Okay, I'm worried!



  • klroll
    klroll Posts: 3 Member
    Add exercise to your day to earn extra calories. That's how I do it! That makes it much easier for me to eat my calorie allotment. Plus exercise has so many benefits, that it can't be a bad thing. Good luck!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    After reading olaloki's rant post, she may come here and chew my *kitten* for posting this but neener neener, I'm going to anyway lol. I tried this apparently back in April of 2011 according to when it says I joined. I thought it was more recent than that but I guess not. Anyway, I'm not gonna lie...I only did this for a week and got discouraged because I only lost 1 lb. the first week. I have always lost 2 lbs. per week on WW so I'm sure I got off of here and back on WW to obviously not stick with it. That was my reason for the post about how this was in comparison to WW. I guess I could get off my *kitten* and figure out my points vs. my calories and see how they compare. I'm okay with losing slowly...2lbs. per week is slow but I want to lose at least that per week. I'm just worried that 1200 calories per day may be too many.

    IMO, two pounds a week is pretty aggressive for someone with less than 40 pounds to lose. I lost about two pounds a week until I got down to 60 pounds to lose, then I slowed it up. Personally, I'd rather lose steadily than quickly. But for me, I spent twenty years putting on an extra 100+ pounds, so it makes no sense to lose it all in a few months.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    1 week is a retarded sample size. You can't draw any conclusions from it.

    With all the words that you could have used you chose retarded? You know what retarded means?

    To slow.. so you realistically said
    "1 week is a slow sample size". Please for the sake of humanity invest in a dictionary or thesaurus or both.

    OP. 1 Week is not a good indicator as weight tends to come off the way it wants. However; I can tell you that from experience doing both (I currently do WW and use MFP) I can tell you that the points they give you should compair to what you are being told to eat here. I find that 29 points can be anywhere from 600 calories - 1900 depending on what your eating - I use MFP to figure these things out because I like knowing. Yes you get zero point food - but they still have calories so you tend to eat more fruits and veggies - lower calorie items which when plugged into MFP you will see that your daily points - mine is 29 right now...is used by my protein, carbs, fats etc. So I usually end up with about 1200-1300 calories right there, than you add your fruits and veggies and I normally end up around 1400 - 1600. Keep plugging along and you will get there.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    1. 2 lbs a week is pretty amazing. You may want to get
    your expectations in check.

    2. Read this;
    2 lbs. per week is what I am aiming for. I would be thrilled with 2 lbs. per week!

    2lbs per week is too much for how much you have to lose. 1200 is far too little to be eating. Do you want to keep your muscle or lose it? If you want to lose it continuing striving for too much while eating too little. If you want to keep it up your calories.

    I eat 1600 a day plus exercise calories... I lose at least 1lb per week.

    Set your goal to one pound a week and go from there... you will not lose weight the same each time you lose weight. Your body changes. Setting a goal too high and calories too low will only result in losing muscle which will lower your metabolism.

    Check out in place of a roadmap and follow that. Try to listen to the advice given to you here... 2lbs is too much for what you have to lose. Some weeks you may lose 2lbs, some weeks 0.5lb.. some weeks you will gain or stay the same. Stop getting so caught up in what the scale says.
  • Tecia1970
    Tecia1970 Posts: 94 Member
    Thank you to those who offered input and/or advice without being rude or talking down to me.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    I didn't see anyone being either of those to you!
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    The slower you lose the weight, the more calories you can eat per day, and therefore the more your "new lifestyle" is one that you can stick to. Permanently.

    The more you deprive yourself, the less you can still to it, eventually you will give in. You want to work on changing your life permanently so that you are not always going to be on a diet. That is going to be more realistic if you set realistic goals. 1 lb per week is what is recommended by doctors and weight loss experts.
  • chusanchusan
    chusanchusan Posts: 8 Member
    This site also told me to eat 1200 per day. I don't get why so many people stress ++ that 1200 is too low. Can anyone enlighten?

    btw - I tried ww for a short time just before I started MFP. I didn't like the points system, it seemed to have an added layer of and complexity and not great, I thought for lifelong learning and habbit forming. Do what ever suits you , This is workign for me. Good luck
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    This site also told me to eat 1200 per day. I don't get why so many people stress ++ that 1200 is too low. Can anyone enlighten?

    btw - I tried ww for a short time just before I started MFP. I didn't like the points system, it seemed to have an added layer of and complexity and not great, I thought for lifelong learning and habbit forming. Do what ever suits you , This is workign for me. Good luck

    When you have been there, lived on 1200 a day for months then suddenly felt like you had no energy to even get out of bed let alone get to the gym you will understand why people say it's too low.

    If you literally sit on your *kitten* all day and you are very obese then yes, 1200 might be right for you for a short time frame, but long term it's not conducive for a healthy active individual.

    You will find a million and one arguments on MFP about eating 1200 calories a day, just type it into the search function above, you will soon see what I mean.
  • chantey16
    chantey16 Posts: 27 Member
    you need to understand that it is supposed to be 1200 calories that is the bare minimum NET calories, not how much you eat. so if you are exercising at all, you must eat back your exercise calories, otherwise you will fall below 1200 and ruin your metabolism. also, like everyones saying, at your weight, you will most probably not be able to lose 2 pounds per week so be happy with 1!