium I think. I've gotten over wanting to drink all the time, but sodium is the enemy! I litterally changed my dinner on here like 5 times last night so I wouldnt go over and I still went over by like 30 mg. I LOVE SALT!!
  • kalebsmama07
    kalebsmama07 Posts: 503
    anything sweet mainly for dessert! love love love chocolate of all kinds!:love:
  • tjislovinglife
    tjislovinglife Posts: 101 Member
    I would say chips and salsa and popcorn not just popcorn but i love movie popcorn :love:
  • rookie19
    rookie19 Posts: 1
    It has to be going out and drinking weather its beer or some drink i try to make that is low calorie a night out kills me.
  • Nutella.... and melted cheese (just not together!)
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Mine used to be french fries.... but now it's chocolate. So strange. I'm like you... I'll hunt for it til I find a bite of something chocolate to make my craving go away. It's not that I want something sweet, it's that I want chocolate...

    I never craved chocolate before my pregnancies.
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    :love: Bread :love:

    I know that's weird but fizzy drinks, beer and chocolate were all so easy compared to my love of bread.

    Bread is awsome

    My dad makes this Jalopeno ( ok so I have know idea how it spell this today) cheese bread. It is SOOOOOOOOOOOO good.
  • bekah1301
    bekah1301 Posts: 48 Member
    It used to be crisps but I made myself stop eating them and now I don't miss them at all!!!
    Now it's chocolate... but I've started allowing myself to have the little cadbury thin bars rather than the standard ones, only 110 calories.
    Could very easily eat out thorntons though.....!
  • vinjama
    vinjama Posts: 52
    I have no weakness. I am in complete and total control of what I eat.

    Please dont hate me ;)
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    crunchy/salty stuff is what i usually end up being tempted by...
    pretzels, goldfish, chips, doritos, etc...
    i just love the salt those things have...
  • Giving into peer pressure. In the summer, I stay at my parents' place. On weekdays, I hang around the house where even the cat is on a diet. On weekends, I'm around my friends and none of them care about their weight. Things go downhill fast.
  • jodi_bannister
    jodi_bannister Posts: 90 Member
    My major weakness is cheese. I used to have it on everything, but have been really, really good as of late. Cheese on toast is the best. Yummy. :love:
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    I'd have to say chips and salty stuff. The bad thing is we always have them in the house for the non-dieters here so it's very tempting. I've even had my son start taking them upstairs to his room because I know I won't venture up there! My husband is the sweets fanatic. He makes cakes, muffins and breads every week. He likes his dessert. I've done pretty good with that because it isn't too hard to turn down for me. He does try and make them healthier though. He's been using oatflour to replace out some of the wheat flour and has been lowering the sugar as much as possible. One thing I DO really miss though.....cream gravy.
  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    red wine which leads to the munchies :bigsmile:
  • justjohn
    justjohn Posts: 2
    salt AND sugar
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Cheesecake!!! :love:

    Thankfully I only have it once or twice a year....

    My daily weaknesses are any kind of potato or tortilla chip (I could eat my weight in chips and salsa) and wine ... and yes aunienue is right - wine leads to munchies.... hence the chips (or cheese and crackers LOL).
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    Free food. I can't say no to something free, and I can't waste food, either. I work at a college, so after department meetings and parties and the like, they bring back all the left-over food and leave it out for us to take. I cannot resist a free lunch. And then I take whatever is left home for my husband. And myself. Because I can't let it go to waste... =\

    Cheese is a huge one for me. Popcorn. Chips (and other salty foods). Italian. Asian. Mmm...
  • surfbabe
    surfbabe Posts: 79
    Chocolate Extreme Blizzards from DQ :embarassed: But after reading whats in it the other day I only had one fourth of a small one and made my husband finish it! lol!
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