Girls only please

hawaiibound Posts: 158
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok so i've been eating well (except for yesterday) I was driving through montana and north dakota and my only options for lunch and dinner were gas stations. But I weighed myself last night at i've actually gained 3lbs this week. I'm on my period so i'm hoping thats why i've gained instead of lost. Please help. Is that why or am i'm not eating right. My diarys are public so please look and see. If its my period causing the weight gain is there anything I can do to help that. Thanks for the help and advice.


  • segayton
    segayton Posts: 1
    PMS will definitely get you with the out of the ordinary eating and extra weight gain. Give it a couple days, drinks lots of water and you will more than likely have a nice loss on the scales. Good luck.
  • maz81
    maz81 Posts: 10 Member
    its most likely that the 3lb gain is cos of TOTM i know i show upto a 4lb gain when im on TOTM but trust me as soon as they finish the weight just goes back to normal.
    just keep drinking plenty of water and it will sort itself out
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    If you have your period and are retaining water as part of it, who cares if you gained three lbs??? The weight is just numbers, and once your body reverts to normal, the weight will likely not be there either. You could even avoid weighing yourself during TOM if you see that there is a pattern of temporary weight gain during that time. I wouldn't sweat it, and would drink lots of water to flush out any swelling or bloating.
  • cjjohnson
    cjjohnson Posts: 32 Member
    I agree, the bloating and extra water can definitely account for the gain. Really rehydrate and skip the weigh-in this week, and next weeks weigh-in should be great!
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    I agree with all the above. Also, if you have been eating from gas stations, you are probably getting a lot more sodium than you should be. So drinking plenty of water should help.
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    Agreed as well. I weigh myself once a month, but if that falls when I have my period - or expecting it - I skip it until I know it's over. The PMS, bloating, and mood swings are enough to handle! HAHA!
  • devoneyk
    devoneyk Posts: 15
    I am so glad I found this post! I weighed myself this morning and noticed almost a 2lb weight gain from last week, and I got kinda down. Then I did realize that it was TOTM. I never really weighed myself a whole lot before I started dieting so I had no idea really that I would gain 2 lbs in under a week. I am hoping that once It's gone I will see a drop again. Gotta love being a girl :blushing:
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I have been at goal weight for over a year now. I usually weigh myself every 2-3 days, except for TOM. I stay away from the scale, track my food, get all my water in, and visit the scale no earlier than a few days after my period is done.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    TOM can definitely give you a few extra lbs!!! :happy: I try not to weigh anytime near TOM.
  • momma2five
    momma2five Posts: 7
    you know whats weird, i started my period also, but my weight on the scale went down, im guessing ur bloated and that much driving means ur not getten much exercises, its to be expected, next week ull do better
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Agreed. I can always count on a 2-4lbs. bloat throughout my entire period. I just flush with lots of water and try not to kick the scale that week! It's best to not step on it til TOM is over. :)
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