looking for friends doing 1200 calorie



  • Im starting the Michelle Bridges next week Im realy going to try but its hard
  • Brenda4105
    Brenda4105 Posts: 117 Member
    Hi! I was doing the 1200, but my nutrionist told me that was way to low. She wanted me to do 1800 a day, which I think is way to high for me. We compromised at 1600. I seldom get all of that in. I still stay around 1300. The rational behind having more calories and losing slower is if you hit a plateau at 1200 you have no calores to cut. Think about that, see if sounds like something you might fit into your plan.
    You also don't end up beating yourself up if you go over the 1200.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Just gonna put this out there:

    you don't have to suffer through 1200 calories. Read back through a lot of these posts where you see "this is my fourth time trying" and all of that. If it isn't sustainable for life, once you actually eat again.. you'll gain it back and be back here looking for more of the same.
  • melw2910
    melw2910 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm on 1200 a day too, feel free to add me.
  • Tats1000
    Tats1000 Posts: 36 Member
    Ive been doing 1200 a day for four weeks and have lost 15lb :) thats with very minimal exercise too. There have been days when i've eaten slightly higher cals(meals out etc not as easy to monitor) but im still pleased with such a loss. Ive got 33 more lbs to go to my first goal of 11stone. would love to be lower but aiming for that for now :)

    MFP has been such a massive help and all the help and advice you get on the forums :)
  • I have done MFP for over a year now, but I really slacked off for a few months so I'm starting over. I've been back at it for a few days with a 1220 calorie goal. I'm still eating a lot of things that I like (and that may not be fabulous for you), but I'm focusing on my portions so I don't feel deprived of my favorites. Drinks are my biggest challenge - I went over yesterday because I was craving a glass of milk (1%), and I decided that was OK! I just try to drink a lot of water, which keeps me feeling full. Also, I try to enter my menu at least a day in advance. That way if I want to eat a high-calorie meal, I can try to plan my exercise and my other meals accordingly so that it balances out. Feel free to add me!
  • I'm new!!! Started in January and on 1200 calories. Feel free to add me. I've lost 7 pounds and hoping to get toned and fit like I was before!
  • natalieakyzer
    natalieakyzer Posts: 9 Member
    I'm between 1000 and 1200. You can add me
  • rlv2680
    rlv2680 Posts: 289 Member
    Just gonna put this out there:

    you don't have to suffer through 1200 calories. Read back through a lot of these posts where you see "this is my fourth time trying" and all of that. If it isn't sustainable for life, once you actually eat again.. you'll gain it back and be back here looking for more of the same.
    makes a lot of sense
  • my calorie intake got adjusted to 1200; add me!
  • jillfuzz
    jillfuzz Posts: 10 Member
    I'm on 1,200 as well. Have lost 12 lbs since Jan. 2. Never thought I could survive on this but I usually come in under, esp. on work out days. I tend to hord calories earlier in the day and then end up with extra.....I'm sure my body's in shock as I used to eat that in one meal probably. Feel free to add me. Best of luck to you!
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    Just gonna put this out there:

    you don't have to suffer through 1200 calories. Read back through a lot of these posts where you see "this is my fourth time trying" and all of that. If it isn't sustainable for life, once you actually eat again.. you'll gain it back and be back here looking for more of the same.

    Just quoting because he beat me to it. I'm relatively new but thankfully stumbled onto this quickly, and so far it's been terrific. Finding out your TDEE can seem complicated so if anyone is curious, I can try and help and if I can't I'll find someone with more expertise. Just putting it out there, no pressure, slinking away now, good luck in any case...namaste.
  • HI ,I am new to myfitnesspal and I started my 1260 cal a day regimen Monday. I am in this alone and would love to help and receive support from anyone on this wagon with me.

    I am female 50 married (happily) with tons of family support. I work have 3 kids 2 still young 10/12 and my oldest is going to give me my first grand baby may 4. I need to do this for me and them. I want to be around and able to play with the new one. I am an avid dieter but for some reason I can
    t get really motivated this time, but I'm trying.
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    Just gonna put this out there:

    you don't have to suffer through 1200 calories. Read back through a lot of these posts where you see "this is my fourth time trying" and all of that. If it isn't sustainable for life, once you actually eat again.. you'll gain it back and be back here looking for more of the same.

    Just quoting because he beat me to it. I'm relatively new but thankfully stumbled onto this quickly, and so far it's been terrific. Finding out your TDEE can seem complicated so if anyone is curious, I can try and help and if I can't I'll find someone with more expertise. Just putting it out there, no pressure, slinking away now, good luck in any case...namaste.

    Thank you for putting this in such a respectful and nice way! I'm on 1200 due to medical advice, and advice from people qualified in the right field, so I do have a reason for it. However, like I said above, I don't often mention it on the boards because people get really aggressive and say that they know more than multiple medical professionals about my situation, which I find really demoralising and insulting at times. You came in, you gave useful advice, and you didn't insult or belittle people :smile:
  • dmgelinas
    dmgelinas Posts: 36 Member
    Add me (anyone) I try to stay as close to 1200 as I can. :)
  • MelissaM528
    MelissaM528 Posts: 31 Member
    I eat over 1600 calories a day and managed to lose 14 lbs in a month with very little exercise. Obviously everyone is different and I have "more to lose" but unless you're already very thin, close to goal or have a medical reason. 1200 calories a day, every day seems unsustainable to me.
  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    I do 1,200 calories a day (at least I try)...anyone feel free to add me. I know that some folks frown upon 1,200 calories but my doctor approved that so I have no concerns...not to mention I did it in the past and lost 130 pounds...low and behold I had a 3rd baby so now I'm working off that weight...let's do this together. Also, I have an app on my phone called "Healthy Recipes" and it's fantastic!!! Very easy recipes with low calorie counts.
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    I am also on 1200 calories a day and this is my first week so I have no friends and no ideas. I go to the gym 4 times a week and try not to eat any meal that's more than 400 calories. I drink A LOT of cappuccino (about 4 cups a day, instant) so to offset that I take in less calories with food and I ignore the additonal calories workouts give me just in case I slip. My choices right now are all in the fozen food section at the market so any other ideas would be greatly appreciated....please add me.

    Try the group section for more information and more ideas.
    This is a good one to start with.

    Good Luck!
  • hi im doing 1200 as well already lost 21 lbs !
  • I triedthe 1200 calories for a month but my trainer yelled at me that i was starving myself. Now that I am up to 1600 calories, I am still only eating 1200. Very confused at this point.